Source code for rabacus.f2py.chem_cool_rates

""" Wrapper to make the fortran calling identical to the python calling. """ 

import rabacus_fc 
import numpy as np

from rabacus.utils import utils
from rabacus.constants import units
from rabacus.constants import physical

__all__ = ['ChemistryRates', 'CoolingRates']

[docs]class ChemistryRates: r""" A chemistry rates class. Provides access to collisional ionization and recombination rates as a function of temperature. The user can optionally supply photoionization rates which will become attributes of the returned instance. These chemistry and photoionization rates determine the evolution of the ionization fractions for primordial cosmological chemistry. Args: `T` (array): Temperatures. `fcA_H2` (array): Case A fraction for HII. `fcA_He2` (array): Case A fraction for HeII. `fcA_He3` (array): Case A fraction for HeIII. .. note:: The case A fractions, `fcA_H2`, `fcA_He2`, and `fcA_He3`, interpolate between case A and case B recombination rates (0.0 = case B, 1.0 = case A). Kwargs: `H1i` (array): HI photoionization rate. `He1i` (array): HeI photoionization rate. `He2i` (array): HeII photoionization rate. `fit_name` (string): Source of rate fits {``hg97``} `add_He2di` (bool): If true, reHe2di is added to reHe2. Attributes: `u` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.units.Units`): Units. `ciH1` (array): HI collisional ionization rate. `ciHe1` (array): HeI collisional ionization rate. `ciHe2` (array): HeII collisional ionization rate. `reH2` (array): HII radiative recombination rate. `reHe2` (array): HeII radiative recombination rate. `reHe3` (array): HeIII radiative recombination rate. `reHe2di` (array): HeII dielectronic recombination rate. """ def __init__( self, T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1i=None, He1i=None, He2i=None, fit_name='hg97', add_He2di=True ): # attach units #---------------------------------------------- self.u = units.Units() # check input #---------------------------------------------- self._clean_input( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1i, He1i, He2i ) self.fit_name = fit_name self.add_He2di = add_He2di # choose rates source #---------------------------------------------- if fit_name == 'hg97': irate = 1 elif fit_name == 'enzo13': irate = 2 # choose scalar or vector routines #---------------------------------------------- nn = T.size if nn == 1: get_kchem = rabacus_fc.chem_cool_rates.get_kchem_s else: get_kchem = rabacus_fc.chem_cool_rates.get_kchem_v (reH2, reHe2, reHe3, ciH1, ciHe1, ciHe2) = get_kchem( self.T, self.fcA_H2, self.fcA_He2, self.fcA_He3, irate, nn ) # attach output #---------------------------------------------- self.reH2 = reH2 ***3 / self.u.s self.reHe2 = reHe2 ***3 / self.u.s self.reHe3 = reHe3 ***3 / self.u.s self.ciH1 = ciH1 ***3 / self.u.s self.ciHe1 = ciHe1 ***3 / self.u.s self.ciHe2 = ciHe2 ***3 / self.u.s def _clean_input( self, T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1i, He1i, He2i ): # check temperature #------------------------------------------ if not hasattr( T, 'shape' ): raise utils.InputError, '\n T must be an array with units. \n' if T.shape == (): self.T = np.ones(1) * T else: self.T = T.copy() if not hasattr(self.T,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n T must have units \n' else: self.T.units = 'K' # check fcA #------------------------------------------ if utils.isiterable( fcA_H2 ): assert fcA_H2.shape == self.T.shape self.fcA_H2 = fcA_H2.copy() else: self.fcA_H2 = np.ones(self.T.shape) * fcA_H2 if utils.isiterable( fcA_He2 ): assert fcA_He2.shape == self.T.shape self.fcA_He2 = fcA_He2.copy() else: self.fcA_He2 = np.ones(self.T.shape) * fcA_He2 if utils.isiterable( fcA_He3 ): assert fcA_He3.shape == self.T.shape self.fcA_He3 = fcA_He3.copy() else: self.fcA_He3 = np.ones(self.T.shape) * fcA_He3 # check HI photoionization rate #------------------------------------------ if H1i == None: self.H1i = np.zeros(self.T.shape) / self.u.s else: if H1i.shape == (): self.H1i = np.ones(1) * H1i else: self.H1i = H1i.copy() if not hasattr(self.H1i,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n H1i must have units \n' else: self.H1i.units = '1/s' if self.H1i.shape != self.T.shape: raise utils.InputError, '\n T and H1i must have same shape \n' # check HeI photoionization rate #------------------------------------------ if He1i == None: self.He1i = np.zeros(1) / self.u.s else: if He1i.shape == (): self.He1i = np.ones(1) * He1i else: self.He1i = He1i.copy() if not hasattr(self.He1i,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n He1i must have units \n' else: self.He1i.units = '1/s' if self.He1i.shape != self.T.shape: raise utils.InputError, '\n T and He1i must have same shape \n' # check HeII photoionization rate #------------------------------------------ if He2i == None: self.He2i = np.zeros(1) / self.u.s else: if He2i.shape == (): self.He2i = np.ones(1) * He2i else: self.He2i = He2i.copy() if not hasattr(self.He2i,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n He2i must have units \n' else: self.He2i.units = '1/s' if self.He2i.shape != self.T.shape: raise utils.InputError, '\n T and He2i must have same shape \n'
[docs]class CoolingRates: r""" A cooling rates class. Provides access to collisional ionization, collisional excitation, recombination, bremsstrahlung, and inverse compton cooling rates as a function of temperature. The user can optionally supply photo-heating rates which will become attributes of the returned instance. These cooling and photo-heating rates determine the evolution of temperature in cosmological gas. .. note:: For compton and bremsstrahlung cooling, only the temperature dependent part of rates are stored. See the functions :func:`return_cooling` and :func:`return_heating` for the proper multiplicative factors. .. note:: The case A fractions, `fcA_H2`, `fcA_He2`, and `fcA_He3`, interpolate between case A and case B recombination rates (0.0 = case B, 1.0 = case A). Args: `T` (array): Temperatures. `fcA_H2` (array): Case A fraction for HII. `fcA_He2` (array): Case A fraction for HeII. `fcA_He3` (array): Case A fraction for HeIII. Kwargs: `H1h` (array): HI photoheating rate. `He1h` (array): HeI photoheating rate. `He2h` (array): HeII photoheating rate. `fit_name` (string): Source of rate fits {'hg97'} `add_He2di` (bool): If true, recHe2di is added to recHe2. Attributes: `u` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.units.Units`): Units. `cicH1` (array): HI collisional ionization cooling rate. `cicHe1` (array): HeI collisional ionization cooling rate. `cicHe2` (array): HeII collisional ionization cooling rate. `cecH1` (array): HI collisional excitation cooling rate. `cecHe1` (array): HeI collisional excitation cooling rate. `cecHe2` (array): HeII collisional excitation cooling rate. `recH2` (array): HII radiative recombination cooling rate. `recHe2` (array): HeII radiative recombination cooling rate. `recHe3` (array): HeIII radiative recombination cooling rate. `recHe2di` (array): HeII dielectronic recombination cooling rate. `compton` (array): Inverse Compton scattering cooling rate. `bremss` (array): Bremsstrahlung radiation cooling rate. """ def __init__(self, T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h=None, He1h=None, He2h=None, fit_name='hg97', add_He2di=True): # attach physical constants and units #---------------------------------------------- self.u = units.Units() self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants() # check input #---------------------------------------------- self._clean_input( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h, He1h, He2h ) self.fit_name = fit_name self.add_He2di = add_He2di # choose rates source #---------------------------------------------- if fit_name == 'hg97': irate = 1 # choose scalar or vector routines #---------------------------------------------- nn = T.size if nn == 1: get_kcool = rabacus_fc.chem_cool_rates.get_kcool_s else: get_kcool = rabacus_fc.chem_cool_rates.get_kcool_v (recH2, recHe2, recHe3, cicH1, cicHe1, cicHe2, cecH1, cecHe2, bremss, compton) = get_kcool( self.T, self.fcA_H2, self.fcA_He2, self.fcA_He3, irate, nn ) # attach output #---------------------------------------------- self.recH2 = recH2 * self.u.erg ***3 / self.u.s self.recHe2 = recHe2 * self.u.erg ***3 / self.u.s self.recHe3 = recHe3 * self.u.erg ***3 / self.u.s self.cicH1 = cicH1 * self.u.erg ***3 / self.u.s self.cicHe1 = cicHe1 * self.u.erg ***3 / self.u.s self.cicHe2 = cicHe2 * self.u.erg ***3 / self.u.s self.cecH1 = cecH1 * self.u.erg ***3 / self.u.s self.cecHe2 = cecHe2 * self.u.erg ***3 / self.u.s self.bremss = bremss * self.u.erg ***3 / self.u.s self.compton = compton * self.u.erg / self.u.s def _clean_input( self, T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h, He1h, He2h ): # check temperature #------------------------------------------ if not hasattr( T, 'shape' ): raise utils.InputError, '\n T must be an array with units. \n' if T.shape == (): self.T = np.ones(1) * T else: self.T = T.copy() if not hasattr(self.T,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n T must have units \n' else: self.T.units = 'K' # check fcA #------------------------------------------ if utils.isiterable( fcA_H2 ): assert fcA_H2.shape == self.T.shape self.fcA_H2 = fcA_H2.copy() else: self.fcA_H2 = np.ones(self.T.shape) * fcA_H2 if utils.isiterable( fcA_He2 ): assert fcA_He2.shape == self.T.shape self.fcA_He2 = fcA_He2.copy() else: self.fcA_He2 = np.ones(self.T.shape) * fcA_He2 if utils.isiterable( fcA_He3 ): assert fcA_He3.shape == self.T.shape self.fcA_He3 = fcA_He3.copy() else: self.fcA_He3 = np.ones(self.T.shape) * fcA_He3 # check HI photo-heating rate #------------------------------------------ if H1h == None: self.H1h = np.zeros(1) * self.u.erg / self.u.s else: if H1h.shape == (): self.H1h = np.ones(1) * H1h else: self.H1h = H1h.copy() if not hasattr(self.H1h,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n H1h must have units \n' else: self.H1h.units = 'erg/s' if self.H1h.shape != self.T.shape: raise utils.InputError, '\n T and H1h must have same shape \n' # check HeI photo-heating rate #------------------------------------------ if He1h == None: self.He1h = np.zeros(1) * self.u.erg / self.u.s else: if He1h.shape == (): self.He1h = np.ones(1) * He1h else: self.He1h = He1h.copy() if not hasattr(self.He1h,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n He1h must have units \n' else: self.He1h.units = 'erg/s' if self.He1h.shape != self.T.shape: raise utils.InputError, '\n T and He1h must have same shape \n' # check HeII photo-heating rate #------------------------------------------ if He2h == None: self.He2h = np.zeros(1) * self.u.erg / self.u.s else: if He2h.shape == (): self.He2h = np.ones(1) * He2h else: self.He2h = He2h.copy() if not hasattr(self.He2h,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n He2h must have units \n' else: self.He2h.units = 'erg/s' if self.He2h.shape != self.T.shape: raise utils.InputError, '\n T and He2h must have same shape \n'
[docs] def return_cooling( self, nH, nHe, x, z, Hz=None ): """ Returns a cooling rate in erg/(s cm^3). Args: `nH` (array): Number density of hydrogen. `nHe` (array): Number density of helium. `x` (ionization fractions): An object which contains ionization fractions. For example, instances of the classes in :mod:`~rabacus.f2py.ion_solver`. `z` (float): Redshift. Kwargs: `Hz` (float): Hubble parameter at `z` if Hubble cooling is desired. """ if nH.shape == (): nH = np.ones(1) * nH if nHe.shape == (): nHe = np.ones(1) * nHe c1 = nH.shape == nHe.shape == x.H1.shape == self.T.shape if not c1: msg = '\n nH, nHe, ionization fractions (x.??) and self.T ' + \ 'must have equal shapes \n' print 'nH.shape: ', nH.shape print 'nHe.shape: ', nHe.shape print 'x.H1.shape: ', x.H1.shape print 'self.T.shape: ', self.T.shape raise utils.InputError, msg ne = nH * x.H2 + nHe * (x.He2 + 2.0 * x.He3) cool = \ self.cecH1 * ne * x.H1 * nH + \ self.cecHe2 * ne * x.He2 * nHe + \ self.cicH1 * ne * x.H1 * nH + \ self.cicHe1 * ne * x.He1 * nHe + \ self.cicHe2 * ne * x.He2 * nHe + \ self.recH2 * ne * x.H2 * nH + \ self.recHe2 * ne * x.He2 * nHe + \ self.recHe3 * ne * x.He3 * nHe Tcmb = 2.725 * (1.0+z) cool += self.compton * (1.0+z)**4 * (self.T.magnitude - Tcmb) * ne bfac = nH * x.H2 + nHe * x.He2 + 4.0 * nHe * x.He3 cool += self.bremss * bfac * ne if Hz != None: if not hasattr(Hz,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n Hz must have units \n' else: Hz.units = '1/s' adia = 3.0 * Hz * self.pc.kb * self.T * ( nH + nHe + ne ) cool += adia return cool
[docs] def return_heating( self, nH, nHe, x ): """ Returns a heating rate in erg/(s cm^3). Args: `nH` (array): Number density of hydrogen. `nHe` (array): Number density of helium. `x` (ionization fractions): An object which contains ionization fractions. For example, instances of the classes in :mod:`~rabacus.f2py.ion_solver`. """ if nH.shape == (): nH = np.ones(1) * nH if nHe.shape == (): nHe = np.ones(1) * nHe c1 = nH.shape == nHe.shape == x.H1.shape == self.T.shape if not c1: msg = '\n nH, nHe, ionization fractions (x.??) and self.T ' + \ 'must have equal shapes \n' print 'nH.shape: ', nH.shape print 'nHe.shape: ', nHe.shape print 'x.H1.shape: ', x.H1.shape print 'self.T.shape: ', self.T.shape raise utils.InputError, msg heat = x.H1 * self.H1h * nH + \ x.He1 * self.He1h * nHe + \ x.He2 * self.He2h * nHe return heat