Source code for rabacus.cosmology.general

r""" A general FLRW cosmology module.  Assumes a spatially flat universe. """ 

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from rabacus.constants import physical
from rabacus.constants import units
from rabacus.utils import utils

__all__ = ['Cosmology']

class Error(Exception):
    r"""Base class for exceptions in this module."""

class InitError(Error):
    r"""Exception raised for not having required keys in input. """
    def __init__(self, message ):
        message = message + '\n' + \
            'cpdict must contain the following keys ... \n' + \
            '"omegam" -> current matter density in units of critical \n' + \
            '"omegal" -> current lambda density in units of critical \n' + \
            '"omegab" -> current baryon density in units of critical \n' + \
            '"h"      -> Hubble parameter H0 = 100 h km/s/Mpc \n' + \
            '"sigma8  -> density variance in spheres w/ R = 8 Mpc/h \n' + \
            '"ns"     -> slope of primordial power spectrum \n' + \
            '"Yp"     -> primordial mass fraction of helium \n'
        Exception.__init__( self, message )

[docs]class Cosmology(object): r""" General Cosmology Class. Assumes a spatialy flat universe. Args: `cpdict` (dict) A dictionary of cosmological parameters. For example, see :class:`~rabacus.cosmology.parameters.planck.load.PlanckParameters`. The dictionray `cpdict` must include the following keys, - ``omegam`` -> current matter density in units of critical today - ``omegal`` -> current lambda density in units of critical today - ``omegab`` -> current baryon density in units of critical today - ``h`` -> Hubble parameter H0 = 100 h km/s/Mpc - ``sigma8`` -> amplitude of fluctuations in spheres w/ R = 8 Mpc/h - ``ns`` -> slope of primordial power spectrum - ``Yp`` -> primordial mass fraction of helium Attributes: H0 (real): hubble parameter now, :math:`H_0`. OmegaB (real): baryon density / critical density now, :math:`\Omega_b` OmegaC (real): cold dark matter density / critical density now, :math:`\Omega_c` OmegaL (real): dark energy density / critical density now, :math:`\Omega_{\Lambda}` OmegaM (real): matter density / critical density now, :math:`\Omega_m` Yp (real): primoridial helium mass fraction, :math:`Y_p` cu (:class:`~rabacus.constants.units.CosmoUnits`): cosmological units which are aware of the hubble parameter. dH0 (real): hubble distance now, :math:`d_{\rm H_0} = c / H_0` tH0 (real): hubble time now, :math:`t_{\rm H_0} = 1 / H_0` rho_crit0 (real): critical density now, :math:`\rho_{c,0} = (3 H_0^2) / (8 \pi G)` eps_crit0 (real): critical energy density now, :math:`\epsilon_{c,0} = \rho_{c,0} \, c^2` nH_crit0 (real): critical hydrogen number density now, :math:`n_{\rm H,c,0} = \rho_{c,0} \, \Omega_b \, (1-Y_p) \, / \, m_{\rm H}` """ def __init__( self, cpdict, verbose=False, zlo=0.0, zhi=200.0, Nz=500 ): # check input dictionary #-------------------------------------------------------- need_keys = ['omegam', 'omegal', 'omegab', 'h', 'sigma8', 'ns', 'Yp'] for key in need_keys: if not cpdict.has_key( key ): raise InitError, ' key missing from cpdict \n' # transfer input parametrs #-------------------------------------------------------- self.OmegaM = cpdict['omegam'] self.OmegaL = cpdict['omegal'] self.OmegaB = cpdict['omegab'] self.h = cpdict['h'] self.sigma8 = cpdict['sigma8'] self.ns = cpdict['ns'] self.Yp = cpdict['Yp'] self.OmegaC = self.OmegaM - self.OmegaB if cpdict.has_key('omegar'): self.OmegaR = cpdict['omegar'] else: # if not provided we use OmegaM and zeq from Planck13 # column one of table 2 in # OmegaR = OmegaM / (1+zeq), OmegaM=0.3175, zeq = 3402 self.OmegaR = 0.3175 / (1.0+3402.) self.cpdict = cpdict # make sure flat universe is specified #-------------------------------------------------------- err = ( self.OmegaR + self.OmegaM + self.OmegaL ) - 1.0 if err > 1.0e-3: raise InitError, ' OmegaR + OmegaM + OmegaL must be 1.0 \n' + \ ' OmegaR: ' + str(self.OmegaR) + '\n' + \ ' OmegaM: ' + str(self.OmegaM) + '\n' + \ ' OmegaL: ' + str(self.OmegaL) + '\n' + \ ' sum: ' + str(self.OmegaR + self.OmegaM + self.OmegaL) + '\n' # create physical constants and cosmological units #-------------------------------------------------------- self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants() = units.CosmoUnits( self.h, a=1.0 ) # derive constants #-------------------------------------------------------- # Hubble parameter now self.H0 = 1.0e2 * * / / self.H0.units = / / ( / # Hubble time now self.tH0 = 1.0 / self.H0 self.tH0.units = # Hubble distance now self.dH0 = self.pc.c / self.H0 self.dH0.units = # Critical mass density now self.rho_crit0 = ( 3.0 * self.H0**2 ) / (8.0 * np.pi * self.pc.G) self.rho_crit0.units = ( / \ (**3 # Critical energy density now self.eps_crit0 = self.rho_crit0 * self.pc.c**2 self.eps_crit0.units = /**3 # Critical hydrogen number density now H_rho = self.rho_crit0 * self.OmegaB * (1.0-self.Yp) self.nH_crit0 = H_rho / ( self.pc.m_p + self.pc.m_e ) self.nH_crit0.units =**(-3) # normalize the growth functions such that ... # D1a(a=1) = 1.0 # D1z(z=0) = 1.0 #--------------------------------------------------------- self._D1a_Norm = 1.0 / quad( self._D1a_integrand, 0.0, 1.0 )[0] self._D1z_Norm = 1.0 / quad( self._D1z_integrand, 0.0, np.inf )[0] # make interpolating functions for .... # redshift and comoving distance, # redshift and lookback time # for redshift we use log(1+z) #-------------------------------------------------------- # first tabulate values with respect to log(1+z) # then create interpolating functions self._lopz = np.linspace( np.log10(1+zlo), np.log10(1+zhi), Nz ) self._z = 10**self._lopz - 1 self._a = 1.0 / (1.0 + self._z) self._Dc = self.Dcz( self._z ) self._Dc.units = 'Mpc/hh' self._Dc2lopz = interp1d( self._Dc.magnitude, self._lopz ) self._tL = self.tLz( self._z ) self._tL.units = 'Myr/hh' self._tL2lopz = interp1d( self._tL.magnitude, self._lopz )
[docs] def z_at_Dc(self, Dc): r""" Redshift at a given comoving distance, z(Dc). Inverts the function :func:`Dcz` by interpolating between tabulated values. .. math:: z(D_C) = {\rm Inverse}[ D_C(z) ] """ if hasattr(Dc,'units'): Dc.units = 'Mpc/hh' else: msg = '\n Input variable Dc must have units of length. \n' raise ValueError(msg) lopz = self._Dc2lopz( Dc ) z = (10**lopz-1) return z
[docs] def z_at_tL(self, tL): r""" Redshift at a given lookback time, z(tL). Inverts the function :func:`tLz` by interpolating between tabulated values. .. math:: z(t_L) = {\rm Inverse}[ t_L(z) ] """ if hasattr(tL,'units'): tL.units = 'Myr/hh' else: msg = '\n Input variable tL must have units of time. \n' raise ValueError(msg) lopz = self._tL2lopz( tL ) z = (10**lopz-1) return z
[docs] def tL_at_Dc(self, Dc): r""" Lookback time at a given comoving distance, tL(Dc). First finds a redshift `z` by inverting the function :func:`Dcz` using tabulated values. Second, calls :func:`tLz` to get a lookback time from `z`. .. math:: z = {\rm Inverse}[ D_C(z) ] \\ t_L(z) = \int_0^z \frac{dz'}{(1+z') H(z')} """ if hasattr(Dc,'units'): Dc.units = 'Mpc/hh' else: msg = '\n Input variable Dc must have units of length. \n' raise ValueError(msg) lopz = self._Dc2lopz( Dc ) z = (10**lopz-1) tL = self.tLz(z) return tL
[docs] def Dc_at_tL(self, tL): r""" Comoving distance at a given lookback time, Dc(tL). First finds a redshift `z` by inverting the function :func:`tLz` using tabulated values. Second, calls :func:`Dcz` to get a comoving distance from `z`. .. math:: z = {\rm Inverse}[ t_L(z) ] \\ D_C(z) = d_{\rm H_0} \int_{0}^{z} \frac{dz'}{E(z')} """ if hasattr(tL,'units'): tL.units = 'Myr/hh' else: raise ValueError('\n Input variable tL must have units \n') lopz = self._tL2lopz( tL ) z = (10**lopz-1) Dc = self.Dcz(z) return Dc
[docs] def Ea(self, a): r""" Helper function H(a) = H0 * E(a) .. math:: E(a) = ( \Omega_R a^{-4} + \Omega_M a^{-3} + \Omega_{\Lambda} )^{1/2} """ E = np.sqrt( self.OmegaR*a**(-4) + self.OmegaM*a**(-3) + self.OmegaL ) return E
[docs] def Ez(self, z): r""" Helper function H(z) = H0 * E(z) .. math:: E(z) = [ \Omega_R (1+z)^{4} + \Omega_M (1+z)^{3} + \Omega_{\Lambda} ]^{1/2} """ E = np.sqrt( self.OmegaR*(1+z)**4 + self.OmegaM*(1+z)**3 + self.OmegaL ) return E
[docs] def iEa(self, a): r""" Reciprocal of :func:`Ea`. .. math:: E(a) = ( \Omega_R a^{-4} + \Omega_M a^{-3} + \Omega_{\Lambda} )^{-1/2} """ iE = 1.0 / self.Ea(a) return iE
[docs] def iEz(self, z): r""" Reciprocal of :func:`Ez`. .. math:: E(z) = [ \Omega_R (1+z)^{4} + \Omega_M (1+z)^{3} + \Omega_{\Lambda} ]^{-1/2} """ iE = 1.0 / self.Ez(z) return iE
[docs] def Ha(self, a): r""" Hubble parameter at scale factor `a`, H(a) = H0 * E(a) .. math:: H(a) = H_0 E(a) """ H = self.H0 * self.Ea(a) return H
[docs] def Hz(self, z): r""" Hubble parameter at redshift `z`, H(z) = H0 * E(z) .. math:: H(z) = H_0 E(z) """ H = self.H0 * self.Ez(z) return H
[docs] def tHa(self, a): r""" Hubble time at scale factor `a`, tH(a) .. math:: t_{\rm H(a)} = 1 / H(a) """ t = 1.0 / self.Ha(a) t.units = 'Myr/hh' return t
[docs] def tHz(self, z): r""" Hubble time at redshift `z`, tH(z) .. math:: t_{\rm H(z)} = 1 / H(z) """ t = 1.0 / self.Hz(z) t.units = 'Myr/hh' return t
[docs] def dHa(self, a): r""" Hubble distance at scale factor `a`, dH(a) .. math:: d_{\rm H(a)} = c / H(a) """ d = self.pc.c / self.Ha(a) d.units = 'Mpc/hh' return d
[docs] def dHz(self, z): r""" Hubble distance at redshift `z`, dH(z) .. math:: d_{\rm H(z)} = c / H(z) """ d = self.pc.c / self.Hz(z) d.units = 'Mpc/hh' return d
[docs] def rho_crita(self, a): r""" Critical mass density at scale factor `a`, rho_crit(a) .. math:: \rho_{c,a} = \rho_{c,0} \, E(a)^2 """ rho = self.rho_crit0 * self.Ea(a)**2 return rho
[docs] def rho_critz(self, z): r""" Critical mass density at redshift `z`, rho_crit(z) .. math:: \rho_{c,z} = \rho_{c,0} \, E(z)^2 """ rho = self.rho_crit0 * self.Ez(z)**2 return rho
[docs] def eps_crita(self, a): r""" Critical energy density at scale factor `a`, eps_crit(a) .. math:: \epsilon_{c,a} = \epsilon_{c,0} \, E(a)^2 """ eps = self.eps_crit0 * self.Ea(a)**2 return eps
[docs] def eps_critz(self, z): r""" Critical energy density at redshift `z`, eps_crit(z) .. math:: \epsilon_{c,z} = \epsilon_{c,0} \, E(z)^2 """ eps = self.eps_crit0 * self.Ez(z)**2 return eps
[docs] def nH_crita(self, a): r""" Critical hydrogen number density at scale factor `a`, nH_crit(a) .. math:: n_{\rm H,c,a} = n_{\rm H,c,0} \, E(a)^2 """ nH = self.nH_crit0 * self.Ea(a)**2 return nH
[docs] def nH_critz(self, z): r""" Critical hydrogen number density at redshift `z`, nH_crit(z) .. math:: n_{\rm H,c,z} = n_{\rm H,c,0} \, E(z)^2 """ nH = self.nH_crit0 * self.Ez(z)**2 return nH
[docs] def ta( self, a): r""" Time since a=0 or age of the Universe, t(a). .. math:: t(a) = \int_0^a \frac{da'}{a' H(a')} """ # quad works but takes a long time. #------------------------------------------------------------------- # if utils.isiterable( a ): # t = np.array( [quad( self._dt_da, 0.0, aa )[0] for aa in a] ) # else: # t = quad( self._dt_da, 0.0, a )[0] # t = t * # print 't = ', t.rescale("Myr/hh") # trap rule includes OmegaR and is fast and accurate to 6 decimals #------------------------------------------------------------------- N = 5000 a_min = 1.0e-10 if utils.isiterable( a ): t = np.zeros( a.size ) * for ii,aa in enumerate(a): xx = np.linspace( a_min, aa, N ) yy = 1.0 / ( xx * self.Ha(xx) ) t[ii] = utils.trap( xx, yy ) else: xx = np.linspace( a_min, a, N ) yy = 1.0 / ( xx * self.Ha(xx) ) t = utils.trap( xx, yy ) t.units = 'Myr/hh' # this is analytic but does not include OmegaR #------------------------------------------------------------------- # pre = 2.0 / ( 3.0 * np.sqrt( self.OmegaL ) ) # aeq = (self.OmegaM/self.OmegaL)**(1./3.) # arg = (a/aeq)**(3./2.) + np.sqrt(1 + (a/aeq)**3) # t = pre * np.log(arg) * self.tH0 return t
def _dt_da( self, a ): r""" Differential dt/da """ Ha = self.Ha(a).rescale('1/s') Ha = Ha.magnitude dtda = 1.0 / (a * Ha) return dtda
[docs] def tz( self, z): r""" Time since z=inf or age of the Universe t(z). .. math:: t(z) = \int_z^\infty \frac{dz'}{(1+z') H(z')} """ a = 1.0/(1.0+z) t = self.ta(a) return t
[docs] def tLa( self, a): r""" Lookback from a = 1 to a, tL(a). .. math:: t_{\rm L}(a) = \int_a^1 \frac{da'}{a' H(a')} """ t1 = self.ta(1.0) tL = t1 - self.ta(a) return tL
[docs] def tLz( self, z): r""" Lookback from z = 0 to z, tL(z). .. math:: t_{\rm L}(z) = \int_0^z \frac{dz'}{(1+z') H(z')} """ t1 = tL = t1 - return tL
[docs] def Dcz(self,z): r""" Comoving distance between z=0 and z, Dc(z) .. math:: D_C(z) = d_{\rm H_0} \int_{0}^{z} \frac{dz'}{E(z')} """ if utils.isiterable( z ): Dc = np.array( [quad( self.iEz, 0.0, zz )[0] for zz in z] ) Dc = Dc * self.dH0 else: Dc = quad( self.iEz, 0.0, z )[0] * self.dH0 Dc.units = return Dc
[docs] def Dca(self,a): r""" Comoving distance between a=1 and a, Dc(a). The scale factor `a` is converted to redshift `z` and then :func:`Dcz` is called. .. math:: D_C(a) = d_{\rm H_0} \int_{a}^{1} \frac{da'}{a'^2 E(a')} """ z = 1.0/a - 1.0 Dc = self.Dcz(z) return Dc
[docs] def dz2dDc(self,z1,z2): r""" Comoving distance between `z1` and `z2`. Two calls to :func:`Dcz` are made and the results subtracted. `z1` < `z2` produces positive comoving distance. .. math:: D_C(z1,z2) = d_{\rm H_0} \int_{z1}^{z2} \frac{dz'}{E(z')} """ if utils.isiterable(z1) and utils.isiterable(z2): if not len(z1) == len(z2): raise utils.InputError, "len(z1) /= len(z2)" Dc1 = self.Dcz(z1) Dc2 = self.Dcz(z2) Dc = Dc2 - Dc1 return Dc
[docs] def da2dDc(self,a1,a2): r""" Comoving distance between `a1` and `a2`. The scale factors `a1` and `a2` are converted to redshifts `z1` and `z2` and then :func:`dz2dDc` is called. `a1` < `a2` produces positive comoving distance. .. math:: D_C(a1,a2) = d_{\rm H_0} \int_{a1}^{a2} \frac{da'}{a'^2 E(a')} """ z2 = 1.0/a1 - 1.0 z1 = 1.0/a2 - 1.0 Dc = self.dz2dDc(z1,z2) return Dc
[docs] def da2dtL(self,a1,a2): r""" Lookback time between `a1` and `a2`. Two calls to :func:`tLa` are made and the results subtracted. `a1` < `a2` produces positive lookback time. .. math:: t_{\rm L}(a1,a2) = \int_{a1}^{a2} \frac{da'}{a' H(a')} """ t1 = self.ta( a1 ) t2 = self.ta( a2 ) dt = t2 - t1 return dt
[docs] def dz2dtL(self,z1,z2): r""" Lookback time between `z1` and `z2`. The redshifts `z1` and `z2` are converted to scale factors and then :func:`da2dtL` is called. `z1` < `z2` produces positive lookback time. .. math:: t_{\rm L}(z1,z2) = \int_{z1}^{z2} \frac{dz'}{(1+z') H(z')} """ a2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + z1) a1 = 1.0 / (1.0 + z2) dt = self.da2dtL( a1, a2 ) return dt
[docs] def X(self,z1,z2): r""" Absorption distance between `z1` and `z2`, .. math:: X(z1,z2) = \int_{z1}^{z2} dz' (1+z')^2 / E(z') """ X = quad( self._X_integrand, z1, z2 ) return X[0]
def _X_integrand( self, z ): r""" function to interate in order to find absorption distance. """ dXdz = (1.0+z)*(1.0+z) * self.iEz(z) return dXdz # Cosmological growth functions #----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def D1z( self, z ): r""" Linear growth function D1(z) .. math:: D_1(z) \propto H(z) \int_z^\infty \frac{1+z'}{H(z')^3} dz' The normalization is such that D1z(0) = 1 """ if utils.isiterable(z): int_u = [quad( self._D1z_integrand, zz, np.inf )[0] for zz in z] else: int_u = quad( self._D1z_integrand, z, np.inf )[0] D1 = self.Hz(z) / self.H0 * int_u * self._D1z_Norm return D1
def _D1z_integrand( self, z ): r""" Integrand for D1z """ return (1.0 + z) / self.Hz(z)**3
[docs] def D1a(self, a): r""" Linear growth function D1(a). .. math:: D_1(a) \propto H(a) \int_0^a \frac{da'}{a'^3 H(a')^3} The normalization is such that D1a(1) = 1 """ if utils.isiterable(a): integral = [quad( self._D1a_integrand, 0.0, aa )[0] for aa in a] else: integral = quad( self._D1a_integrand, 0.0, a )[0] D1 = self.Ha(a) / self.H0 * integral * self._D1a_Norm return D1
def _D1a_integrand( self, a ): r""" Integrand for D1a """ return 1.0 / ( a**3 * self.Ha(a)**3 ) # Integrands #---------------------------------------------------------------- # plotting #---------------------------------------------------------------- # def _plot_D1a(self): # N = 100 # aa = np.linspace( 1.0e-4, 1.0, N ) # zz = 1.0/aa - 1.0 # D1z = self.D1z(zz) # D1a = self.D1a(aa) # # fig = plt.figure() # plt.plot( aa, D1a, color='green' ) # plt.plot( aa, D1z, ls='--', color='red' ) # # plt.xlabel( 'a', fontsize=20 ) # plt.ylabel( 'D1(a)', fontsize=20 ) # def _plot_Dc_vs_z(self): # fig = plt.figure() # Dc = self._Dc[::8].copy() # lopz = self._lopz[::8].copy() # plt.plot( lopz, Dc, 'ro' ) # z = self.zDc( Dc ) # lopz = np.log10( 1 + z ) # plt.plot( lopz, Dc, 'g-' ) # plt.xlabel( r'$\log(1+z)$', fontsize=20 ) # plt.ylabel( r'$D_C \, [\rm Mpc/h]$', fontsize=20 ) def __str__(self): print 'Cosmology instance' print ' OmegaR: %5.3f' % self.OmegaR print ' OmegaM: %5.3f' % self.OmegaM print ' OmegaB: %5.3f' % self.OmegaB print ' OmegaC: %5.3f' % self.OmegaC print ' OmegaL: %5.3f' % self.OmegaL print ' h: %5.3f' % self.h print ' sigma_8: %5.3f' % self.sigma8 print ' n_s: %5.3f' % self.ns print ' Y_P: %5.3f' % self.Yp print print ' H0: ', self.H0 print ' dH: ', self.dH0 print ' tH: ', self.tH0 print ' rho_crit_0: ', self.rho_crit0 print ' eps_crit_0: ', self.eps_crit0 return ''