Source code for rabacus.f2py.ion_solver

""" Wrapper to make the fortran calling identical to the python calling. """ 

import rabacus_fc 
import numpy as np

from rabacus.atomic import chemistry 
from rabacus.atomic import cooling
from rabacus.constants import units

__all__ = ['Solve_CE', 'Solve_PCE', 'Solve_PCTE']

[docs]class Solve_CE: r""" Calculates and stores collisional ionization equilibrium (i.e. all photoionization rates are equal to zero) given a chemistry rates object. This is an exact analytic solution. Args: `kchem` (:class:`~rabacus.f2py.chem_cool_rates.ChemistryRates`): Chemistry rates Kwargs: `fpc` (bool): If True, perform floating point error correction. Attributes: `T` (array): temperature `T_floor` (float): minimum possible input temperature `H1` (array): neutral hydrogen fraction, |xH1| = |nH1| / |nH| `H2` (array): ionized hydrogen fraction, |xH2| = |nH2| / |nH| `He1` (array): neutral helium fraction, |xHe1| = |nHe1| / |nHe| `He2` (array): singly ionized helium fraction, |xHe2| = |nHe2| / |nHe| `He3` (array): doubly ionized helium fraction, |xHe3| = |nHe3| / |nHe| Notes: This class finds solutions (`H1`, `H2`, `He1`, `He2`, `He3`) to the following equations .. math:: \frac{dx_{\rm _{HI}}}{dt} &= - C_{\rm _{HI}} x_{\rm _{HI}} + R_{\rm _{HII}} x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HII}}}{dt} &= C_{\rm _{HI}} x_{\rm _{HI}} - R_{\rm _{HII}} x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HeI}}}{dt} &= - C_{\rm _{HeI}} x_{\rm _{HeI}} + R_{\rm _{HeII}} x_{\rm _{HeII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HeII}}}{dt} &= C_{\rm _{HeI}} x_{\rm _{HeI}} -( C_{\rm _{HeII}} + R_{\rm _{HeII}} ) x_{\rm _{HeII}} + R_{\rm _{HeIII}} x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HeIII}}}{dt} &= C_{\rm _{HeII}} x_{\rm _{HeII}} - R_{\rm _{HeIII}} x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0 with the following closure relationship .. math:: 1 &= x_{\rm _{HI}} + x_{\rm _{HII}} \\ 1 &= x_{\rm _{HeI}} + x_{\rm _{HeII}} + x_{\rm _{HeIII}} where the :math:`C_{\rm _X}` are collisional ionization rates and the :math:`R_{\rm _X}` are recombination rates. These solutions depend only on temperature. Examples: The following code will solve for collisional ionization equilibrium at 128 temperatures equally spaced between 1.0e4 and 1.0e5 K using case A recombination rates for all species:: import numpy as np import rabacus as ra N = 128 T = np.logspace( 4.0, 5.0, N ) * ra.u.K fcA_H2 = 1.0; fcA_He2 = 1.0; fcA_He3 = 1.0 kchem = ra.ChemistryRates( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3 ) x = ra.Solve_CE( kchem ) .. seealso:: :class:`Solve_PCE`, :class:`Solve_PCTE` """ def __init__(self, kchem): # attach units. #---------------------------------------------- self.u = units.Units() # solve #--------------------------------------------- self.set( kchem )
[docs] def set(self, kchem ): """ This function is called when a new instance of :class:`Solve_CE` is created. Updated ionization fractions can be calculated by calling it again with a new kchem object. Args: `kchem` (:class:`~rabacus.f2py.chem_cool_rates.ChemistryRates`): Chemistry rates """ # assert 1-D input #---------------------------------------------- if len(kchem.T.shape) != 1: msg = "input arrays must be 1-D for fortran routines." raise ValueError(msg) # choose scalar or vector routines #---------------------------------------------- nn = kchem.T.size if nn == 1: solve = rabacus_fc.ion_solver.solve_ce_s else: solve = rabacus_fc.ion_solver.solve_ce_v (xH1, xH2, xHe1, xHe2, xHe3) = solve( kchem.reH2, kchem.reHe2, kchem.reHe3, kchem.ciH1, kchem.ciHe1, kchem.ciHe2, nn ) # package output #---------------------------------------------- self.H1 = np.ones(nn) * xH1 * self.u.dimensionless self.H2 = np.ones(nn) * xH2 * self.u.dimensionless self.He1 = np.ones(nn) * xHe1 * self.u.dimensionless self.He2 = np.ones(nn) * xHe2 * self.u.dimensionless self.He3 = np.ones(nn) * xHe3 * self.u.dimensionless self.T = kchem.T self.kchem = kchem
[docs]class Solve_PCE: r""" Calculates and stores photo collisional ionization equilibrium given the density of hydrogen and helium plus a chemistry rates object. This is an iterative solution. The density and temperature arrays must have the same size and the output arrays are 1-D of that size. .. note:: The user must pass in photoionization rates for each species when creating the chemistry rates object (see examples below). Args: `nH_in` (array): number density of hydrogen `nHe_in` (array): number density of helium `kchem` (:class:`~rabacus.f2py.chem_cool_rates.ChemistryRates`): Chemistry rates Kwargs: `tol` (float): convergence tolerance, abs(1 - `ne_new` / `ne_old`) < `tol` Attributes: `nH` (array): H number density. `nHe` (array): He number density. `ne` (array): electron number density `T` (array): temperature `T_floor` (float): minimum possible temperature `H1` (array): neutral hydrogen fraction, |xH1| = |nH1| / |nH| `H2` (array): ionized hydrogen fraction, |xH2| = |nH2| / |nH| `He1` (array): neutral helium fraction, |xHe1| = |nHe1| / |nHe| `He2` (array): singly ionized helium fraction, |xHe2| = |nHe2| / |nHe| `He3` (array): doubly ionized helium fraction, |xHe3| = |nHe3| / |nHe| `Hatom` (:class:`~rabacus.atomic.hydrogen.Hydrogen`): H atom `itr` (int): number of iterations to converge `ne_min` (array): electron density in collisional equilibrium `ne_max` (array): electron density for full ionization `xH1_ana` (array): analytic H neutral fraction (neglects electrons from elements other than H) `ne_ana` (array): electron number density implied by `xH1_ana` `x_ce` (:class:`Solve_CE`): the collisional equilibrium solutions. Notes: This class finds solutions (`H1`, `H2`, `He1`, `He2`, `He3`) to the following equations .. math:: \frac{dx_{\rm _{HI}}}{dt} &= - (\Gamma_{\rm _{HI}} + C_{\rm _{HI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HI}} + R_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HII}}}{dt} &= (\Gamma_{\rm _{HI}} + C_{\rm _{HI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HI}} - R_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HeI}}}{dt} &= - (\Gamma_{\rm _{HeI}} + C_{\rm _{HeI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HeI}} + R_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HeII}}}{dt} &= (\Gamma_{\rm _{HeI}} + C_{\rm _{HeI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HeI}} - \\ & \quad ( \Gamma_{\rm _{HeII}} + C_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} + R_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} ) x_{\rm _{HeII}} + \\ & \quad R_{\rm _{HeIII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HeIII}}}{dt} &= (\Gamma_{\rm _{HeII}} + C_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HeII}} - R_{\rm _{HeIII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0 with the following closure relationships .. math:: 1 &= x_{\rm _{HI}} + x_{\rm _{HII}} \\ 1 &= x_{\rm _{HeI}} + x_{\rm _{HeII}} + x_{\rm _{HeIII}} \\ n_{\rm e} &= x_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _{H}} + ( x_{\rm _{HeII}} + 2 x_{\rm _{HeIII}} ) n_{\rm _{He}} where the :math:`\Gamma_{\rm _X}` are photoionization rates, the :math:`C_{\rm _X}` are collisional ionization rates and the :math:`R_{\rm _X}` are recombination rates. These solutions depend on temperature and density. Examples: The following code will solve for photo-collisional ionization equilibrium at 128 density-temperature pairs using recombination rates half way between case A and case B for all species. Note that the photoionization rate arrays are grouped with the chemistry rates and so should always be the same size as the temperature array:: import numpy as np import rabacus as ra fcA_H2 = 0.5; fcA_He2 = 0.5; fcA_He3 = 0.5 N = 128; Nrho = NT = N; Yp = 0.24 nH = 10**np.linspace( -4.0, -3.0, Nrho ) /**3 nHe = nH * 0.25 * Yp / (1-Yp) T = 10**np.linspace( 4.0, 5.0, NT ) * ra.U.K H1i = np.ones( NT ) * 8.22e-13 / ra.U.s He1i = np.ones( NT ) * 4.76e-13 / ra.U.s He2i = np.ones( NT ) * 3.51e-15 / ra.U.s kchem = ra.f2py.ChemistryRates( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1i=H1i, He1i=He1i, He2i=He2i ) x = ra.f2py.Solve_PCE( nH, nHe, kchem ) .. seealso:: :class:`Solve_CE`, :class:`Solve_PCTE` """ def __init__(self, nH, nHe, kchem, tol=1.0e-8): # attach units. #---------------------------------------------- self.u = units.Units() # check input #---------------------------------------------- if nH.shape == (): nH = np.ones(1) * nH if nHe.shape == (): nHe = np.ones(1) * nHe if not len(nH.shape) == len(nHe.shape) == len(kchem.T.shape) == 1: msg = '\n Input arrays must be one dimensional' raise ValueError(msg) if not hasattr(nH,'units'): msg = '\n Input variable nH must have units \n' raise ValueError(msg) else: nH.units = 'cm**-3' if not hasattr(nHe,'units'): msg = '\n Input variable nHe must have units \n' raise ValueError(msg) else: nHe.units = 'cm**-3' if nH.shape != nHe.shape: msg = '\n nH and nHe must have the same shape \n' raise ValueError(msg) # choose scalar or vector routines #---------------------------------------------- nn = nH.size if nn == 1: solve = rabacus_fc.ion_solver.solve_pce_s else: solve = rabacus_fc.ion_solver.solve_pce_v (xH1, xH2, xHe1, xHe2, xHe3) = solve( nH, nHe, kchem.reH2, kchem.reHe2, kchem.reHe3, kchem.ciH1, kchem.ciHe1, kchem.ciHe2, kchem.H1i, kchem.He1i, kchem.He2i, tol, nn ) # package output #---------------------------------------------- self.H1 = np.ones(nn) * xH1 * self.u.dimensionless self.H2 = np.ones(nn) * xH2 * self.u.dimensionless self.He1 = np.ones(nn) * xHe1 * self.u.dimensionless self.He2 = np.ones(nn) * xHe2 * self.u.dimensionless self.He3 = np.ones(nn) * xHe3 * self.u.dimensionless self.T = kchem.T self.nH = nH self.nHe = nHe self.kchem = kchem
[docs]class Solve_PCTE: r""" Stores and calculates photo-collisional-thermal ionization and temperature equilibrium given the density of hydrogen and helium plus chemistry and cooling rate objects. In other words, a self-consistent equilibrium temperature and ionization state will be found for the input density and redshift. This is an iterative solution. All input arrays should be 1-D. Note that the temperature arrays in `kchem` and `kcool` will be altered. It is not important which temperatures are used to initialize the objects kchem and kcool. It IS important that you initialize them with photoionization and photoheating rates. Because we are searching for one temperature for each density all input arrays must have the same shape. .. note:: The user must pass in photoionization rates for each species when creating the chemistry rates object and photoheating rates for each species when creating the cooling rates object (see examples below). Args: `nH` (array): number density of hydrogen `nHe` (array): number density of helium `kchem` (:class:`~rabacus.f2py.chem_cool_rates.ChemistryRates`): chemistry rates `kcool` (:class:`~rabacus.f2py.chem_cool_rates.CoolingRates`): cooling rates `z` (float): Redshift. Important for Compton cooling Kwargs: `Hz` (float): Hubble parameter at `z` if Hubble cooling is desired. `tol` (float): convergence tolerance, abs(1 - `ne_new` / `ne_old`) < `tol` Attributes: `nH` (array): H number density. `nHe` (array): He number density. `ne` (array): electron number density `T_floor` (float): minimum possible temperature `H1` (array): neutral hydrogen fraction, |xH1| = |nH1| / |nH| `H2` (array): ionized hydrogen fraction, |xH2| = |nH2| / |nH| `He1` (array): neutral helium fraction, |xHe1| = |nHe1| / |nHe| `He2` (array): singly ionized helium fraction, |xHe2| = |nHe2| / |nHe| `He3` (array): doubly ionized helium fraction, |xHe3| = |nHe3| / |nHe| `Teq` (array): equilibrium temperature `cool` (array): cooling rate at final state (should be equal to `heat`) `heat` (array): heating rate at final state (should be equal to `cool`) `itr` (int): number of iterations to converge `Tcmb` (float): CMB temperature at input redshift Notes: This class finds solutions (`H1`, `H2`, `He1`, `He2`, `He3`, `Teq`) to the following equations .. math:: \frac{dx_{\rm _{HI}}}{dt} &= - (\Gamma_{\rm _{HI}} + C_{\rm _{HI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HI}} + R_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HII}}}{dt} &= (\Gamma_{\rm _{HI}} + C_{\rm _{HI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HI}} - R_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HeI}}}{dt} &= - (\Gamma_{\rm _{HeI}} + C_{\rm _{HeI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HeI}} + R_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HeII}}}{dt} &= (\Gamma_{\rm _{HeI}} + C_{\rm _{HeI}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HeI}} - \\ & \quad ( \Gamma_{\rm _{HeII}} + C_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} + R_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e} ) x_{\rm _{HeII}} + \\ & \quad R_{\rm _{HeIII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0 \\ \frac{dx_{\rm _{HeIII}}}{dt} &= (\Gamma_{\rm _{HeII}} + C_{\rm _{HeII}} n_{\rm _e}) x_{\rm _{HeII}} - R_{\rm _{HeIII}} n_{\rm _e} x_{\rm _{HeIII}} = 0 \\ \frac{du}{dt} &= \mathcal{H} - \Lambda_{\rm c} = 0 with the following closure relationships .. math:: 1 &= x_{\rm _{HI}} + x_{\rm _{HII}} \\ 1 &= x_{\rm _{HeI}} + x_{\rm _{HeII}} + x_{\rm _{HeIII}} \\ n_{\rm e} &= x_{\rm _{HII}} n_{\rm _{H}} + ( x_{\rm _{HeII}} + 2 x_{\rm _{HeIII}} ) n_{\rm _{He}} \\ u &= \frac{3}{2} ( n_{\rm _H} + n_{\rm _{He}} + n_{\rm _e} ) k_{\rm b} T In the equations above, the :math:`\Gamma_{\rm _X}` are photoionization rates, the :math:`C_{\rm _X}` are collisional ionization rates, the :math:`R_{\rm _X}` are recombination rates, :math:`u` is the internal energy, :math:`\mathcal{H}` is the heating function, and :math:`\Lambda_{\rm c}` is the cooling function. These solutions depend on temperature and density. Examples: The following code will solve for photo-collisional-thermal ionization equilibrium at 128 densities using case B recombination rates for all species. The photoionization and heating rates are taken from the Haardt and Madau 2012 model. Note that the photoionization rate arrays are grouped with the chemistry rates and the photoheating rate arrays are grouped with the cooling rates:: import numpy as np import rabacus as ra N = 128; Yp = 0.24; z=3.0 fcA_H2 = 0.0; fcA_He2 = 0.0; fcA_He3 = 0.0 nH = 10**np.linspace( -4.0, -3.0, N ) /**3 nHe = nH * 0.25 * Yp / (1-Yp) T = 10**np.linspace( 4.0, 5.0, N ) * ra.U.K hmr = ra.uv_bgnd.HM12_Photorates_Table() H1i = np.ones(N) * hmr.H1i(z) He1i = np.ones(N) * hmr.He1i(z) He2i = np.ones(N) * hmr.He2i(z) kchem = ra.f2py.ChemistryRates( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1i=H1i, He1i=He1i, He2i=He2i ) H1h = np.ones(N) * hmr.H1h(z) He1h = np.ones(N) * hmr.He1h(z) He2h = np.ones(N) * hmr.He2h(z) kcool = ra.f2py.CoolingRates( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h=H1h, He1h=He1h, He2h=He2h ) x = ra.f2py.Solve_PCTE( nH, nHe, kchem, kcool, z ) .. seealso:: :class:`Solve_CE`, :class:`Solve_PCE` """ def __init__(self, nH, nHe, kchem, kcool, z, Hz=None, tol=1.0e-8): # attach keywords #---------------------------------------------- if Hz == None: Hz = 0.0 else: if not hasattr(Hz,'units'): raise ValueError, '\n Hz must have units \n' else: Hz.units = '1/s' self.Hz = Hz self.tol = tol # attach units. #---------------------------------------------- self.u = units.Units() # assert 1-D input #---------------------------------------------- if len(nH.shape) != 1: msg = "input arrays must be 1-D for fortran routines." raise ValueError(msg) if len(nHe.shape) != 1: msg = "input arrays must be 1-D for fortran routines." raise ValueError(msg) if not hasattr(nH,'units'): msg = '\n Input variable nH must have units \n' raise ValueError(msg) else: nH.units = 'cm**-3' if not hasattr(nHe,'units'): msg = '\n Input variable nHe must have units \n' raise ValueError(msg) else: nHe.units = 'cm**-3' if len(kchem.T.shape) != 1: msg = "input arrays must be 1-D for fortran routines." raise ValueError(msg) if len(kcool.T.shape) != 1: msg = "input arrays must be 1-D for fortran routines." raise ValueError(msg) # set fortran variables #----------------------------------------------- if kchem.fit_name == 'hg97': irate = 1 # choose scalar or vector routines #---------------------------------------------- nn = nH.size if nn == 1: solve = rabacus_fc.ion_solver.solve_pcte_s else: solve = rabacus_fc.ion_solver.solve_pcte_v (xH1, xH2, xHe1, xHe2, xHe3, T) = solve( nH, nHe, kchem.H1i, kchem.He1i, kchem.He2i, kcool.H1h, kcool.He1h, kcool.He2h, z, self.Hz, kchem.fcA_H2, kchem.fcA_He2, kchem.fcA_He3, irate, tol, nn ) # package output #---------------------------------------------- self.H1 = np.ones(nn) * xH1 * self.u.dimensionless self.H2 = np.ones(nn) * xH2 * self.u.dimensionless self.He1 = np.ones(nn) * xHe1 * self.u.dimensionless self.He2 = np.ones(nn) * xHe2 * self.u.dimensionless self.He3 = np.ones(nn) * xHe3 * self.u.dimensionless self.Teq = T * self.u.K self.nH = nH self.nHe = nHe # get chem and cooling rates at Teq #---------------------------------------------- kchem_out = chemistry.ChemistryRates( self.Teq, kchem.fcA_H2, kchem.fcA_He2, kchem.fcA_He3, H1i = kchem.H1i, He1i = kchem.He1i, He2i = kchem.He2i, fit_name = kchem.fit_name, add_He2di = kchem.add_He2di ) kcool_out = cooling.CoolingRates( self.Teq, kcool.fcA_H2, kcool.fcA_He2, kcool.fcA_He3, H1h = kcool.H1h, He1h = kcool.He1h, He2h = kcool.He2h, fit_name = kcool.fit_name, add_He2di = kcool.add_He2di ) self.kchem = kchem_out self.kcool = kcool_out