odML-tables - Table-based editing of odML metadata collections


odML-tables is a tool to support working with metadata collections for electrophysiological data.

The odML file format and library API provides a means to store hierarchical metadata collections for electrophysiological data. Such collections typically consist of a large number of key-value pairs organized by a hierarchy of sections (see Grewe et al, 2011, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 5, 16). However, for editing and viewing metadata the use of standard spreadsheet software offering a flat tabular representation of a selected subset of metadata is desireable (cf., Zehl et al, 2016, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 10, 26). odML-tables provides a set of library functions as well as a graphical user interface that offers to swtich between hierarchical and flat representations of their metadata collection, and provides functions that assist in working with these files.

Currently, odML-tables supports:

  • converting metadata collections between the hierarchical odML format and table-based representations (i.e., xls, csv)
  • creating an empty template for starting a new metadata collection
  • comparing sections within a metadata collections
  • filtering metadata collections to extract a specific subcollection
  • merging multiple metadata collections into one file

Indices and tables