Source code for seapy.subsystems.subsystem


.. autoclass:: seapy.subsystems.subsystem.Subsystem


from ..base import Base, ComponentLink, LinkedList, Spectrum
import abc
import math
import cmath
import numpy as np

from weakref import WeakSet
import logging

from seapy.excitations import excitations_map   # Circular dependency!

[docs]class Subsystem(Base): """Abstract Base Class for subsystems.""" SORT = 'Subsystem' _DEPENDENCIES = ['component'] component = ComponentLink() """ Component this subsystem uses. """ linked_couplings_from = LinkedList() """ Set of couplings in which the subsystem is in the From field. """ linked_couplings_to = LinkedList() """ Set of couplings in which the subsystem is in the To field. """ linked_excitations = LinkedList() """ Set of excitations this subsystem experiences. """ #def __init__(self, name, component, **properties):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, system, **properties): """Constructor. :param name: Identifier :type name: string :param component: Component :type component: :class:`SeaPy.components.Component` """ super().__init__(name, system, **properties) #super().__init__(name, component.system, **properties) #self.component = component #""" #Component this subsystem uses. #"""
def __del__(self): """Destructor. Destroy linked couplings. Remove references from components""" for coupling in self.linked_couplings_from:"Destructor %s: Deleting linked coupling %s",, coupling) self.system.removeObject(coupling) for coupling in self.linked_couplings_to:"Destructor %s: Deleting linked coupling %s",, coupling) self.system.removeObject(coupling) for excitation in self.linked_excitations:"Destructor %s: Deleting linked excitation %s",, excitation) self.system.removeObject(excitation) try: self.component.__dict__['linked_subsystems'].remove( except ReferenceError: pass #self.system.subsystems.remove( super().__del__() # Inherit destructor from base class
[docs] def disable(self, couplings=False): """ Disable this subsystem. Optionally disable dependent couplings as well. :param couplings: Disable couplings :type couplings: bool """ self._enabled = False if couplings: for coupling in self.linked_couplings: coupling.disable()
[docs] def enable(self, couplings=False): """ Enable this subsystem. Optionally enable dependent couplings as well. :param couplings: Enable couplings :type couplings: bool """ self._enabled = True if couplings: for coupling in self.linked_couplings: coupling.enable()
[docs] def addExcitation(self, name, model, **properties): """Add excitation to subsystem. """ obj = excitations_map[model](name, self.system.getObject(, **properties) self.system._objects.append(obj) obj = self.system.getObject( #self.linked_excitations.add(obj) return obj
modal_energy = Spectrum(dtype='float64') """Modal energy. """ #def _set_modal_overlap_factor(self, x): #self._modal_overlap_factor = x #def _get_modal_overlap_factor(self): #if not self._modal_overlap_factor: #return self.component.material.loss_factor #else: #self._modal_overlap_factor #_modal_overlap_factor = None #modal_overlap_factor = property(fget=_get_modal_overlap_factor, fset=_set_modal_overlap_factor) #""" #Modal overlap factor. Initial value is based on damping loss factor of subsystem. #After solving the system a first time, this value is updated to its results. #This value is iteratively updated. #""" @property @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def soundspeed_phase(self): """ Phase velocity in a subsystem. """ return
@property @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def soundspeed_group(self): """ Group velocity in a subsystem. """ return
@property @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def average_frequency_spacing(self): """" Average frequency spacing. """ return
[docs] def modal_density(self): """ Modal density. .. math:: n(\\omega) = \\frac{1}{2 \\pi \\overline{\\delta f}} See Lyon, eq. 8.1.6 """ try: return 1.0 / (2.0 * np.pi * self.average_frequency_spacing) except FloatingPointError: return np.zeros(self.frequency.amount)
[docs] def modal_overlap(self): """ Modal overlap. .. math:: M = \\eta_d \\omega n with: * damping loss factor :math:`\\eta` * angular frequency :math:`\\omega` * modal density :math:`n` See Craik, equation 2.23, page 41. """ return self.dlf * self.frequency.angular * self.modal_density
@property #@abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def wavenumber(self): """ Wave number. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def impedance(self): """ Impedance :math:`Z` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def resistance(self): """ Resistance :math:`R`, the real part of the impedance :math:`Z`. .. math:: R = \\Re{Z} """ return np.real(self.impedance)
[docs] def conductance(self): """ Conductance :math:`G`. .. math:: G = \\frac{1}{R} """ return 1.0 / self.resistance
[docs] def mobility(self): """ Mobility `Y` .. math:: Y = \\frac{1}{Z} """ try: return 1.0 / self.impedance except FloatingPointError: return np.zeros(self.frequency.amount)
[docs] def damping_term(self): """ The damping term is the ratio of the modal half-power bandwidth to the average modal frequency spacing. .. math:: \\beta_{ii} = \\frac{f \\eta_{loss} }{\\overline{\\delta f}} See Lyon, above equation 12.1.4 """ try: return * self.component.material.loss_factor / self.average_frequency_spacing except FloatingPointError: return np.zeros(self.frequency.amount)
[docs] def modal_overlap_factor(self): """ Modal overlap factor. .. math:: M = \\frac{ \\pi \\beta_{ii} }{2} See Lyon, above equation 12.1.4 """ return np.pi * self.damping_term / 2.0
[docs] def power_input(self): """ Total input power due to excitations. """ power = np.zeros(self.frequency.amount) #print self.linked_excitations for excitation in self.linked_excitations: power = power + excitation.power return power
[docs] def energy(self): """ Total energy :math:`E` in subsystem. .. math:: E = M(\\omega) n(\\omega) """ return self.modal_energy * self.modal_density
@property def dlf(self): """Damping loss factor of subsystem. By default this is the loss factor of the material of the component. """ if self._dlf: return self._dlf else: return self.component.material.loss_factor _dlf = None @dlf.setter def dlf(self, x): self._dlf = x @dlf.deleter
[docs] def dlf(self): self._dlf = None
[docs] def tlf(self): """Total loss factor. .. math:: \\eta_i = \\eta_{id} + \\sum_{j=1, j \\neq i}^{n} \\eta_{ij} See Craik, equation 3.18, page 60. """ return np.sum((coupling.clf for coupling in self.linked_couplings_from if coupling.included), axis=0) + self.dlf * self.included