
Basic Methods



Quaternions are represented in the algebraic way: q = a+bi+cj+dk, and a, b, c, d are floats. Components are of float type if self is a quaternion, of integer type if self is a Hurwitz quaternion.


__getitem__(self, key)

Returns one of the four components of the quaternion. This method allows to get the components by



__setitem__(self, key, number)

Set one of the four components of the quaternion. This method allows to set the components by

quaternion[key] = number


__delitem__(self, key)

Delete (set to zero) one of the four components of the quaternion. This method allows to write

del quaternion[key]


__delslice__(self, key_1, key_2)

Delete (set to zero) the components of the quaternion from the key_1-th to the key_2-th. This method allows to write

del quaternion[1:3]


__contains__(self, key)

Returns 0 if the component of the quaternion with respect to key is zero, 1 otherwise. This method allows to write

del 'k' in quaternion

>>> q = qmath.quaternion('1+1i+5k')
>>> 'j' in q
>>> 'i' in q

Algebraic Operations


__eq__(self, other)

Returns True if two quaternion are equal, False otherwise. This method allows to write

quaternion1 == quaternion2

>>> q = qmath.quaternion('1+1k')
>>> q == 0
>>> q == '1+1k'

Also equalities with a tolerance are admitted:

>>> q == qmath.quaternion([1,0,1e-15,1])|1e-9
>>> q == [1,1,1e-15,0]


__ne__(self, other)

Returns False if two quaternion are equal, True otherwise. This method allows to write

quaternion1 != quaternion2

>>> q = qmath.quaternion('1+1k')
>>> q != 0
>>> q != '1+1k'



Converts self components into integers.

>>> q = qmath.quaternion('1+1i+5k')
>>> q
>>> q._int_()

__iadd__(), __isub__(), __imul__(), __idiv__()

__iadd__(self, other)
__isub__(self, other)
__imul__(self, other)
__idiv__(self, other)

These methods are called to implement the augmented arithmetic assignments. These methods do the operation in-place (modifying self). If other is a Hurwitz quaternion but its inverse is not, the __idiv__() method raises an error.

Methods __imul__() and __idiv__() depend on the choice of matrix in the initialization of the quaternions.

>>> a = qmathcore.quaternion([0,-1,0,-1], matrix = np.array([[-1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,-1]]))
>>> b = qmathcore.quaternion([0,0,2,0], matrix = np.array([[-1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,-1]]))
>>> a *= b
>>> a


__imod__(self, other)

This method is called to implement the modular reduction. It is performed only if self is a Hurwitz quaternion and other is an integer. Otherwise an error is raised.

__add__(), __sub__(), __mul__(), __div__(), __mod__()

__add__(self, other)
__sub__(self, other)
__mul__(self, other)
__div__(self, other)
__mod__(self, other)

These methods are called to implement the binary arithmetic operations. For instance, to evaluate the expression x + y, where x is a quaternion, x.__add__(y) is called. y can either be a quaternion (or a Hurwitz quaternion) or something that can be converted to quaternion.

If other is a Hurwitz quaternion but its inverse is not, the __div__ method raises an error.

The __mod__ method is performed only if self is a Hurwitz quaternion and other is integer (see __imod__).

Methods __mul__() and __div__() depend on the choice of matrix in the initialization of the quaternions (see __imul__() and __idiv__()).

__rmul__(), __rdiv__()

__rmul__(self, other)
__rdiv__(self, other)

These methods are called to implement the binary arithmetic operations with reflected operands. If other is a Hurwitz quaternion but its inverse is not, the __rdiv__ method raises an error.

Methods __rmul__() and __rdiv__() depend on the choice of matrix in the initialization of the quaternions (see __imul__() and __idiv__()).



Return the opposite of a quaternion. You can write - quaternion.


__pow__(self, exponent[, modulo])

Implements the operator **. The power of a quaternion can be computed for integer power (both positive or negative) and also if the exponent is half or third a number: for example square or cube roots are evaluated (see also sqrt and croot).

This method depends on the choice of matrix in the initialization of the quaternions (see __imul__()).

If self is a Hurwitz quaternion, powers are computed only for natural exponents. Modular reduction is performed for Hurwitz quaternions (if self is a Hamilton quaternion, modulo is ignored).

>>> base = qmath.quaternion('1+1i+2j-2k')
>>> base ** 3
>>> base ** (-2)
>>> qmath.quaternion([-5,1,0,1]) ** (1.0/3)
>>> qmath.quaternion([-5,1,0,1]) ** (2.0/3)
>>> qmath.quaternion('1.0+1.0i+1.0k') ** 2
>>> qmathcore.hurwitz('1+1i+1k') ** 2
>>> pow(qmathcore.hurwitz('1+1i+1k'),2,3)



Returns the modulus of the quaternion.


equal(self, other[, tolerance])

Returns quaternion equality with arbitrary tolerance. If no tolerance is admitted it is the same as __eq__(self,other).

>>> a = qmath.quaternion([1,1,1e-15,0])
>>> b = qmath.quaternion(1+1j)
>>> a.equal(b,1e-9)
>>> a.equal(b)

Other Algebraic Manipulations



Returns the real part of the quaternion.



Returns the imaginary part of the quaternion.



Returns the trace of the quaternion (the double of its real part).



Returns the conjugate of the quaternion.



Returns the norm of the quaternion (the square of the modulus).



Returns the delta of the quaternion, that is the opposite of the norm of the imaginary part of the quaternion (see [2] for details).


inverse(self[, modulo])

Quaternionic inverse, if it exists. It is equivalent to quaternion ** (-1).

Modular inversion can be performed for Hurwitz quaternions (if self is a Hamilton quaternion, modulo is ignored).

>>> a = qmath.quaternion([2,-2,-4,-1])
>>> a.inverse()
>>> b = qmath.hurwitz([0,-2,-2,0])
>>> b.inverse(13)



Returns the normalized quaternion, if different from zero.



Computes the square root of the quaternion. If the quaternion has only two roots, the one with positive trace is given: if this method returns r, also -r is a root (see [1] and [2] for details on roots extraction).



Computes the cube root (unique) of a quaternion (see [1] and [2] for details on roots extraction).



Converts the quaternion, if unitary, into a rotation matrix.


[1](1, 2)
  1. Abrate, Quadratic Formulas for Generalized Quaternions, The Journal of Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 8, Issue 3 (2009), pp. 289-306.
[2](1, 2)
  1. Abrate The Roots of a Generalized Quaternion, Congressus Numeratium, Vol. 201 (2010), pp. 179-186, Kluwer Academic Publishers.