Complex Plotting the Fun Way

The basic philosophy of rootplot (stolen from matplotlib) is to make easy things easy and hard things possible. In our case, this means taking away the tedious process of writing a custom macro every time you want to visualize your ROOT histograms. Wouldn’t it be easier if you could call a command that would do the tedious work for you and handle in a simple way all of the most common manipulations that physicists want to make?

Of course it would!

rootplot is ...
...a way to rapidly visualize your data and try out different layouts
You can make a webpage containing images of all your histograms by a quick call to rootplot histograms.root, area-normalize them by adding the -n option, and change the title with --title="My Fancy Title".
...the starting point for your perfect plot
You can control most aspects of your plots directly from the command-line, but when you decide you need to add a fit to the data and overlay pictures of rainbows and unicorns, rootplot can output a python script or a ROOT .C macro to give you a jumpstart on your masterpiece.
...a tool that meets you where you are
Although rootplot is a pure-python module, no familiarity with python or pyROOT is necessary. You can work completely from the command-line, utilize the python API, or export .C macros.

The application is also a great way to test out the formidable plotting capabilities of matplotlib. For that job, you’ll need mod:rootplot‘s more elegant twin, rootplotmpl, which shares the same interface, but produces output in matplotlib through use of the root2matplotlib library.

A full list of available options for ROOT output can be accessed by calling rootplot -h:

[?1034hUsage: rootplot [] targets [options]

Targets may be either multiple root files to compare or a single root file 
followed by multiple histograms or folders to compare.  For example:
    rootplot fileA.root fileB.root fileC.root
    rootplot file.root dirA dirB dirC
    rootplot file.root dirA/hist1 dirA/hist2

Full documentation is available at:

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  Control the overall behavior of rootplot:
    --config            do nothing but write a template configuration file
    --debug             turn off error-catching to more easily identify errors
    --path='.*'         only process plot(s) matching this regular expression
    --processors=4      the number of parallel plotting processes to create

  Control the output format:
    -e png, --ext=png   choose an output extension
    --merge             sets --ext=pdf and creates a merged file containing
                        all plots
    --noclean           skips destroying the output directory before drawing
    --output=plots      name of output directory
    --numbering         print page numbers on images and prepend them to file
                        names; numbering will respect the order of objects in
                        the ROOT file
    --size=700x500      set the canvas size to 'width x height' in pixels

  Manipulate your histograms:
    -n, --area-normalize
                        area-normalize the histograms
    --scale=VAL         normalize all histograms by VAL, or by individual
                        values if VAL is a comma-separated list
    --normalize=NUM     normalize to the NUMth target (starting with 1)
                        only use the specified data range in determining the
    --rebin=N           group together bins in sets of N
    --ratio=NUM         divide histograms by the NUMth target (starting from
    --ratio-split=NUM   same as --ratio, but split the figure in two,
                        displaying the normal figure on top and the ratio on
                        the bottom
    --efficiency=NUM    same as --ratio, but with errors computed by the
                        Wilson score interval
                        same as --ratio-split, but with errors computed by the
                        Wilson score interval

  Fine-tune your style:
    --draw='p H'        argument to pass to ROOT's Draw command; try 'e' for
                        errorbars, or 'hist' to make sure no errorbars appear
    --draw2D=box        argument to pass to TH2::Draw (ignored if multiple
                        targets specified); set to "" to turn off 2D drawing
    -f, --fill          Histograms will have a color fill
    --stack             stack histograms
    -m, --markers       add markers to histograms
    --xerr              show width of bins
    --data=NUM          treat the NUMth target (starting from 1) specially,
                        drawing it as black datapoints; to achieve a classic
                        data vs. MC plot, try this along with --stack and
    --xmax=XMAX         set the maximum value of the x-axis
    --xmin=XMIN         set the minimum value of the x-axis
    --ymax=YMAX         set the maximum value of the y-axis
    --ymin=YMIN         set the minimum value of the y-axis
    --zmax=ZMAX         set the maximum value of the z-axis
    --zmin=ZMIN         set the minimum value of the z-axis
    --legend-location='upper right'
                        Place legend in LOC, according to matplotlib location
                        codes; try 'lower left' or 'center'; to turn off, set
                        to 'None'
                        A comma-separated string giving the labels to appear
                        in the legend
    --title=TITLE       replace the plot titles, or append to them by
                        preceeding with a '+'
    --xlabel=XLABEL     replace the x-axis labels, or append to them by
                        preceeding with a '+'
    --ylabel=YLABEL     replace the y-axis labels, or append to them by
                        preceeding with a '+'
    --grid              toggle the grid on or off for both axes
    --gridx             toggle the grid on or off for the x axis
    --gridy             toggle the grid on or off for the y axis
    --logx              force log scale for x axis
    --logy              force log scale for y axis
    --overflow          display overflow content in the highest bin
    --underflow         display underflow content in the lowest bin

And the list of options for output with matplotlib can be accessed by calling rootplotmpl -h:

[?1034hUsage: rootplotmpl [] targets [options]

Targets may be either multiple root files to compare or a single root file 
followed by multiple histograms or folders to compare.  For example:
    rootplotmpl fileA.root fileB.root fileC.root
    rootplotmpl file.root dirA dirB dirC
    rootplotmpl file.root dirA/hist1 dirA/hist2

Full documentation is available at:

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  Control the overall behavior of rootplot:
    --config            do nothing but write a template configuration file
    --debug             turn off error-catching to more easily identify errors
    --path='.*'         only process plot(s) matching this regular expression
    --processors=4      the number of parallel plotting processes to create

  Control the output format:
    -e png, --ext=png   choose an output extension
    --merge             sets --ext=pdf and creates a merged file containing
                        all plots
    --noclean           skips destroying the output directory before drawing
    --output=plots      name of output directory
    --numbering         print page numbers on images and prepend them to file
                        names; numbering will respect the order of objects in
                        the ROOT file
    --size=8.0x6.0      set the canvas size to 'width x height' in inches
    --dpi=80            set the resolution of the output files
    --transparent       use a transparent background

  Manipulate your histograms:
    -n, --area-normalize
                        area-normalize the histograms
    --scale=VAL         normalize all histograms by VAL, or by individual
                        values if VAL is a comma-separated list
    --normalize=NUM     normalize to the NUMth target (starting with 1)
                        only use the specified data range in determining the
    --rebin=N           group together bins in sets of N
    --ratio=NUM         divide histograms by the NUMth target (starting from
    --ratio-split=NUM   same as --ratio, but split the figure in two,
                        displaying the normal figure on top and the ratio on
                        the bottom
    --efficiency=NUM    same as --ratio, but with errors computed by the
                        Wilson score interval
                        same as --ratio-split, but with errors computed by the
                        Wilson score interval

  Fine-tune your style:
    --draw2D=box        command to use for plotting 2D hists; (ignored if
                        multiple targets specified) choose from 'contour',
                        'col', 'colz', and 'box'
    --errorbar          output a matplotlib errorbar graph
    --barcluster        output a clustered bar graph
    --barh              output a horizontal clustered bar graph
    --bar               output a bar graph with all histograms overlaid
    --hist              output a matplotlib hist graph (no fill)
    --histfill          output a matplotlib hist graph with solid fill
    --stack             stack histograms
    -m, --markers       add markers to histograms
    --xerr              show width of bins
    --data=NUM          treat the NUMth target (starting from 1) specially,
                        drawing it as black datapoints; to achieve a classic
                        data vs. MC plot, try this along with --stack
    --xmax=XMAX         set the maximum value of the x-axis
    --xmin=XMIN         set the minimum value of the x-axis
    --ymax=YMAX         set the maximum value of the y-axis
    --ymin=YMIN         set the minimum value of the y-axis
    --zmax=ZMAX         set the maximum value of the z-axis
    --zmin=ZMIN         set the minimum value of the z-axis
    --legend-location='upper right'
                        Place legend in LOC, according to matplotlib location
                        codes; try 'lower left' or 'center'; to turn off, set
                        to 'None'
                        A comma-separated string giving the labels to appear
                        in the legend
    --legend-ncols=1    Number of columns to use in the legend
    --title=TITLE       replace the plot titles, or append to them by
                        preceeding with a '+'
    --xlabel=XLABEL     replace the x-axis labels, or append to them by
                        preceeding with a '+'
    --ylabel=YLABEL     replace the y-axis labels, or append to them by
                        preceeding with a '+'
    --grid              toggle the grid on or off for both axes
    --gridx             toggle the grid on or off for the x axis
    --gridy             toggle the grid on or off for the y axis
    --cmap=CMAP         matplotlib colormap to use for 2D plots
    --barwidth=1.0      fraction of the bin width for bars to fill
    --alpha=0.5         set the opacity of fills
    --logx              force log scale for x axis
    --logy              force log scale for y axis
    --overflow          display overflow content in the highest bin
    --underflow         display underflow content in the lowest bin

The Application Programming Interface

An API and a CLI for quickly building complex figures.

rootplot.core.plot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

call signature:

plot(file1, file2, file3, ..., target, **kwargs):

build a ROOT canvas, pulling the target histogram from each of the files.

call signature:

plotmpl(file, target1, target2, target3, ..., **kwargs):

build a ROOT canvas, pulling all target histograms from file.

With either of these signatures, the plot style is specified through kwargs, which can accept any of the options available to rootplot at the command-line.

Returns the tuple (canvas, pads, stack, hists, plotpath).

rootplot.core.plotmpl(*args, **kwargs)[source]

call signature:

plotmpl(file1, file2, file3, ..., target, **kwargs):

build a matplotlib figure, pulling the target histogram from each of the files.

call signature:

plotmpl(file, target1, target2, target3, ..., **kwargs):

build a matplotlib figure, pulling all target histograms from file.

With either of these signatures, the plot style is specified through kwargs, which can accept any of the options available to rootplotmpl at the command-line.

Returns the tuple (figure, axeses, stack, hists, plotpath).

rootplot.core.rootplot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

call signature:

rootplot(file1, file2, file3, ..., **kwargs):

build ROOT canvases from corresponding histograms in each of the files.

call signature:

rootplot(file, folder1, folder2, folder3, ..., **kwargs):

build ROOT canvases from corresponding histograms in each of the folders in file.

call signature:

rootplot(file, target1, target2, target3, ..., **kwargs):

build a ROOT canvas from each of the targets in file.

With any of these call signatures, images are generated in an output directory along with a script with the necessary calls to plot() to reproduce each of the canvases. The plot style is specified through kwargs, which can accept any of the options available to rootplot at the command-line.

rootplot.core.rootplotmpl(*args, **kwargs)[source]

call signature:

rootplotmpl(file1, file2, file3, ..., **kwargs):

build ROOT canvases from corresponding histograms in each of the files.

call signature:

rootplotmpl(file, folder1, folder2, folder3, ..., **kwargs):

build ROOT canvases from corresponding histograms in each of the folders in file.

call signature:

rootplotmpl(file, target1, target2, target3, ..., **kwargs):

build a ROOT canvas from each of the targets in file.

With any of these call signatures, images are generated in an output directory along with a script with the necessary calls to plotmpl() to reproduce each of the canvases. The plot style is specified through kwargs, which can accept any of the options available to rootplotmpl at the command-line.

Customization of rootplot

Most of the style options for your output can be specified in a rootlogon.C or matplotlibrc depending on which kind of output you’d like. Documentation on this kind of configuration can be found on the websites of ROOT and matplotlib respectively.

There are, however, several style options which are specific to rootplot. These include the line colors and markers used, as well as the dictionary used for text replacement with matplotlib. If you’d like to customize these for your own use, simply make a configuration file with a .py extension and add the file to your list of arguments to rootplot. You can get a nice default with all the configurable parameters by calling:

$ rootplot --config

Table Of Contents

Previous topic

Tools for Quick and Attractive Plotting with ROOT

Next topic

Beautifying ROOT with matplotlib

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