Source code for rabacus.atomic.cooling

""" A module for loading atomic cooling rates. """ 

import numpy as np
import hui_gnedin_97 
import sd93

from rabacus.utils import utils
from rabacus.constants import units
from rabacus.constants import physical

__all__ = ['CoolingRates']

[docs]class CoolingRates: r""" A cooling rates class. Provides access to collisional ionization, collisional excitation, recombination, bremsstrahlung, and inverse compton cooling rates as a function of temperature. The user can optionally supply photo-heating rates which will become attributes of the returned instance. These cooling and photo-heating rates determine the evolution of temperature in cosmological gas. .. note:: For compton and bremsstrahlung cooling, only the temperature dependent part of rates are stored. See the functions :func:`return_cooling` and :func:`return_heating` for the proper multiplicative factors. .. note:: The case A fractions, `fcA_H2`, `fcA_He2`, and `fcA_He3`, interpolate between case A and case B recombination rates (0.0 = case B, 1.0 = case A). Args: `T` (array): Temperatures. `fcA_H2` (array): Case A fraction for HII. `fcA_He2` (array): Case A fraction for HeII. `fcA_He3` (array): Case A fraction for HeIII. Kwargs: `H1h` (array): HI photoheating rate. `He1h` (array): HeI photoheating rate. `He2h` (array): HeII photoheating rate. `fit_name` (string): Source of rate fits {'hg97'} `add_He2di` (bool): If true, recHe2di is added to recHe2. Attributes: `u` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.units.Units`): Units. `cicH1` (array): HI collisional ionization cooling rate. `cicHe1` (array): HeI collisional ionization cooling rate. `cicHe2` (array): HeII collisional ionization cooling rate. `cecH1` (array): HI collisional excitation cooling rate. `cecHe1` (array): HeI collisional excitation cooling rate. `cecHe2` (array): HeII collisional excitation cooling rate. `recH2` (array): HII radiative recombination cooling rate. `recHe2` (array): HeII radiative recombination cooling rate. `recHe3` (array): HeIII radiative recombination cooling rate. `recHe2di` (array): HeII dielectronic recombination cooling rate. `compton` (array): Inverse Compton scattering cooling rate. `bremss` (array): Bremsstrahlung radiation cooling rate. """ def __init__(self, T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h=None, He1h=None, He2h=None, fit_name='hg97', add_He2di=True): # create a list of valid rate names + temperature #-------------------------------------------------- self._rate_names = ['H1h', 'He1h', 'He2h', 'cicH1', 'cicHe1', 'cicHe2', 'cecH1', 'cecHe1', 'cecHe2', 'recH2', 'recHe2', 'recHe3', 'recHe2di', 'compton', 'bremss', 'T'] # set optionals once # T, H1h, He1h, and He2h can be changed using set #---------------------------------------------- self.fit_name = fit_name self.add_He2di = add_He2di self.u = units.Units() self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants() # set source of rates #------------------------------------------ if fit_name == 'hg97': self._rates = hui_gnedin_97.HuiGnedin97() elif fit_name == 'enzo13': self._rates = enzo_13.Enzo13() # set initial values #---------------------------------------------- self.set( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h=H1h, He1h=He1h, He2h=He2h )
[docs] def set( self, T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h=None, He1h=None, He2h=None ): r""" Updates rates using new temperatures, case A fractions, and photo-heating rates. Args: `T` (array): Temperatures. `fcA_H2` (array): Case A fraction for HII. `fcA_He2` (array): Case A fraction for HeII. `fcA_He3` (array): Case A fraction for HeIII. Kwargs: `H1h` (array): HI photoheating rate. `He1h` (array): HeI photoheating rate. `He2h` (array): HeII photoheating rate. """ # check input #------------------------------------------ self._clean_input( T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h, He1h, He2h ) # collisional ionization coolling #------------------------------------------ self.cicH1 = self._rates.cicH1(self.T) self.cicHe1 = self._rates.cicHe1(self.T) self.cicHe2 = self._rates.cicHe2(self.T) # collisional excitation coolling # (some sources dont provide) #------------------------------------------ if hasattr( self._rates, 'cecH1' ): self.cecH1 = self._rates.cecH1(self.T) if hasattr( self._rates, 'cecHe1' ): self.cecHe1 = self._rates.cecHe1(self.T) if hasattr( self._rates, 'cecHe2' ): self.cecHe2 = self._rates.cecHe2(self.T) # dielectronic recombination coolling #------------------------------------------ self.recHe2di = self._rates.recHe2di(self.T) # radiative recombination coolling #------------------------------------------ uu = self._rates.recH2a( 1.0e4 * self.u.K ).units recH2a = self._rates.recH2a(self.T) recH2b = self._rates.recH2b(self.T) log_recH2a = np.log10( recH2a.magnitude ) log_recH2b = np.log10( recH2b.magnitude ) log_recH2 = log_recH2a * self.fcA_H2 + \ log_recH2b * (1.0-self.fcA_H2) self.recH2 = 10**log_recH2 * uu recHe2a = self._rates.recHe2a(self.T) recHe2b = self._rates.recHe2b(self.T) log_recHe2a = np.log10( recHe2a.magnitude ) log_recHe2b = np.log10( recHe2b.magnitude ) log_recHe2 = log_recHe2a * self.fcA_He2 + \ log_recHe2b * (1.0-self.fcA_He2) self.recHe2 = 10**log_recHe2 * uu recHe3a = self._rates.recHe3a(self.T) recHe3b = self._rates.recHe3b(self.T) log_recHe3a = np.log10( recHe3a.magnitude ) log_recHe3b = np.log10( recHe3b.magnitude ) log_recHe3 = log_recHe3a * self.fcA_He3 + \ log_recHe3b * (1.0-self.fcA_He3) self.recHe3 = 10**log_recHe3 * uu # add dielectronic to radiative? #------------------------------------------ if self.add_He2di: self.recHe2 = self.recHe2 + self.recHe2di # compton cooling #------------------------------------------ self.compton = self._rates.compton(self.T) # bremsstrahlung cooling #------------------------------------------ self.bremss = self._rates.bremss(self.T)
def _clean_input( self, T, fcA_H2, fcA_He2, fcA_He3, H1h, He1h, He2h ): # check temperature #------------------------------------------ if not hasattr( T, 'shape' ): raise utils.InputError, '\n T must be an array with units. \n' if T.shape == (): self.T = np.ones(1) * T else: self.T = T.copy() if not hasattr(self.T,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n T must have units \n' else: self.T.units = 'K' # check fcA #------------------------------------------ if utils.isiterable( fcA_H2 ): assert fcA_H2.shape == self.T.shape self.fcA_H2 = fcA_H2.copy() else: self.fcA_H2 = np.ones(self.T.shape) * fcA_H2 if utils.isiterable( fcA_He2 ): assert fcA_He2.shape == self.T.shape self.fcA_He2 = fcA_He2.copy() else: self.fcA_He2 = np.ones(self.T.shape) * fcA_He2 if utils.isiterable( fcA_He3 ): assert fcA_He3.shape == self.T.shape self.fcA_He3 = fcA_He3.copy() else: self.fcA_He3 = np.ones(self.T.shape) * fcA_He3 # check HI photo-heating rate #------------------------------------------ if H1h == None: self.H1h = np.zeros(1) * self.u.erg / self.u.s else: if H1h.shape == (): self.H1h = np.ones(1) * H1h else: self.H1h = H1h.copy() if not hasattr(self.H1h,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n H1h must have units \n' else: self.H1h.units = 'erg/s' if self.H1h.shape != self.T.shape: raise utils.InputError, '\n T and H1h must have same shape \n' # check HeI photo-heating rate #------------------------------------------ if He1h == None: self.He1h = np.zeros(1) * self.u.erg / self.u.s else: if He1h.shape == (): self.He1h = np.ones(1) * He1h else: self.He1h = He1h.copy() if not hasattr(self.He1h,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n He1h must have units \n' else: self.He1h.units = 'erg/s' if self.He1h.shape != self.T.shape: raise utils.InputError, '\n T and He1h must have same shape \n' # check HeII photo-heating rate #------------------------------------------ if He2h == None: self.He2h = np.zeros(1) * self.u.erg / self.u.s else: if He2h.shape == (): self.He2h = np.ones(1) * He2h else: self.He2h = He2h.copy() if not hasattr(self.He2h,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n He2h must have units \n' else: self.He2h.units = 'erg/s' if self.He2h.shape != self.T.shape: raise utils.InputError, '\n T and He2h must have same shape \n'
[docs] def extend_dims( self, N ): r""" Takes the one dimensional rate arrays (whose size has been determined by the size of the input temperature array) and extends them to 2-D arrays using copies of the original structures such that the new arrays have dimensions (N, self.T.size). This is useful when one wants to use array operations to calculate cooling/heating for all possible combinations of temperature and density. """ for key in dir( self ): if key in self._rate_names: if hasattr( self, key ): rate = getattr( self, key ) newr = np.array( [ rate for i in xrange(N) ] ) * rate.units setattr( self, key, newr )
[docs] def reduce_dims( self ): r""" The inverse of :func:`extend_dims`. """ for key in dir( self ): if key in self._rate_names: if hasattr( self, key ): rate = getattr( self, key ) newr = rate[0,:] setattr( self, key, newr )
[docs] def return_cooling( self, nH, nHe, x, z, Hz=None, sd93_logZ=None ): """ Returns a cooling rate in erg/(s cm^3). Args: `nH` (array): Number density of hydrogen. `nHe` (array): Number density of helium. `x` (ionization fractions): An object which contains ionization fractions. For example, instances of the classes in :mod:`~rabacus.solvers.one_zone`. `z` (float): Redshift. Kwargs: `Hz` (float): Hubble parameter at `z` if Hubble cooling is desired. `sd93_logZ` (float): set to log metallicity (log Z) to use metal cooling in CIE from Sutherland and Dopita 1993 """ if nH.shape == (): nH = np.ones(1) * nH if nHe.shape == (): nHe = np.ones(1) * nHe c1 = nH.shape == nHe.shape == x.H1.shape == self.T.shape if not c1: msg = '\n nH, nHe, ionization fractions (x.??) and self.T ' + \ 'must have equal shapes \n' print 'nH.shape: ', nH.shape print 'nHe.shape: ', nHe.shape print 'x.H1.shape: ', x.H1.shape print 'self.T.shape: ', self.T.shape raise utils.InputError, msg ne = nH * x.H2 + nHe * (x.He2 + 2.0 * x.He3) cool = \ self.cecH1 * ne * x.H1 * nH + \ self.cecHe2 * ne * x.He2 * nHe + \ self.cicH1 * ne * x.H1 * nH + \ self.cicHe1 * ne * x.He1 * nHe + \ self.cicHe2 * ne * x.He2 * nHe + \ self.recH2 * ne * x.H2 * nH + \ self.recHe2 * ne * x.He2 * nHe + \ self.recHe3 * ne * x.He3 * nHe Tcmb = 2.725 * (1.0+z) cool += self.compton * (1.0+z)**4 * (self.T.magnitude - Tcmb) * ne bfac = nH * x.H2 + nHe * x.He2 + 4.0 * nHe * x.He3 cool += self.bremss * bfac * ne # possibly apply hubble cooling #----------------------------------------------- if Hz != None: if not hasattr(Hz,'units'): raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n Hz must have units \n' else: Hz.units = '1/s' adia = 3.0 * Hz * self.pc.kb * self.T * ( nH + nHe + ne ) cool += adia # possibly apply metal cooling #----------------------------------------------- if sd93_logZ != None: sd = sd93.SD93() Lambda_N = sd.Zcool( self.T, sd93_logZ ) nt = nH + nHe cool += Lambda_N * ne * nt return cool
[docs] def return_heating( self, nH, nHe, x ): """ Returns a heating rate in erg/(s cm^3). Args: `nH` (array): Number density of hydrogen. `nHe` (array): Number density of helium. `x` (ionization fractions): An object which contains ionization fractions. For example, instances of the classes in :mod:`~rabacus.solvers.one_zone` """ if nH.shape == (): nH = np.ones(1) * nH if nHe.shape == (): nHe = np.ones(1) * nHe c1 = nH.shape == nHe.shape == x.H1.shape == self.T.shape if not c1: msg = '\n nH, nHe, ionization fractions (x.??) and self.T ' + \ 'must have equal shapes \n' print 'nH.shape: ', nH.shape print 'nHe.shape: ', nHe.shape print 'x.H1.shape: ', x.H1.shape print 'self.T.shape: ', self.T.shape raise utils.InputError, msg heat = x.H1 * self.H1h * nH + \ x.He1 * self.He1h * nHe + \ x.He2 * self.He2h * nHe return heat