************* s3 Change Log ************* .. contents:: Table of Contents 0.1.3 (2014-06-11) ================== * initial release 1.0.0 (2015-05-11) ================== * backward compatible with 0.1.3 * fix auth signing Amazon does not sign all parameters. Re-introduced AWS_QUERY_PARAMS and added parameters to support multi-part uploads, and bucket operations. * fix bug which mangled the message returned by storage.read for read errors. * bucket management A large assortment of bucket methods to create, configure, get, list, and delete buckets. * expose request module's response object After each Storage method call, the **response** attribute now contains the raw response object returned by the requests module. In the event of errors, StorageError.response contains the raw response object if it is available and None otherwise. * Configurable retry logic around requests.request() Added 'retry' key to 's3' in s3.yaml. Default is {'limit': 5, 'interval': 2.5, 'status_codes': [104,]} * s3 Command Line Tool get, put, delete, and list files from the command line. 2.0.0 (2015-05-18) ================== * s3 Command Line Tool * Add -b option to turn on automatic bucket creation. 1.0.0 created buckets automatically if they did not exist. This caused permission errors in some cases. Could have preserved backwards compatibility by having this option turn off automatic bucket creation - but that would make the option more confusing - it was a bad idea to begin with. * Fix faulty (and fatal) reference to self.connection.default_bucket * Use self.args not args * README.rst * Clarify bucket prefix * Include output of s3 --help 3.0.0 (2015-05-26) ================== * s3 Command Line Tool * Changed -b, --bucket. Use create-bucket instead. Option now allows you to specify which bucket to use instead of the default bucket. This was surely the best name for the specify bucket option. I opted for a cleaner API instead of backwards compatibility. Going forwards, I'll try to avoid another major version update. * Added new commands * create-bucket [bucket_name] Creates bucket_name or the default bucket if bucket_name is empty. * delete-bucket [bucket_name] Deletes bucket_name or the default bucket if bucket_name is empty. * list-buckets [bucket_name] List all the buckets of the account or list bucket_name only.