Create an instance of VssManager passing your EIS Virtual Cloud REST API access token and your are all set to start calling any of the self-descriptive methods included:

from pyvss.manager import VssManager
vss = VssManager(tk='api_token')

# list vms
vms = vss.get_vms()

# list folders
folders = vss.get_folders()

# networks
networks = vss.get_networks()

# domains
domains = vss.get_domains()

# power cycle vm

# create vm
req = vss.create_vm(os='ubuntu64Guest', built='os_install',
                    description='Testing python wrapper',
                    folder='group-v6736', bill_dept='EIS', disks=[100, 100])
uuid = vss.wait_for_request(req['_links']['request'], 'vm_uuid', 'Processed')

# creating multiple vms
reqs = vss.create_vms(count=3, name='python', os='ubuntu64Guest', bill_dept='EIS',
        description='Testing multiple deployment from python wrapper',
        folder='group-v6736', built='os_install')
uuids = [vss.wait_for_request(r['_links']['request'], 'vm_uuid', 'Processed') for r in reqs]

# power on recently created vms
for uuid in uuids:

# create snapshot
req = vss.create_vm_snapshot(uuid='5012abcb-a9f3-e112-c1ea-de2fa9dab90a',
                             desc='Snapshot description',
                             date_time='2016-08-04 15:30',
snap_id = vss.wait_for_request(req['_links']['request'], 'snap_id', 'Processed')

# revert to snapshot
req = vss.revert_vm_snapshot(uuid, snap_id)

An alternative is to generate a token from within the VssManager class and this can be done by setting the following environment variables

export VSS_API_USER='username'
export VSS_API_USER_PASS='username_password'

Then, from the VssManager call the get_token method as follows:

from pyvss.manager import VssManager
vss = VssManager()

It also supports command line execution by setting the VSS_API_TOKEN environment variable with the EIS Virtual Cloud REST API access token

python pyvss/ get_vms 'summary=1&name=pm'
[{u'_links': {u'self': u'<vm_uuid>'},
  u'cpuCount': 2,
  u'folder': {u'_links': {u'self': u''},
              u'moref': u'group-v519',
              u'name': u'Public',
              u'parent': u'API'},
  u'guestFullName': u'Ubuntu Linux (64-bit)',
  u'ipAddress': u'<ip_addr>',
  u'memoryMB': 4096,
  u'name': u'1502P-pm',
  u'overallStatus': u'green',
  u'powerState': u'poweredOn',
  u'storageB': 96637166467,
  u'uuid': u'<vm_uuid>'}]

python pyvss/ get_vm_console <vm_uuid>
{u'value': u'