Source code for rosetta.common_math

Common math functions.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.random import choice

from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix

[docs]def pandas_to_ndarray_wrap(X, copy=True): """ Converts X to a ndarray and provides a function to help convert back to pandas object. Parameters ---------- X : Series/DataFrame/ndarray copy : Boolean If True, return a copy. Returns ------- Xvals : ndarray If X is a Series/DataFrame, then Xvals = X.values, if ndarray, Xvals = X F : Function F(Xvals) = X """ if copy: X = X.copy() if isinstance(X, pd.Series): return X.values, lambda Z: pd.Series(np.squeeze(Z), index=X.index) elif isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): return X.values, lambda Z: pd.DataFrame( Z, index=X.index, columns=X.columns) elif isinstance(X, np.ndarray) or isspmatrix(X): return X, lambda Z: Z else: raise ValueError("Unhandled type: %s" % type(X))
[docs]def subsample_arr(arr, N=None, frac_keep=None): """ Subsample a Series, DataFrame, or ndarray along axis 0. Parameters ---------- arr : Series, DataFrame, or ndarray N : Integer Number of samples to keep frac_keep : Real in [0, 1] Fraction of samples to keep Returns ------- subsampled : Series, DataFrame, or ndarray A copy """ # Input checking assert ((N is None) and (frac_keep is not None)) \ or ((N is not None) and (frac_keep is None)) # if N is None: N = int(len(arr) * frac_keep) if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): index = choice(range(len(arr)), size=N, replace=False) return arr[np.ix_(index)] elif isinstance(arr, pd.Series) or isinstance(arr, pd.DataFrame): index = choice(arr.index, size=N, replace=False) return arr.ix[index] else: raise ValueError("arr of unhandled type: %s" % type(arr))
[docs]def get_item_names(data): """ If DataFrame, return columns, if Series, return index. """ if isinstance(data, pd.Series): items = data.index elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): items = data.columns else: raise TypeError("Argument type %s is a type not handled" % type(data)) return items
[docs]def series_to_frame(data): """ If length(N) Series, return an N x 1 Frame with name equal to the series name. If frame, passthrough. Parameters ---------- data : pandas Series or DataFrame. """ if isinstance(data, pd.Series) or isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data = pd.DataFrame(data) else: raise ValueError("type(data) = %s is not handled" % type(data)) return data