Source code for servermgr.postgres

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Postgres process management.

Use this module to initialize a postgres data directory and to 
manage a postgres server.

Environment Variables

POSTGRES_VERSION - if specified, this will be the default version of postgres. The 
documentation for the **Manager** class describes how the version of postgres is chosen.


import copy
import os
import psycopg2
import subprocess

import base

[docs]class DatabaseException(base.WorkerError): """Database exceptions."""
[docs]def _check_lockdir_permissions(): """ Make sure we have permission to create a postgres postfile. :raises: **DatabaseException** if we do not have write permission on the lockfile directory. """ if not os.access("/var/run/postgresql", os.W_OK): raise DatabaseException("We require write access to the postgres lockfile directory, /var/run/postgresql.")
[docs]def _get_default_postgres_version(): """ Select the default version of postgres to use. If the environment variable POSTGRES_VERSION is set, use that. Otherwise, use the largest numbered directory in /usr/lib/postgresql. :returns: the default version of postgres, or **None** if we can't determine the default postgres version. """ environ_version = os.environ.get("POSTGRES_VERSION", None) if environ_version: return environ_version # Pick the version with the largest number in the directory /usr/lib/postgresql; try: return max([(float(d), d) for d in os.listdir("/usr/lib/postgresql")])[1] # bad directory; except OSError: pass # can't convert name to a float; except ValueError: pass return None
[docs]def _env_with_postgres_path(pg_version): """ Return a new environment with Postgres bin directories append to the end. """ env = copy.copy(os.environ) new_path_element = "/usr/lib/postgresql/%s/bin" % pg_version env["PATH"] += ":" + new_path_element return env, new_path_element
[docs]def _initialize_directory(directory, pg_version): """Initialize a postgres data directory. :param directory: Name of the postgres data directory. :param pg_version: The version of postgres to use. :raises: **OSError** if subprocess execution fails. :raises: **DatabaseException** on initdb error. """ env, new_path_elem = _env_with_postgres_path(pg_version) try: process = subprocess.Popen(["initdb", "-D", directory], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True, env=env) except OSError, ex: ex.strerror += ": initdb; new path element:" + new_path_elem raise ex process.wait() messages = errors = if errors.find("WARNING") >= 0: messages += errors errors = "" if errors: raise DatabaseException(errors) return messages
[docs]class Manager(base.Manager): """ Postgres manager object. Selecting the postgres version: * Use the version specified by the pg_version parameter. * If pg_version is not specified, use the environment variable POSTGRES_VERSION. * If the environment variable is not set, use the highest numbered version in the directory /usr/lib/postgresql. :param host: the interface to listen on. :type host: string :param port: the post to listen on. :type port: int :param db_dir: the database data directory. :type db_dir: string :param initialize: If this flag is true, the database data directory will be initialized iff the data directory does not already exist. :type initialize: bool :param pg_version: Version of postgres to use. :type pg_version: string :raises: **DatabaseException** if data directory initialization fails. """ __implements__ = base.ManagerInterface def __init__(self, host, port, db_dir, initialize=False, pg_version="", **kwargs): super(Manager, self).__init__("Postgres", **kwargs) _check_lockdir_permissions() if not pg_version: pg_version = _get_default_postgres_version() if not pg_version: raise DatabaseException("could not select a version of postgres to use.") = host self.port = port self.db_dir = db_dir self.pg_version = pg_version if initialize and not os.path.exists(db_dir): _initialize_directory(db_dir, pg_version)
[docs] def health(self): """ Check manager health. :raises: **WorkerError** if we cannot connect to the database """ try: psycopg2.connect(database="postgres", port=self.port) return except psycopg2.OperationalError, ex: raise base.WorkerError(ex)
[docs] def start(self, wait=True, timeout=10.0): """Launch the postgres process. :param wait: If true, call self.ready_wait() after starting the subprocess. :param timeout: When calling ready_wait(), use this timeout value. :raises: **OSError** if postgres fails to launch. """ base.address_free_check(, self.port) env, new_path_elem = _env_with_postgres_path(self.pg_version) try: self.process = subprocess.Popen(["postgres", "-D", self.db_dir, "-h",, "-p", str(self.port)], stdout=file("/dev/null"), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True, env=env) except OSError, ex: ex.strerror += ": postgres; new path element:" + new_path_elem raise ex if wait: self.ready_wait(timeout=timeout)
[docs]def main(): """ You can use this script to start a copy of postgres. Usage: [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -H HOST, --host=HOST listener hostname -p PORT, --port=PORT listener port -d DATADIR, --datadir=DATADIR data directory -i INITIALIZE, --init=INITIALIZE initialize data directory -v VERSION, --version=VERSION postgres version """ import optparse import signal import sys def to_bool(val): """Convert boolean string to an actual bool""" return dict(True=True, False=False)[val] def interrupt(_unused_signum, _unused_frame): """Handle user stopping with control-C.""" print >> sys.stderr, "Keyboard interrupt, exiting." sys.exit() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, interrupt) default_host = "localhost" default_port = 15432 default_datadir = os.environ.get("POSTGRES_DATA", "/var/tmp/pg_data") default_initialize = True default_version = "" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]") parser.add_option("-H", "--host", action="store", dest="host", help="listener hostname") parser.add_option("-p", "--port", action="store", dest="port", help="listener port") parser.add_option("-d", "--datadir", action="store", dest="datadir", help="data directory") parser.add_option("-i", "--init", action="store", dest="initialize", help="initialize data directory") parser.add_option("-v", "--version", action="store", dest="version", help="postgres version") (options, _unused_args) = parser.parse_args() host = if else default_host port = int(options.port) if options.port else default_port datadir = options.datadir if options.datadir else default_datadir initialize = to_bool(options.initialize) if options.initialize else default_initialize pg_version = options.version if options.version else default_version db_manager = Manager(host, port, datadir, initialize=initialize, pg_version=pg_version) print >> sys.stderr, "starting database..." db_manager.start() print >> sys.stderr, "database ready on %s:%d using data directory %s." % (host, port, datadir) db_manager.wait()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()