Source code for rabacus.f2py.slab_bgnd

""" Wrapper to make python calling easy. """ 

import rabacus_fc
import numpy as np
from slab_base import SlabBase
from rabacus.constants import units
from rabacus.utils import utils
from rabacus.atomic import chemistry
from rabacus.atomic import cooling
from rabacus.hdf5 import h5py_wrap as h5
from rabacus.utils import units_string

__all__ = ['Slab2Bgnd']

[docs]class Slab2Bgnd(SlabBase): """ Solves a slab geometry in a uniform background. Radiation is implicitly incident from both sides of the slab. The slab is divided into `Nl` layers. Args: `Edges` (array): Distance to layer edges `T` (array): Temperature in each layer `nH` (array): hydrogen number density in each layer `nHe` (array): helium number density in each layer `rad_src` (:class:`~rabacus.rad_src.background.BackgroundSource`): Background source .. note:: The arrays `T`, `nH`, and `nHe` must all be the same size. This size determines the number of shells, `Nl`. `Edges` determines the positions of the layer edges and must have `Nl+1` entries. Kwargs: `rec_meth` (string): How to treat recombinations {"fixed", "ray"} `fixed_fcA` (float): If `rec_meth` = "fixed", constant caseA fraction `atomic_fit_name` (string): Source for atomic rate fits {"hg97"} `find_Teq` (bool): If ``False``, use fixed input T, if ``True`` solve for equilibrium T `z` (float): Redshift, only need if `find_Teq` = ``True`` `Hz` (float): Hubble parameter at `z` if Hubble cooling is desired. `verbose` (bool): Verbose output? `tol` (float): tolerance for all convergence tests `thin` (bool): if ``True`` only solves optically thin Attributes: `U` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.units.Units`) `z_c` (array): distance from surface of slab to center of layer `dz` (array): thickness of layer `NH_c` (array): H column density from surface of slab to center of layer `dNH` (array): H column density through layer `NH1_c` (array): HI column density from surface of slab to center of layer `dNH1` (array): HI column density through layer `H1i` (array): HI photo-ionization rate `H1h` (array): HI photo-heating rate `xH1` (array): H neutral fraction nHI / nH `xH2` (array): H ionized fraction nHII / nH `ne` (array): electron number density `fcA_H2` (array): HII case A fraction `cool` (array): cooling rate [erg / (cm^3 K)] `heat` (array): heating rate [erg / (cm^3 K)] `heatH1` (array): contribution to `heat` from H1 photoheating `dtauH1_th` (array): HI optical depth at H1 ionizing threshold through layer `tauH1_th_lo` (array): HI optical depth below this layer `tauH1_th_hi` (array): HI optical depth above this layer `NH1_thru` (float): HI column density through entire slab `Nl` (int): Number of layers `itr` (int): Number of iterations to converge .. note:: For many of the attributes above, there are analagous versions for helium. We also note that the source of the atomic rates fit is stored in the variable `atomic_fit_name`, but the source of the photoionization cross section fits are stored in the point source object in the variable `px_fit_type`. """ def __init__(self, Edges, T, nH, nHe, rad_src, # rec_meth = "fixed", fixed_fcA = 1.0, atomic_fit_name = "hg97", find_Teq = False, z = None, Hz = None, verbose = False, tol = 1.0e-4, thin = False, ): # initialize #----------------------------------------------- self.Edges = Edges.copy() self.T = T.copy() self.nH = nH.copy() self.nHe = nHe.copy() self.rad_src = rad_src self.rec_meth = rec_meth self.fixed_fcA = fixed_fcA self.atomic_fit_name = atomic_fit_name self.find_Teq = find_Teq self.verbose = verbose self.tol = tol self.thin = thin if z != None: self.z = z else: self.z = 0.0 # call base class init #----------------------------------------------- super(Slab2Bgnd,self).__init__() if Hz == None: self.Hz = 0.0 / self.U.s else: self.Hz = Hz self.Hz.units = '1/s' # check for even number of layers #----------------------------------------------- if self.nH.size % 2 != 0: msg = 'the number of layers must be even' raise utils.InputError(msg) # call solver #----------------------------------------------- self.call_fortran_solver() # do post-calculation #----------------------------------------------- super(Slab2Bgnd,self).__post__()
[docs] def call_fortran_solver( self ): (xH1, xH2, xHe1, xHe2, xHe3, H1i_src, He1i_src, He2i_src, H1i_rec, He1i_rec, He2i_rec, H1h_src, He1h_src, He2h_src, H1h_rec, He1h_rec, He2h_rec) = \ rabacus_fc.slab_bgnd.slab_bgnd_solve( self.Edges, self.nH, self.nHe, self.T, self.E_eV, self.shape, self.i_rec_meth, self.fixed_fcA, self.i_photo_fit, self.i_rate_fit, self.i_find_Teq, self.i_thin, self.z, self.Hz, self.tol, self.Nl, self.Nnu ) # attach output with units. #----------------------------------------------- self.xH1 = xH1 self.xH2 = xH2 self.xHe1 = xHe1 self.xHe2 = xHe2 self.xHe3 = xHe3 self.H1i_src = H1i_src / self.U.s self.He1i_src = He1i_src / self.U.s self.He2i_src = He2i_src / self.U.s self.H1i_rec = H1i_rec / self.U.s self.He1i_rec = He1i_rec / self.U.s self.He2i_rec = He2i_rec / self.U.s self.H1i = self.H1i_src + self.H1i_rec self.He1i = self.He1i_src + self.He1i_rec self.He2i = self.He2i_src + self.He2i_rec self.H1h_src = H1h_src * self.U.erg / self.U.s self.He1h_src = He1h_src * self.U.erg / self.U.s self.He2h_src = He2h_src * self.U.erg / self.U.s self.H1h_rec = H1h_rec * self.U.erg / self.U.s self.He1h_rec = He1h_rec * self.U.erg / self.U.s self.He2h_rec = He2h_rec * self.U.erg / self.U.s self.H1h = self.H1h_src + self.H1h_rec self.He1h = self.He1h_src + self.He1h_rec self.He2h = self.He2h_src + self.He2h_rec
[docs] def write_to_file_generic( self, fname, top_group, grp_name, obj, write_temperature=True, write_number_density=True, write_ionization_fractions=True, write_photoion_rates=True, write_photoheat_rates=True, write_mu=True ): """ writes a lot of attributes to file fname in hdf5 group, fname/top_group/grp_name the attributes are taken from obj. """ # write layers #===================================================== tg = top_group gg = tg+'/'+grp_name fname, gg ) if write_temperature: # temperatures #----------------------------------------------------- attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.T), 'description': 'temperature'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'T', obj.T, attrs ) if write_mu: # mean molecular weight #----------------------------------------------------- attrs = { 'units': units_string(, 'description': 'mean molecular weight'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'mu',, attrs ) if write_number_density: # number density #----------------------------------------------------- attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.nH), 'description': 'hydrogen number density'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'nH', obj.nH, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.nHe), 'description': 'helium number density'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'nHe', obj.nHe, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(, 'description': 'electron number density'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'ne',, attrs ) if write_ionization_fractions: # ionization fractions #----------------------------------------------------- attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.xH1), 'description': 'H I ionization fraction = nHI / nH'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'xH1', obj.xH1, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.xH2), 'description': 'H II ionization fraction = nHII / nH'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'xH2', obj.xH2, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.xHe1), 'description': 'He I ionization fraction = nHeI / nHe'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'xHe1', obj.xHe1, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.xHe2), 'description': 'He II ionization fraction = nHeII / nHe'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'xHe2', obj.xHe2, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.xHe3), 'description': 'He III ionization fraction = nHeIII / nHe'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'xHe3', obj.xHe3, attrs ) if write_photoion_rates: # total photo-ionization rates #----------------------------------------------------- attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.H1i), 'description': 'total H I photo-ionization rate'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'H1i', obj.H1i, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He1i), 'description': 'total He I photo-ionization rate'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He1i', obj.He1i, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He2i), 'description': 'total He II photo-ionization rate'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He2i', obj.He2i, attrs ) # background source photo-ionization rates #----------------------------------------------------- txt = 'due to background source' attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.H1i_src), 'description': 'H I photo-ionization rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'H1i_src', obj.H1i_src, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He1i_src), 'description': 'He I photo-ionization rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He1i_src', obj.He1i_src, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He2i_src), 'description': 'He II photo-ionization rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He2i_src', obj.He2i_src, attrs ) # recombination photo-ionization rates #----------------------------------------------------- txt = 'due to recombination photons' attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.H1i_rec), 'description': 'H I photo-ionization rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'H1i_rec', obj.H1i_rec, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He1i_rec), 'description': 'He I photo-ionization rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He1i_rec', obj.He1i_rec, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He2i_rec), 'description': 'He II photo-ionization rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He2i_rec', obj.He2i_rec, attrs ) if write_photoheat_rates: # total photo-heating rates #----------------------------------------------------- attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.H1h), 'description': 'total H I photo-heating rate'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'H1h', obj.H1h, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He1h), 'description': 'total He I photo-heating rate'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He1h', obj.He1h, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He2h), 'description': 'total He II photo-heating rate'} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He2h', obj.He2h, attrs ) # background source photo-heating rates #----------------------------------------------------- txt = 'due to background source' attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.H1h_src), 'description': 'H I photo-heating rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'H1h_src', obj.H1h_src, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He1h_src), 'description': 'He I photo-heating rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He1h_src', obj.He1h_src, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He2h_src), 'description': 'He II photo-heating rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He2h_src', obj.He2h_src, attrs ) # recombination photo-heating rates #----------------------------------------------------- txt = 'due to recombination photons' attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.H1h_rec), 'description': 'H I photo-heating rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'H1h_rec', obj.H1h_rec, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He1h_rec), 'description': 'He I photo-heating rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He1h_rec', obj.He1h_rec, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(obj.He2h_rec), 'description': 'He II photo-heating rate ' + txt} h5.wd( fname, gg, 'He2h_rec', obj.He2h_rec, attrs )
[docs] def write_to_file( self, fname, top_group='/', write_layers=True, write_centrals=True, write_averages=True, write_source=True ): """ Writes a background slab out to an hdf5 file. """ # write out to file #===================================================== tg = top_group fname, tg ) # write out source information #----------------------------------------------------- if write_source: self.rad_src.write_to_file( fname, top_group=tg+'/Src' ) # write config #----------------------------------------------------- fname, tg+'/Config' ) h5.wa( fname, tg+'/Config', 'tol', self.tol ) h5.wa( fname, tg+'/Config', 'z', self.z ) h5.wa( fname, tg+'/Config', 'Nl', self.Nl ) h5.wa( fname, tg+'/Config', 'rec_meth', self.rec_meth ) h5.wa( fname, tg+'/Config', 'atomic_fit_name', self.atomic_fit_name ) h5.wa( fname, tg+'/Config', 'fixed_fcA', self.fixed_fcA ) # write total column densities #----------------------------------------------------- attrs = { 'units': units_string(self.NH1_thru), 'description': 'H I column density = sum(dz * nH * xH1)'} h5.wd( fname, tg, 'NH1', self.NH1_thru, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(self.NHe1_thru), 'description': 'He I column density = sum(dz * nHe * xHe1)'} h5.wd( fname, tg, 'NHe1', self.NHe1_thru, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(self.NHe2_thru), 'description': 'He II column density = sum(dz * nHe * xHe2)'} h5.wd( fname, tg, 'NHe2', self.NHe2_thru, attrs ) # write slab thickness #----------------------------------------------------- Lslab = self.Edges[-1] - self.Edges[0] Lslab.units = 'kpc' attrs = { 'units': units_string(Lslab), 'description': 'Thickness of slab.'} h5.wd( fname, tg, 'Lslab', Lslab, attrs ) # write layers #----------------------------------------------------- if write_layers: grp_name = 'Layers' obj = self self.write_to_file_generic( fname, top_group, grp_name, obj ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(self.Edges), 'description': 'position of slab edges'} h5.wd( fname, tg+'/Layers', 'Edges', self.Edges, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(self.z_c), 'description': 'central position of layer'} h5.wd( fname, tg+'/Layers', 'z_c', self.z_c, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(, 'description': 'thickness of each layer'} h5.wd( fname, tg+'/Layers', 'dz',, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(self.H1i_eff), 'description': ('H I effective photo-ionization rate.' '(for fixed_fcA, the photo-ion rate that results in the' 'same xHI if case A rates are used)')} h5.wd( fname, tg+'/Layers', 'H1i_eff', self.H1i_eff, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(self.He1i_eff), 'description': ('He I effective photo-ionization rate.' '(for fixed_fcA, the photo-ion rate that results in the' 'same xHeI if case A rates are used)')} h5.wd( fname, tg+'/Layers', 'He1i_eff', self.He1i_eff, attrs ) attrs = { 'units': units_string(self.He2i_eff), 'description': ('He II effective photo-ionization rate.' '(for fixed_fcA, the photo-ion rate that results in the' 'same xHeII if case A rates are used)')} h5.wd( fname, tg+'/Layers', 'He2i_eff', self.He2i_eff, attrs ) # write central values #----------------------------------------------------- if write_centrals: grp_name = 'Central' obj = self.avg.cen self.write_to_file_generic( fname, top_group, grp_name, obj ) # write averages #----------------------------------------------------- if write_averages: fname, tg+'/Average' ) grp_name = 'Average/v_w' obj = self.avg.v_w self.write_to_file_generic( fname, top_group, grp_name, obj, write_number_density=False ) grp_name = 'Average/nH_w' obj = self.avg.nH_w self.write_to_file_generic( fname, top_group, grp_name, obj, write_number_density=False ) grp_name = 'Average/nH1_w' obj = self.avg.nH1_w self.write_to_file_generic( fname, top_group, grp_name, obj, write_number_density=False ) grp_name = 'Average/nHe_w' obj = self.avg.nHe_w self.write_to_file_generic( fname, top_group, grp_name, obj, write_number_density=False ) grp_name = 'Average/nHe1_w' obj = self.avg.nHe1_w self.write_to_file_generic( fname, top_group, grp_name, obj, write_number_density=False ) grp_name = 'Average/nHe2_w' obj = self.avg.nHe2_w self.write_to_file_generic( fname, top_group, grp_name, obj, write_number_density=False )