Source code for foreman.client

#!/usr/bin/env python
#encoding: utf-8
This module provides acces to the API of a foreman server

import os
import re
import logging
import json
import requests
import pprint
    import definitions as defs
    download_defs = False
except ImportError, e:
    download_defs = True
    import foreman_plugins
    import os.path
    import pkgutil
    pkg_path = os.path.dirname(foreman_plugins.__file__)
    plugins = [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([pkg_path])]
except ImportError:
    plugins = []

if requests.__version__.split('.', 1)[0] == '0':
    OLD_REQ = True
    OLD_REQ = False

[docs]class ForemanException(Exception): def __init__(self, res, msg): """ This exception wraps an error message and let's the caller to get the :class:`requests.Response` that failed """ Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.res = res
[docs]class ObjectNotFound(ForemanException): pass
[docs]class Unacceptable(ForemanException): pass
[docs]class ForemanVersionException(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_methods_urls(): """ Get the first level of the pages of the documentation """ methodslist = requests.get(BASE_DOC_URL + '/apidoc.html').text match_method = re.compile(r'.*(?P<url>/apidoc/(?P<main>[^/]+)/' r'(?P<mtype>[^/]+).html)') methods = {} for line in methodslist.splitlines(): match = match_method.match(line) if match: res = match.groupdict() if res['main'] not in methods: methods[res['main']] = {} methods[res['main']][res['mtype']] = res['url'] return methods
[docs]def get_method_definition(method_url): """ :param method_url: relative url to the method's documentation page For a specific method url doc page, return it's definition """ method_page = requests.get(BASE_DOC_URL + '/' + method_url).text method_page = method_page.splitlines() method_page.reverse() match_def = re.compile(r'.*((?P<required>(required|optional))|' r'<strong>(?P<pname>[^<]+)</strong>|' r'Value: Must (be (an? )?|match )(?P<ptype>.+))') params = {} started = None while method_page: line = method_page.pop() if not started: started = re.match(r'.*<h2>Params</h2>', line) continue method_info = match_def.match(line) if method_info: newinfo = method_info.groupdict() for name, val in newinfo.iteritems(): if val: val = str(val) if name == 'ptype': if val == '&#x27;true&#x27; or &#x27;false&#x27;': val = "'true' or 'false'" if name == 'pname': params[val] = {} current_param = params[val] else: if name == 'required': val = val == 'required' current_param[str(name)] = val return params
[docs]def generate_defs_file(fname=''): """ :param fname: Name of the file todump the definitoins to. Fetch the docs and generate the definitions of the api methods. """ all_defs = {} for model, methods in get_methods_urls().iteritems(): model_def = {} for mname, murl in methods.iteritems(): mdef = get_method_definition(murl) model_def.update({str(mname): mdef}) all_defs[str(model)] = model_def ## Add the special 'status' case with open(fname, 'w') as fd_defs: fd_defs.write('DEFS = ') fd_defs.write(pprint.pformat(all_defs))
[docs]def gen_fun_line(params): """ :param params: Dict with the funciton parameters as found in the definitions file Generates the python code that defines a function from it's definition """ args_str = ['self'] default_args = [] for arg, val in params.iteritems(): if '[' in arg: continue if val['required']: args_str.append('%s' % arg.strip()) else: default_args.append('%s=None' % arg.strip()) return ', '.join(args_str) + ', ' + ', '.join(default_args)
[docs]def gen_fun_doc(fdef): """ :param fdef: Function definition as found in the definitions file Generate the documtation for the given function definition """ doc_str = '' for arg, val in fdef.iteritems(): arg = arg.strip() doc_str += '\n\t:param %s: type %s, %s' % ( arg, val['ptype'].strip(), val['required'] and 'required' or 'optional') return doc_str
[docs]def get_funct(fname, mname, fdef): """ :param fname: Funtion name :param fdef: Function definition as in the definitions file Generate the function from the given function and definition """ params = ['{0}={0}'.format(i.strip()) for i in fdef.iterkeys() if '[' not in i] if mname in ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']: fun_name, fname, mname = fname, mname, fname else: fun_name = fname + '_' + mname code_str = ''' def {5}({0}): """ {1} """ return self.send_request('{2}',mtype='{3}', {4})'''.format( gen_fun_line(fdef), gen_fun_doc(fdef), fname, mname, ', '.join(params), fun_name) exec code_str return locals()[fun_name] ## Before getting any further, make sure that the definitions file exists
if download_defs: fpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))"Downloading definitions for the first tine at " + "%s/" % fpath) generate_defs_file(fpath + '/') import definitions as defs
[docs]def res_to_str(res): """ :param res: :class:`requests.Response` object Parse the given request and generate an informative string from it """ if 'Authorization' in res.request.headers: res.request.headers['Authorization'] = "*****" return """ #################################### url = %s headers = %s -------- data sent ----------------- %s ------------------------------------ @@@@@ response @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ headers = %s code = %d reason = %s --------- data received ------------ %s ------------------------------------ #################################### """ % (res.url, str(res.request.headers), OLD_REQ and or res.request.body, res.headers, res.status_code, res.reason, res.text)
[docs]class MetaForeman(type): def __new__(meta, cls_name, bases, attrs): """ This class is called when defining the Foreman class, and populates it with the defined methods """ for mname, funcs in defs.DEFS.iteritems(): for fname, fdef in funcs.iteritems(): full_fname = '%s_%s' % (fname, mname) newfunc = get_funct(fname, mname, fdef) attrs[full_fname] = newfunc for plugin in (pl for pl in plugins if not pl.startswith('_')): try: myplugin = __import__('foreman_plugins.' + plugin, globals(), locals(), ['DEFS']) except ImportError: logging.error('Unable to import plugin module %s' % plugin) continue for mname, funcs in myplugin.DEFS.iteritems(): for fname, fdef in funcs.iteritems(): if mname in ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE']: full_fname = fname else: full_fname = '%s_%s' % (fname, mname) newfunc = get_funct(fname, mname, fdef) attrs[full_fname] = newfunc return type.__new__(meta, cls_name, bases, attrs)
[docs]class Foreman(): __metaclass__ = MetaForeman def __init__(self, url='http://localhost:3000', auth=None, version=None): """ :param url: Full url to the foreman server :param auth: Tuple with the user and the pass :param version: Version string for the given foreman url. If None given it will try to autodiscover it from the main page's footer. Main client class. """ self.url = url self.session = requests.Session() self._req_params = { 'verify': False, } if auth is not None: self.session.auth = auth self.version = version or self.get_foreman_version() self._extra_url = '' if self.version.split('.')[1] >= 1: self._extra_url = '/api' self.session.headers.update( { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-type': 'application/json', })
[docs] def get_foreman_version(self): """ Even if we have an api method that return the foreman version, we need the version first to know it's path, so instead of that we get the main page and extract the version from the footer. """ params = dict(self._req_params) home_page = self.session.get(self.url, **params) match ='Version\s+(?P<version>\S+)', home_page.text) if match: return match.groupdict()['version'] else: # on newer versions the version is in the headers about_page = self.session.get(self.url + '/api', **params) if 'foreman_version' in about_page.headers: return about_page.headers['foreman_version'] else: raise ForemanVersionException('Unable to get version')
[docs] def send_request(self, rtype, mtype, **params): """ :param rtype: Request type, one of ['index', 'show', 'status', 'create', 'update', 'destroy', 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'] :param mtype: Model type, the data model with wich we are interacting, for example host or environment. :param \*\*params: parameters for the api call """ # get rid of unnecessary parameters topop = [] for key, val in params.iteritems(): if val is None: topop.append(key) for key in topop: params.pop(key) if rtype in ['index', 'show', 'status', 'bootfiles', 'build_pxe_default', 'GET']: res = self.do_get(rtype, mtype, **params) elif rtype in ['create', 'POST']: res = self.do_post(rtype, mtype, **params) elif rtype in ['update', 'PUT']: res = self.do_put(rtype, mtype, **params) elif rtype in ['destroy', 'DEL']: res = self.do_delete(rtype, mtype, **params) else: raise Exception("Wrong method type %s" % rtype) if res.status_code < 200 or res.status_code >= 300: if res.status_code == 404: return [] elif res.status_code == 406: raise Unacceptable(res, None) logging.error(res_to_str(res)) raise ForemanException(res, 'Something went wrong') try: return OLD_REQ and res.json or res.json() except requests.JSONDecodeError, e: return res.text
[docs] def do_get(self, rtype, mtype, **kwargs): """ :param rtype: Request type, one of ['index', 'show', 'status', 'create', 'update', 'destroy'] :param mtype: Model type, the data model with wich we are interacting, for example host or environment. :param \*\*kwargs: parameters for the api call """ ## The special 'home' model type does not have the same url format if not self.session: self.session = requests.Session() if mtype == 'home': res = self.session.get( '%s/%s' % ( self.url + self._extra_url, rtype == 'status' and rtype or ''), params=kwargs, **self._req_params) elif rtype in ['index', 'GET']: res = self.session.get( '%s/%s' % ( self.url + self._extra_url, mtype), params=kwargs, **self._req_params) elif rtype == 'show': elem_id = kwargs.pop('id') res = self.session.get( '%s/%s/%s' % ( self.url + self._extra_url, mtype, elem_id), params=kwargs, **self._req_params) elif rtype == 'status': if not self.version.startswith('1.1'): raise ForemanVersionException( 'Not available for Foreman versions ' 'below 1.1') elem_id = kwargs.pop('id') res = self.session.get( '%s/%s/%s/status' % ( self.url + self._extra_url, mtype, elem_id), params=kwargs, **self._req_params) elif rtype == 'bootfiles': elem_id = kwargs.pop('id') res = self.sessions.get( '%s/%s/%s/bootfiles' % ( self.url + self._extra_url, mtype, elem_id), params=kwargs, **self._req_params) elif rtype == 'build_pxe_default': res = self.session.get( '%s/%s/build_pxe_default' % ( self.url + self._extra_url, mtype), params=kwargs, **self._req_params) return res
[docs] def do_post(self, rtype, mtype, **kwargs): """ :param rtype: Request type, one of ['index', 'show', 'status', 'create', 'update', 'destroy'] :param mtype: Model type, the data model with wich we are interacting, for example host or environment. :param \*\*kwargs: parameters for the api call """ data = json.dumps(kwargs) if rtype in ['create', 'POST']: res = '%s/%s' % ( self.url + self._extra_url, mtype), data=data, **self._req_params) return res
[docs] def do_put(self, rtype, mtype, **kwargs): """ :param rtype: Request type, one of ['index', 'show', 'status', 'create', 'update', 'destroy'] :param mtype: Model type, the data model with wich we are interacting, for example host or environment. :param \*\*kwargs: parameters for the api call """ mid = kwargs.pop('id') data = json.dumps(kwargs) if rtype in ['PUT', 'update']: res = self.session.put( '%s/%s/%s' % ( self.url + self._extra_url, mtype, mid), data=data, **self._req_params) return res
[docs] def do_delete(self, rtype, mtype, **kwargs): """ :param rtype: Request type, one of ['index', 'show', 'status', 'create', 'update', 'destroy'] :param mtype: Model type, the data model with wich we are interacting, for example host or environment. :param \*\*kwargs: parameters for the api call """ if rtype in ['DELETE', 'destroy']: elem_id = kwargs.pop('id') res = self.session.delete( '%s/%s/%s' % ( self.url + self._extra_url, mtype, elem_id), **self._req_params) return res