Source code for python_sikuli_client.screen

Classes to fulfill the roles of those described at
from python_sikuli_client.sikuli_class import ClientSikuliClass
from python_sikuli_client.misc import (constructor,
from python_sikuli_client.asserts import (assert_Region)
__author__ = 'Alistair Broomhead'

[docs]class Screen(ClientSikuliClass): """ Manages interaction with Sikuli's Screen, reflecting """ @run_on_remote
[docs] def getNumberScreens(self): """ Get the number of screens in a multi-monitor environment at the time the script is running. :rtype: int """ pass
@run_on_remote def getBounds(self): """ Get the dimensions of monitor represented by the screen object. The width and height of the rectangle denote the dimensions of the monitor represented by the screen object. These attributes are obtained from the operating system. They can not be modified using Sikuli script. :rtype: (int, int, int, int) """ pass @getBounds.func
[docs] def getBounds(self): """ :rtype: (int, int, int, int) """ gb = "self._get_jython_object(%r).getBounds()" % self._id return self.remote._eval("[(x.x, x.y, x.width, x.height) " "for x in [%s]][0]" % gb)
[docs] def capture(self, *args): """ Get the dimensions of monitor represented by the screen object. The width and height of the rectangle denote the dimensions of the monitor represented by the screen object. These attributes are obtained from the operating system. They can not be modified using Sikuli script. :param args: (Region,) | (x, y, w, h) :rtype: str """ if len(args) == 1: assert_Region(args[0], self.capture) elif len(args) != 4: raise TypeError( "%r expected (x, y, w, h), got %r" % (self.capture, args)) else: for a in zip('xywh', args): if not isinstance(a, int) or a <= 0: raise TypeError( "%r expected positive integers for each of " "(x, y, w, h), got %r" % (self.capture, args))
[docs] def selectRegion(self, text=None): """ Select a region on the screen interactively text is displayed for about 2 seconds in the middle of the screen. If text is omitted, the default "Select a region on the screen" is displayed. The interactive capture mode is entered and allows the user to select a region the same way as using the selection tool in the IDE. Note: You should check the result, since the user may cancel the capturing. :rtype : Region object or None, if the user cancels the capturing process. :param text: Text to display in the middle of the screen. """ pass
@constructor(Screen) def _screen_constructor(id_=0): return "Sikuli.Screen(%r)" % id_