Source code for virtualbox.library_ext.guest

Add helper code to the default IGuest class.

import time
import os
import virtualbox
from virtualbox import library

# Define some default params for create session
[docs]class IGuest(library.IGuest): __doc__ = library.IGuest.__doc__
[docs] def create_session(self, user, password, domain='', session_name='pyvbox', timeout_ms=0): session = super(IGuest, self).create_session(user, password, domain, session_name) for i in range(50): if session.status == library.GuestSessionStatus.started: break time.sleep(0.1) else: if len(password) == 0: raise SystemError('GuestSession failed to start. Could be because ' 'of using an empty password.') raise SystemError("GuestSession failed to start") if timeout_ms != 0: # There is probably a better way to to this? if 'win' in self.os_type_id.lower(): test_file = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe' else: test_file = '/bin/sh' while True: try: session.file_exists(test_file) except library.VBoxError: time.sleep(0.5) timeout_ms -= 500 if timeout_ms <= 0: raise continue break return session
create_session.__doc__ = library.IGuest.create_session.__doc__ # Update guest additions helper
[docs] def update_guest_additions(self, source=None, arguments=None, flags=None): if arguments is None: arguments = [] if flags is None: flags = [library.AdditionsUpdateFlag.none] if source is None: manager = virtualbox.Manager() source = os.path.join(manager.bin_path, "VBoxGuestAdditions.iso") if not os.path.exists(source): raise IOError("ISO path '%s' not found" % source) return super(IGuest, self).update_guest_additions(source, arguments, flags)
update_guest_additions.__doc__ = library.IGuest.update_guest_additions.__doc__