Consumer Examples ================= The following example illustrates a very simple consumer that simply logs each message body as it's received. .. code:: python from rejected import consumer import logging __version__ = '1.0.0' LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ExampleConsumer(consumer.Consumer): def process(self): All interaction with RabbitMQ with regard to connection management and message handling, including acknowledgements and rejections are automatically handled for you. The ``__version__`` variable provides context in the rejected log files when consumers are started and can be useful for investigating consumer behaviors in production. In this next example, a contrived ``ExampleConsumer._connect_to_database`` method is added that will return ``False``. When ``ExampleConsumer.process`` evaluates if it could connect to the database and finds it can not, it will raise a :py:class:`rejected.consumer.ConsumerException` which will requeue the message in RabbitMQ and increment an error counter. When too many errors occur, rejected will automatically restart the consumer after a brief quiet period. For more information on these exceptions, check out the :ref:`consumer API documentation `. .. code:: python from rejected import consumer import logging __version__ = '1.0.0' LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ExampleConsumer(consumer.Consumer): def _connect_to_database(self): return False def process(self): if not self._connect_to_database: raise consumer.ConsumerException('Database error') Some consumers are also publishers. In this next example, the message body will be republished to a new exchange on the same RabbitMQ connection: .. code:: python from rejected import consumer import logging __version__ = '1.0.0' LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ExampleConsumer(consumer.PublishingConsumer): def process(self): self.publish('new-exchange', 'routing-key', {}, self.body) Note that the previous example extends :py:class:`rejected.consumer.PublishingConsumer` instead of :py:class:`rejected.consumer.Consumer`. For more information about what base consumer classes exist, be sure to check out the :ref:`consumer API documentation `.