Source code for rabacus.atomic.hydrogen

""" Constants and functions relevant for hydrogen atoms. """ 

import numpy as np

from rabacus.constants import physical
from rabacus.constants import units
from rabacus.utils import utils
import photo_xsection

__all__ = ['Hydrogen']

[docs]class Hydrogen: r""" Hydrogen atom class. Attributes: `U` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.units.Units`) `PC` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.physical.PhysicalConstants`) `PX` (:class:`~rabacus.atomic.photo_xsection.PhotoXsections`) """ def __init__(self, px_fit_type='verner'): # attach input #-------------------------------------------------------- self.px_fit_type = px_fit_type # create physical constants and units #-------------------------------------------------------- self.PC = physical.PhysicalConstants() self.U = units.Units() self.PX = photo_xsection.PhotoXsections( fit_type = px_fit_type ) # Express in temperature units #-------------------------------------------------------- self.T_H1 = self.PX.Eth_H1 / self.PC.kb self.T_H1.units = 'K' #=================================================================== def _px_h1_analytic( self, ryd_in ): """ Returns the analytic hydrogenic photoionzation cross section with Z=1. If the input is not a scalar float assume it is a numpy array. see """ if not hasattr( self, 'A0' ): fac1 = ( 2**9 * np.pi ) / ( 3 * np.exp(1.)**4 ) fac2 = self.PC.alpha * np.pi * self.PC.Rbohr**2 self.A0 = fac1 * fac2 MAGIC = 10.0 # if we have a single float if isinstance(ryd_in, float): ryd = ryd_in if ryd < 1.0: sigma = 0.0 elif ryd == 1.0: sigma = self.A0 else: eps = np.sqrt(ryd - 1) ieps = 1./eps efac = 4. - ( 4. * np.arctan(eps) ) * ieps num = np.exp(efac) den = 1. - np.exp(-2. * np.pi * ieps) sigma = self.A0 * (ryd)**(-4) * num / den return sigma # if we have a numpy array else: ryd = ryd_in.copy() ilo = np.where( ryd < 1.0 )[0] if ilo.size > 0: ryd[ilo] = MAGIC # anything > 0 ione = np.where( ryd == 1.0 )[0] if ione.size > 0: ryd[ione] = 1.0 + 1.0e-10 eps = np.sqrt(ryd - 1) ieps = 1./eps efac = 4. - ( 4. * np.arctan(eps) ) * ieps num = np.exp(efac) den = 1. - np.exp(-2. * np.pi * ieps) sigma = self.A0 * (ryd)**(-4) * num / den if ilo.size > 0: sigma[ilo] = 0.0 if ione.size > 1: sigma[ione] = self.A0 return sigma def _px_h1_powerlaw( self, ryd_in ): """ Returns the hydrogen I photoionzation cross section. If the input is not a scalar float assume it is a numpy array. simple powerlaw fit """ MAGIC = 10.0 # if we have a single float if isinstance(ryd_in, float): ryd = ryd_in if ryd < 1.0: sigma = 0.0 else: sigma = self.A0 * ryd**-3 return sigma # if we have a numpy array else: ryd = ryd_in.copy() ilo = np.where( ryd < 1.0 )[0] if ilo.size > 0: ryd[ilo] = MAGIC # anything > 0 sigma = self.A0 * ryd**-3 if ilo.size > 0: sigma[ilo] = 0.0 return sigma #===================================================================
[docs] def analytic_soltn_xH1(self, nH, y, k): """ Analytic equilibrium solution for the neutral fraction xH1 = nH1/nH Args: `nH` (array): H number density `y` (array): electrons from elements heavier than hydrogen, ne = nH * (xH2 + y) `k` (rates object): must contain the attributes ciH1, reH2, and H1i, see :class:`~rabacus.atomic.chemistry.ChemistryRates` Returns: `xH1` (array): neutral hydrogen fraction """ RR = (k.ciH1 + k.reH2) * nH QQ = -( k.H1i + k.reH2 * nH + RR * (1+y) ) PP = k.reH2 * nH * (1.0 + y) dd = QQ*QQ - 4.0*RR*PP if utils.isiterable( dd ): if np.any( dd < 0.0 ): indx = np.where( dd < 0.0 ) dd[indx] = dd[indx] * 0.0 else: if dd < 0.0: dd = dd * 0.0 # QQ is always negative in this case #q = -0.5 * (QQ + np.sign(QQ) * np.sqrt(QQ*QQ - 4.0*RR*PP)) q = -0.5 * ( QQ - np.sqrt(dd) ) xH1 = PP / q return xH1 #===================================================================
[docs] def analytic_slab_soltn_tau(self, nH, k, xH1): """ Analytic inverse solution for monochromatic radiation incident onto a constant density and temperature slab. Given a neutral fraction this function returns the optical depth into the slab. Args: `nH` (array): H number density `k` (rates object): must contain the attributes ciH1, reH2, and H1i, see :class:`~rabacus.atomic.chemistry.ChemistryRates` `xH1` (array): neutral hydrogen fraction Returns: `tauH` (array): depth into the slab for given neutral fraction, tau = NH * sigma """ y = 0.0 xH1_0 = self.analytic_soltn_xH1( nH, y, k ) xH1_c = k.reH2 / ( k.reH2 + k.ciH1 ) t1 = ( 1.0 / xH1_0 - 1.0 / xH1 ) num = xH1 * (1.0 - xH1_0) den = xH1_0 * (1.0 - xH1 ) t2 = np.log( num / den ) num = xH1 * (xH1_c - xH1_0) den = xH1_0 * (xH1_c - xH1 ) t3 = (1.0 / xH1_c) * np.log( num / den ) tauH = t1 + t2 + t3 return tauH #===================================================================
[docs] def analytic_soltn_H1i(self, nH, y, k, xH1): """ Analytic equilibrium solution for the photoionization rate given the neutral fraction xH1 = nH1/nH Args: `nH` (array): H number density `y` (array): electrons from elements heavier than hydrogen, ne = nH * (xH2 + y) `k` (rates object): must contain the attributes ciH1 and reH2, see :class:`~rabacus.atomic.chemistry.ChemistryRates` `xH1` (array): neutral hydrogen fraction Returns: `H1i` (array): hydrogen photoionization rate """ t1 = k.reH2 * nH * ( 1.0-xH1+y ) * ( 1.0-xH1 ) / xH1 t2 = k.ciH1 * nH * ( 1.0-xH1+y ) H1i = t1 - t2 return H1i #===================================================================