
SikuliClient is an XMLRPC client for SikuliServer - an instance of SikuliClient should be held by each client-side instance of SikuliClass in order to allow it to interact with the server-side class.

class python_sikuli_client.sikuli_client.SikuliClient(host, port=5637, include=None, exclude=None)[source]

Client for sikuliserver to expose a more limited set of keywords to rf

Location(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new Location connected to this SikuliClient :param args: args to pass to Location contructor :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to Location contructor :rtype : SikuliServer.sikuli_client.Location

Region(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new Region connected to this SikuliClient :param args: args to pass to Region contructor :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to Region contructor :rtype : SikuliServer.sikuli_client.Region

Screen(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new Screen connected to this SikuliClient :param args: args to pass to Screen contructor :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to Screen contructor :rtype : SikuliServer.sikuli_client.Screen


Get access to the bounds of the default screen


Get the mapping of objects seen on the server



python_sikuli_client.sikuli_client.sikuli_client_session(*args, **kwds)[source]

Creates a new SikuliClient for your session, making sure all server-side gc is performed on context exit

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