Source code for virtualbox.library_ext.machine

Add helper code to the default IMachine class.

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import sys
import os
import shutil

import virtualbox
from virtualbox import library

except NameError:
    basestring = (str, bytes)

# Extend and fix IMachine :)
[docs]class IMachine(library.IMachine): __doc__ = library.IMachine.__doc__ def __str__(self): return
[docs] def remove(self, delete=True): """Unregister and optionally delete associated config Options: delete - remove all elements of this VM from the system Return the IMedia from unregistered VM """ if self.state >= library.MachineState.running: session = virtualbox.Session() self.lock_machine(session, library.LockType.shared) try: progress = session.console.power_down() progress.wait_for_completion(-1) except Exception: print("Error powering off machine", file=sys.stderr) session.unlock_machine() time.sleep(0.5) # TODO figure out how to ensure session is really unlocked... settings_dir = os.path.dirname(self.settings_file_path) if delete: option = library.CleanupMode.detach_all_return_hard_disks_only else: option = library.CleanupMode.detach_all_return_none media = self.unregister(option) if delete: progress = self.delete_config(media) progress.wait_for_completion(-1) media = [] # if delete - At some point in time virtualbox didn't do a full cleanup # of this dir. Let's double check it has been cleaned up. if delete and os.path.exists(settings_dir): shutil.rmtree(settings_dir) return media
[docs] def clone(self, snapshot_name_or_id=None, mode=library.CloneMode.machine_state, options=None, name=None, uuid=None, groups=None, basefolder='', register=True): """Clone this Machine Options: snapshot_name_or_id - value can be either ISnapshot, name, or id mode - set the CloneMode value options - define the CloneOptions options name - define a name of the new VM uuid - set the uuid of the new VM groups - specify which groups the new VM will exist under basefolder - specify which folder to set the VM up under register - register this VM with the server Note: Default values create a linked clone from the current machine state Return a IMachine object for the newly cloned vm """ if options is None: options = [] if groups is None: groups = [] vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox() if snapshot_name_or_id is not None: if isinstance(snapshot_name_or_id, basestring): snapshot = self.find_snapshot(snapshot_name_or_id) else: snapshot = snapshot_name_or_id vm = snapshot.machine else: # linked clone can only be created from a snapshot... # try grabbing the current_snapshot if in options: vm = self.current_snapshot.machine else: vm = self if name is None: name = "%s Clone" % # Build the settings file create_flags = '' if uuid is not None: create_flags = "UUID=%s" % uuid primary_group = '' if groups: primary_group = groups[0] # Make sure this settings file does not already exist test_name = name settings_file = '' for i in range(1, 1000): settings_file = vbox.compose_machine_filename(test_name, primary_group, create_flags, basefolder) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(settings_file)): break test_name = "%s (%s)" % (name, i) name = test_name # Create the new machine and clone it! vm_clone = vbox.create_machine(settings_file, name, groups, '', create_flags) progress = vm.clone_to(vm_clone, mode, options) progress.wait_for_completion(-1) if register: vbox.register_machine(vm_clone) return vm_clone
# Add a helper to make locking and building a session simple
[docs] def create_session(self, lock_type=library.LockType.shared, session=None): """Lock this machine Arguments: lock_type - see IMachine.lock_machine for details session - optionally define a session object to lock this machine against. If not defined, a new ISession object is created to lock against return an ISession object """ if session is None: session = library.ISession() # NOTE: The following hack handles the issue of unknown machine state. # This occurs most frequently when a machine is powered off and # in spite waiting for the completion event to end, the state of # machine still raises the following Error: # virtualbox.library.VBoxErrorVmError: 0x80bb0003 (Failed to \ # get a console object from the direct session (Unknown \ # Status 0x80BB0002)) error = None for _ in range(10): try: self.lock_machine(session, lock_type) except Exception as exc: error = exc time.sleep(1) continue else: break else: if error is not None: raise Exception("Failed to create clone - %s" % error) return session
# Simplify the launch_vm_process. Build a ISession if it has not been defined...
[docs] def launch_vm_process(self, session=None, type_p='gui', environment=''): if session is None: local_session = library.ISession() else: local_session = session p = super(IMachine, self).launch_vm_process(local_session, type_p, environment) if session is None: p.wait_for_completion(-1) local_session.unlock_machine() return p
launch_vm_process.__doc__ = library.IMachine.launch_vm_process.__doc__ # BUG: xidl describes this function as exportTo. The interface seems # to export plain "export" instead...
[docs] def export_to(self, appliance, location): if not isinstance(appliance, library.IAppliance): msg = "appliance can only be an instance of type IAppliance" raise TypeError(msg) if not isinstance(location, basestring): raise TypeError("value is not an instance of basestring") # see description = self._call("exportTo", in_p=[appliance, location]) return library.IVirtualSystemDescription(description)
export_to.__doc__ = library.IMachine.export_to.__doc__ # If no snapshot has been supplied, try using the current_snapshot
[docs] def restore_snapshot(self, snapshot=None): if snapshot is None: if self.current_snapshot: snapshot = self.current_snapshot else: raise Exception("Machine has no snapshots") return super(IMachine, self).restore_snapshot(snapshot)
restore_snapshot.__doc__ = library.IMachine.restore_snapshot.__doc__