Command-Line Options ==================== The rejected command line application allows you to spawn the rejected process as a daemon. Additionally it has options for running interactively (``-f``), which along with the ``-o`` switch for specifying a single consumer to run and ``-q`` to specify quantity, makes for easier debugging. If you specify ``-P /path/to/write/data/to``, rejected will automatically enable :py:mod:`cProfile`, writing the profiling data to the path specified. This can be used in conjunction with graphviz to diagram code execution and hotspots. Help ---- .. code:: usage: rejected [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-f] [-P PROFILE] [-o CONSUMER] [-p PREPEND_PATH] [-q QUANTITY] RabbitMQ consumer framework optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Path to the configuration file -f, --foreground Run the application interactively -P PROFILE, --profile PROFILE Profile the consumer modules, specifying the output directory. -o CONSUMER, --only CONSUMER Only run the consumer specified -p PREPEND_PATH, --prepend-path PREPEND_PATH Prepend the python path with the value. -q QUANTITY, --qty QUANTITY Run the specified quanty of consumer processes when used in conjunction with -o