
This features module provides access to features of the bytes of content in revisions.

revscoring.features.temporal.revision = {temporal.revision}

Represents the base revision of interest. Implements this a basic structure:

Supporting classes

class revscoring.features.temporal.Revision(name, revision_datasources)

Represents a revision

day_of_week = None

int : the day of week when the edit was made (in UTC)

hour_of_day = None

int : the hour of day when the edit was made (in UTC)

parent = None

Revision : The parent (aka “previous”) revision of the page.

page = None

Page : The page in which the revision was saved.

user = None

User : The user who saved the revision.

class revscoring.features.temporal.ParentRevision(name, revision_datasources)

Represents a parent revision

seconds_since = None

int : The number of seconds since the parent revision was saved.

class revscoring.features.temporal.LastUserRevision(name, revision_datasources)

Represents a revision user’s last revision

seconds_since = None

int: The number of seconds since the user last saved an edit

class revscoring.features.temporal.PageCreation(name, revision_datasources)

Represents a page’s creating revision

seconds_since = None

int: The number of seconds since the page was created

class revscoring.features.temporal.Page(name, revision_datasources)

Represents a revision’s page

creation = None

PageCreation : The first revision of the page

class revscoring.features.temporal.User(name, revision_datasources)

Represents a revision user

seconds_since_registration = None

int : The number of seconds since the user registered their account – or zero in the case of anons. If the user has a registration date that is after the revision timestamp (should be implossible, but happens sometimes), the user is assumed to be 1 year old.

last_revision = None

Revision : The last revision saved by the user.

Revision Scoring


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