Source code for rasterstats.point

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from shapely.geometry import shape
from shapely import wkt
from import masked
from numpy import asscalar
from .io import read_features, Raster

def point_window_unitxy(x, y, affine):
    """ Given an x, y and a geotransform
        - rasterio window representing 2x2 window whose center points encompass point
        - the cartesian x, y coordinates of the point on the unit square
          defined by the array center points.

    ((row1, row2), (col1, col2)), (unitx, unity)
    fcol, frow = ~affine * (x, y)
    r, c = int(round(frow)), int(round(fcol))

    # The new source window for our 2x2 array
    new_win = ((r - 1, r + 1), (c - 1, c + 1))

    # the new x, y coords on the unit square
    unitxy = (0.5 - (c - fcol),
              0.5 + (r - frow))

    return new_win, unitxy

def bilinear(arr, x, y):
    """ Given a 2x2 array, an x, and y, treat center points as a unit square
    return the value for the fractional row/col
    using bilinear interpolation between the cells

        | A | B |      +----+
        +---+---+  =>  |    |
        | C | D |      +----+

        e.g.: Center of A is at (0, 1) on unit square, D is at (1, 0), etc
    # for now, only 2x2 arrays
    assert arr.shape == (2, 2)
    ulv, urv, llv, lrv = arr[0:2, 0:2].flatten().tolist()

    # not valid if not on unit square
    assert 0.0 <= x <= 1.0
    assert 0.0 <= y <= 1.0

    if hasattr(arr, 'count') and arr.count() != 4:
        # a masked array with at least one nodata
        # fall back to nearest neighbor
        val = arr[round(1 - y), round(x)]
        if val is masked:
            return None
            return asscalar(val)

    # bilinear interp on unit square
    return ((llv * (1 - x) * (1 - y)) +
            (lrv * x * (1 - y)) +
            (ulv * (1 - x) * y) +
            (urv * x * y))

def geom_xys(geom):
    """Given a shapely geometry,
    generate a flattened series of 2D points as x,y tuples
    if geom.has_z:
        # hack to convert to 2D,
        geom = wkt.loads(geom.to_wkt())
        assert not geom.has_z

    if hasattr(geom, "geoms"):
        geoms = geom.geoms
        geoms = [geom]

    for g in geoms:
        arr = g.array_interface_base['data']
        for pair in zip(arr[::2], arr[1::2]):
            yield pair

[docs]def point_query(*args, **kwargs): """The primary point query entry point. All arguments are passed directly to ``gen_point_query``. See its docstring for details. The only difference is that ``point_query`` will return a list rather than a generator.""" return list(gen_point_query(*args, **kwargs))
[docs]def gen_point_query( vectors, raster, band=1, layer=0, nodata=None, affine=None, interpolate='bilinear', property_name='value', geojson_out=False): """ Given a set of vector features and a raster, generate raster values at each vertex of the geometry For features with point geometry, the values will be a 1D with the index refering to the feature For features with other geometry types, it effectively creates a 2D list, such that the first index is the feature, the second is the vertex within the geometry Parameters ---------- vectors: path to an vector source or geo-like python objects raster: ndarray or path to a GDAL raster source If ndarray is passed, the `transform` kwarg is required. layer: int or string, optional If `vectors` is a path to an fiona source, specify the vector layer to use either by name or number. defaults to 0 band_num: int, optional If `raster` is a GDAL source, the band number to use (counting from 1). defaults to 1. nodata: float, optional If `raster` is a GDAL source, this value overrides any NODATA value specified in the file's metadata. If `None`, the file's metadata's NODATA value (if any) will be used. defaults to `None`. affine: Affine instance required only for ndarrays, otherwise it is read from src interpolate: string 'bilinear' or 'nearest' interpolation property_name: string name of property key if geojson_out geojson_out: boolean generate GeoJSON-like features (default: False) original feature geometry and properties will be retained point query values appended as additional properties. Returns ------- generator of arrays (if ``geojson_out`` is False) generator of geojson features (if ``geojson_out`` is True) """ if interpolate not in ['nearest', 'bilinear']: raise ValueError("interpolate must be nearest or bilinear") features_iter = read_features(vectors, layer) with Raster(raster, nodata=nodata, affine=affine, band=band) as rast: for feat in features_iter: geom = shape(feat['geometry']) vals = [] for x, y in geom_xys(geom): if interpolate == 'nearest': r, c = rast.index(x, y) window = ((r, r+1), (c, c+1)) src_array =, masked=True).array val = src_array[0, 0] if val is masked: vals.append(None) else: vals.append(asscalar(val)) elif interpolate == 'bilinear': window, unitxy = point_window_unitxy(x, y, rast.affine) src_array =, masked=True).array vals.append(bilinear(src_array, *unitxy)) if len(vals) == 1: vals = vals[0] # flatten single-element lists if geojson_out: if 'properties' not in feat: feat['properties'] = {} feat['properties'][property_name] = vals yield feat else: yield vals