Source code for amazon.api

# !/usr/bin/python
# Copyright (C) 2012 Yoav Aviram.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import datetime
from itertools import islice

import bottlenose
from lxml import objectify, etree
import dateutil.parser
from decimal import Decimal

    'CA': 'ca',
    'DE': 'de',
    'ES': 'es',
    'FR': 'fr',
    'IN': 'in',
    'IT': 'it',
    'JP': '',
    'UK': '',
    'US': 'com',
    'CN': 'cn'


[docs]class AmazonException(Exception): """Base Class for Amazon Api Exceptions. """ pass
[docs]class CartException(AmazonException): """Cart related Exception """ pass
[docs]class CartInfoMismatchException(CartException): """HMAC, CartId and AssociateTag did not match """ pass
[docs]class AsinNotFound(AmazonException): """ASIN Not Found Exception. """ pass
[docs]class LookupException(AmazonException): """Lookup Exception. """ pass
[docs]class SearchException(AmazonException): """Search Exception. """ pass
[docs]class NoMorePages(SearchException): """No More Pages Exception. """ pass
[docs]class RequestThrottled(AmazonException): """Exception for when Amazon has throttled a request, per: """ pass
[docs]class SimilartyLookupException(AmazonException): """Similarty Lookup Exception. """ pass
[docs]class BrowseNodeLookupException(AmazonException): """Browse Node Lookup Exception. """ pass
class AmazonAPI(object): def __init__(self, aws_key, aws_secret, aws_associate_tag, **kwargs): """Initialize an Amazon API Proxy. kwargs values are passed directly to Bottlenose. Check the Bottlenose API for valid values (some are provided below). For legacy support, the older 'region' value is still supported. Code should be updated to use the Bottlenose 'Region' value instead. :param aws_key: A string representing an AWS authentication key. :param aws_secret: A string representing an AWS authentication secret. :param aws_associate_tag: A string representing an AWS associate tag. Important Bottlenose arguments: :param Region: ccTLD you want to search for products on (e.g. 'UK' for See keys of bottlenose.api.SERVICE_DOMAINS for options, which were CA, CN, DE, ES, FR, IT, JP, UK, US at the time of writing. Must be uppercase. Default is 'US' ( :param MaxQPS: Optional maximum queries per second. If we've made an API call on this object more recently that 1/MaxQPS, we'll wait before making the call. Useful for making batches of queries. You generally want to set this a little lower than the max (so 0.9, not 1.0). Amazon limits the number of calls per hour, so for long running tasks this should be set to 0.9 to ensure you don't hit the maximum. Defaults to None (unlimited). :param Timeout: Optional timeout for queries. Defaults to None. :param CacheReader: Called before attempting to make an API call. A function that takes a single argument, the URL that would be passed to the API, minus auth information, and returns a cached version of the (unparsed) response, or None. Defaults to None. :param CacheWriter: Called after a successful API call. A function that takes two arguments, the same URL passed to CacheReader, and the (unparsed) API response. Defaults to None. """ # support older style calls if 'region' in kwargs: kwargs['Region'] = kwargs['region'] del kwargs['region'] if 'Version' not in kwargs: kwargs['Version'] = '2013-08-01' self.api = bottlenose.Amazon( aws_key, aws_secret, aws_associate_tag, **kwargs) self.aws_associate_tag = aws_associate_tag self.region = kwargs.get('Region', 'US') def lookup(self, ResponseGroup="Large", **kwargs): """Lookup an Amazon Product. :return: An instance of :class:`~.AmazonProduct` if one item was returned, or a list of :class:`~.AmazonProduct` instances if multiple items where returned. """ response = self.api.ItemLookup(ResponseGroup=ResponseGroup, **kwargs) root = objectify.fromstring(response) if root.Items.Request.IsValid == 'False': code = root.Items.Request.Errors.Error.Code msg = root.Items.Request.Errors.Error.Message raise LookupException( "Amazon Product Lookup Error: '{0}', '{1}'".format(code, msg)) if not hasattr(root.Items, 'Item'): raise AsinNotFound("ASIN(s) not found: '{0}'".format( etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True))) if len(root.Items.Item) > 1: return [ AmazonProduct( item, self.aws_associate_tag, self, region=self.region) for item in root.Items.Item ] else: return AmazonProduct( root.Items.Item, self.aws_associate_tag, self, region=self.region ) def lookup_bulk(self, ResponseGroup="Large", **kwargs): """Lookup Amazon Products in bulk. Returns all products matching requested ASINs, ignoring invalid entries. :return: A list of :class:`~.AmazonProduct` instances. """ response = self.api.ItemLookup(ResponseGroup=ResponseGroup, **kwargs) root = objectify.fromstring(response) if not hasattr(root.Items, 'Item'): return [] return list( AmazonProduct( item, self.aws_associate_tag, self, region=self.region) for item in root.Items.Item ) def similarity_lookup(self, ResponseGroup="Large", **kwargs): """Similarty Lookup. Returns up to ten products that are similar to all items specified in the request. Example: >>> api.similarity_lookup(ItemId='B002L3XLBO,B000LQTBKI') """ response = self.api.SimilarityLookup( ResponseGroup=ResponseGroup, **kwargs) root = objectify.fromstring(response) if root.Items.Request.IsValid == 'False': code = root.Items.Request.Errors.Error.Code msg = root.Items.Request.Errors.Error.Message raise SimilartyLookupException( "Amazon Similarty Lookup Error: '{0}', '{1}'".format( code, msg)) return [ AmazonProduct( item, self.aws_associate_tag, self.api, region=self.region ) for item in getattr(root.Items, 'Item', []) ] def browse_node_lookup(self, ResponseGroup="BrowseNodeInfo", **kwargs): """Browse Node Lookup. Returns the specified browse node's name, children, and ancestors. Example: >>> api.browse_node_lookup(BrowseNodeId='163357') """ response = self.api.BrowseNodeLookup( ResponseGroup=ResponseGroup, **kwargs) root = objectify.fromstring(response) if root.BrowseNodes.Request.IsValid == 'False': code = root.BrowseNodes.Request.Errors.Error.Code msg = root.BrowseNodes.Request.Errors.Error.Message raise BrowseNodeLookupException( "Amazon BrowseNode Lookup Error: '{0}', '{1}'".format( code, msg)) return [AmazonBrowseNode(node.BrowseNode) for node in root.BrowseNodes] def search(self, **kwargs): """Search. :return: An :class:`~.AmazonSearch` iterable. """ region = kwargs.get('region', self.region) kwargs.update({'region': region}) return AmazonSearch(self.api, self.aws_associate_tag, **kwargs) def search_n(self, n, **kwargs): """Search and return first N results.. :param n: An integer specifying the number of results to return. :return: A list of :class:`~.AmazonProduct`. """ region = kwargs.get('region', self.region) kwargs.update({'region': region}) items = AmazonSearch(self.api, self.aws_associate_tag, **kwargs) return list(islice(items, n)) def cart_create(self, items, **kwargs): """CartCreate. :param items: A dictionary containing the items to be added to the cart. Or a list containing these dictionaries. It is not possible to create an empty cart! example: [{'offer_id': 'rt2ofih3f389nwiuhf8934z87o3f4h', 'quantity': 1}] :return: An :class:`~.AmazonCart`. """ if isinstance(items, dict): items = [items] if len(items) > 10: raise CartException("You can't add more than 10 items at once") offer_id_key_template = 'Item.{0}.OfferListingId' quantity_key_template = 'Item.{0}.Quantity' for i, item in enumerate(items): kwargs[offer_id_key_template.format(i)] = item['offer_id'] kwargs[quantity_key_template.format(i)] = item['quantity'] response = self.api.CartCreate(**kwargs) root = objectify.fromstring(response) return AmazonCart(root) def cart_add(self, items, CartId=None, HMAC=None, **kwargs): """CartAdd. :param items: A dictionary containing the items to be added to the cart. Or a list containing these dictionaries. It is not possible to create an empty cart! example: [{'offer_id': 'rt2ofih3f389nwiuhf8934z87o3f4h', 'quantity': 1}] :param CartId: Id of Cart :param HMAC: HMAC of Cart, see CartCreate for more info :return: An :class:`~.AmazonCart`. """ if not CartId or not HMAC: raise CartException('CartId required for CartClear call') if isinstance(items, dict): items = [items] if len(items) > 10: raise CartException("You can't add more than 10 items at once") offer_id_key_template = 'Item.{0}.OfferListingId' quantity_key_template = 'Item.{0}.Quantity' for i, item in enumerate(items): kwargs[offer_id_key_template.format(i)] = item['offer_id'] kwargs[quantity_key_template.format(i)] = item['quantity'] response = self.api.CartAdd(CartId=CartId, HMAC=HMAC, **kwargs) root = objectify.fromstring(response) new_cart = AmazonCart(root) self._check_for_cart_error(new_cart) return new_cart def cart_clear(self, CartId=None, HMAC=None, **kwargs): """CartClear. Removes all items from cart :param CartId: Id of cart :param HMAC: HMAC of cart. Do not use url encoded :return: An :class:`~.AmazonCart`. """ if not CartId or not HMAC: raise CartException('CartId required for CartClear call') response = self.api.CartClear(CartId=CartId, HMAC=HMAC, **kwargs) root = objectify.fromstring(response) new_cart = AmazonCart(root) self._check_for_cart_error(new_cart) return new_cart def cart_get(self, CartId=None, HMAC=None, **kwargs): """CartGet fetches existing cart :param CartId: see CartCreate :param HMAC: see CartCreate :return: An :class:`~.AmazonCart`. """ if not CartId or not HMAC: raise CartException('CartId required for CartGet call') response = self.api.CartGet(CartId=CartId, HMAC=HMAC, **kwargs) root = objectify.fromstring(response) cart = AmazonCart(root) self._check_for_cart_error(cart) return cart def cart_modify(self, items, CartId=None, HMAC=None, **kwargs): """CartAdd. :param items: A dictionary containing the items to be added to the cart. Or a list containing these dictionaries. example: [{'cart_item_id': 'rt2ofih3f389nwiuhf8934z87o3f4h', 'quantity': 1}] :param CartId: Id of Cart :param HMAC: HMAC of Cart, see CartCreate for more info :return: An :class:`~.AmazonCart`. """ if not CartId or not HMAC: raise CartException('CartId required for CartModify call') if isinstance(items, dict): items = [items] if len(items) > 10: raise CartException("You can't add more than 10 items at once") cart_item_id_key_template = 'Item.{0}.CartItemId' quantity_key_template = 'Item.{0}.Quantity' for i, item in enumerate(items): kwargs[cart_item_id_key_template.format(i)] = item['cart_item_id'] kwargs[quantity_key_template.format(i)] = item['quantity'] response = self.api.CartModify(CartId=CartId, HMAC=HMAC, **kwargs) root = objectify.fromstring(response) new_cart = AmazonCart(root) self._check_for_cart_error(new_cart) return new_cart @staticmethod def _check_for_cart_error(cart): if cart._safe_get_element('Cart.Request.Errors') is not None: error = cart._safe_get_element( 'Cart.Request.Errors.Error.Code').text if error == 'AWS.ECommerceService.CartInfoMismatch': raise CartInfoMismatchException( 'CartGet failed: AWS.ECommerceService.CartInfoMismatch ' 'make sure AssociateTag, CartId and HMAC are correct ' '(dont use URLEncodedHMAC!!!)' ) raise CartException('CartGet failed: ' + error) class LXMLWrapper(object): def __init__(self, parsed_response): self.parsed_response = parsed_response def to_string(self): """Convert Item XML to string. :return: A string representation of the Item xml. """ return etree.tostring(self.parsed_response, pretty_print=True) def _safe_get_element(self, path, root=None): """Safe Get Element. Get a child element of root (multiple levels deep) failing silently if any descendant does not exist. :param root: Lxml element. :param path: String path (i.e. 'Items.Item.Offers.Offer'). :return: Element or None. """ elements = path.split('.') parent = root if root is not None else self.parsed_response for element in elements[:-1]: parent = getattr(parent, element, None) if parent is None: return None return getattr(parent, elements[-1], None) def _safe_get_element_text(self, path, root=None): """Safe get element text. Get element as string or None, :param root: Lxml element. :param path: String path (i.e. 'Items.Item.Offers.Offer'). :return: String or None. """ element = self._safe_get_element(path, root) if element is not None: return element.text else: return None def _safe_get_element_date(self, path, root=None): """Safe get elemnent date. Get element as or None, :param root: Lxml element. :param path: String path (i.e. 'Items.Item.Offers.Offer'). :return: or None. """ value = self._safe_get_element_text(path=path, root=root) if value is not None: try: value = dateutil.parser.parse(value) if value: value = except ValueError: value = None return value
[docs]class AmazonSearch(object): """ Amazon Search. A class providing an iterable over amazon search results. """ def __init__(self, api, aws_associate_tag, **kwargs): """Initialise Initialise a search :param api: An instance of :class:`~.bottlenose.Amazon`. :param aws_associate_tag: An string representing an Amazon Associates tag. """ self.kwargs = kwargs self.current_page = 0 self.is_last_page = False self.api = api self.aws_associate_tag = aws_associate_tag def __iter__(self): """Iterate. A generator which iterate over all paginated results returning :class:`~.AmazonProduct` for each item. :return: Yields a :class:`~.AmazonProduct` for each result item. """ for page in self.iterate_pages(): for item in getattr(page.Items, 'Item', []): yield AmazonProduct( item, self.aws_associate_tag, self.api, **self.kwargs)
[docs] def iterate_pages(self): """Iterate Pages. A generator which iterates over all pages. Keep in mind that Amazon limits the number of pages it makes available. :return: Yields lxml root elements. """ try: while not self.is_last_page: self.current_page += 1 yield self._query(ItemPage=self.current_page, **self.kwargs) except NoMorePages: pass
def _query(self, ResponseGroup="Large", **kwargs): """Query. Query Amazon search and check for errors. :return: An lxml root element. """ response = self.api.ItemSearch(ResponseGroup=ResponseGroup, **kwargs) root = objectify.fromstring(response) if (hasattr(root.Items.Request, 'Errors') and not hasattr(root.Items, 'Item')): code = root.Items.Request.Errors.Error.Code msg = root.Items.Request.Errors.Error.Message if code == 'AWS.ParameterOutOfRange': raise NoMorePages(msg) elif code == 'HTTP Error 503': raise RequestThrottled( "Request Throttled Error: '{0}', '{1}'".format(code, msg)) else: raise SearchException( "Amazon Search Error: '{0}', '{1}'".format(code, msg)) if hasattr(root.Items, 'TotalPages') and root.Items.TotalPages == self.current_page: self.is_last_page = True return root
class AmazonBrowseNode(LXMLWrapper): @property def id(self): """Browse Node ID. A positive integer that uniquely identifies a parent product category. :return: ID (integer) """ if hasattr(self.parsed_response, 'BrowseNodeId'): return int(self.parsed_response['BrowseNodeId']) return None @property def name(self): """Browse Node Name. :return: Name (string) """ return getattr(self.parsed_response, 'Name', None) @property def is_category_root(self): """Boolean value that specifies if the browse node is at the top of the browse node tree. """ return getattr(self.parsed_response, 'IsCategoryRoot', False) @property def ancestor(self): """This browse node's immediate ancestor in the browse node tree. :return: The ancestor as an :class:`~.AmazonBrowseNode`, or None. """ ancestors = getattr(self.parsed_response, 'Ancestors', None) if hasattr(ancestors, 'BrowseNode'): return AmazonBrowseNode(ancestors['BrowseNode']) return None @property def ancestors(self): """A list of this browse node's ancestors in the browse node tree. :return: List of :class:`~.AmazonBrowseNode` objects. """ ancestors = [] node = self.ancestor while node is not None: ancestors.append(node) node = node.ancestor return ancestors @property def children(self): """This browse node's children in the browse node tree. :return: A list of this browse node's children in the browse node tree. """ children = [] child_nodes = getattr(self.parsed_response, 'Children') for child in getattr(child_nodes, 'BrowseNode', []): children.append(AmazonBrowseNode(child)) return children
[docs]class AmazonProduct(LXMLWrapper): """A wrapper class for an Amazon product. """ def __init__(self, item, aws_associate_tag, api, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize an Amazon Product Proxy. :param item: Lxml Item element. """ super(AmazonProduct, self).__init__(item) self.aws_associate_tag = aws_associate_tag self.api = api self.parent = None self.region = kwargs.get('region', 'US') def __str__(self): """Return redable representation. Uses the item's title. """ return self.title @property
[docs] def price_and_currency(self): """Get Offer Price and Currency. Return price according to the following process: * If product has a sale return Sales Price, otherwise, * Return Price, otherwise, * Return lowest offer price, otherwise, * Return None. :return: A tuple containing: 1. Decimal representation of price. 2. ISO Currency code (string). """ price = self._safe_get_element_text( 'Offers.Offer.OfferListing.SalePrice.Amount') if price: currency = self._safe_get_element_text( 'Offers.Offer.OfferListing.SalePrice.CurrencyCode') else: price = self._safe_get_element_text( 'Offers.Offer.OfferListing.Price.Amount') if price: currency = self._safe_get_element_text( 'Offers.Offer.OfferListing.Price.CurrencyCode') else: price = self._safe_get_element_text( 'OfferSummary.LowestNewPrice.Amount') currency = self._safe_get_element_text( 'OfferSummary.LowestNewPrice.CurrencyCode') if price: dprice = Decimal(price) / 100 if 'JP' not in self.region else Decimal(price) return dprice, currency else: return None, None
[docs] def offer_id(self): """Offer ID :return: Offer ID (string). """ return self._safe_get_element( 'Offers.Offer.OfferListing.OfferListingId')
[docs] def asin(self): """ASIN (Amazon ID) :return: ASIN (string). """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ASIN')
[docs] def sales_rank(self): """Sales Rank :return: Sales Rank (integer). """ return self._safe_get_element_text('SalesRank')
[docs] def offer_url(self): """Offer URL :return: Offer URL (string). """ return "{0}{1}/?tag={2}".format( AMAZON_ASSOCIATES_BASE_URL.format(domain=DOMAINS[self.region]), self.asin, self.aws_associate_tag)
[docs] def author(self): """Author. Depricated, please use `authors`. :return: Author (string). """ authors = self.authors if len(authors): return authors[0] else: return None
[docs] def authors(self): """Authors. :return: Returns of list of authors """ result = [] authors = self._safe_get_element('ItemAttributes.Author') if authors is not None: for author in authors: result.append(author.text) return result
[docs] def creators(self): """Creators. Creators are not the authors. These are usually editors, translators, narrators, etc. :return: Returns a list of creators where each is a tuple containing: 1. The creators name (string). 2. The creators role (string). """ # return tuples of name and role result = [] creators = self._safe_get_element('ItemAttributes.Creator') if creators is not None: for creator in creators: role = creator.attrib['Role'] if \ 'Role' in creator.attrib else None result.append((creator.text, role)) return result
[docs] def publisher(self): """Publisher. :return: Publisher (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.Publisher')
[docs] def label(self): """Label. :return: Label (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.Label')
[docs] def manufacturer(self): """Manufacturer. :return: Manufacturer (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.Manufacturer')
[docs] def brand(self): """Brand. :return: Brand (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.Brand')
[docs] def isbn(self): """ISBN. :return: ISBN (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.ISBN')
[docs] def eisbn(self): """EISBN (The ISBN of eBooks). :return: EISBN (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.EISBN')
[docs] def binding(self): """Binding. :return: Binding (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.Binding')
[docs] def pages(self): """Pages. :return: Pages (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.NumberOfPages')
[docs] def publication_date(self): """Pubdate. :return: Pubdate ( """ return self._safe_get_element_date('ItemAttributes.PublicationDate')
[docs] def release_date(self): """Release date . :return: Release date ( """ return self._safe_get_element_date('ItemAttributes.ReleaseDate')
[docs] def edition(self): """Edition. :return: Edition (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.Edition')
[docs] def large_image_url(self): """Large Image URL. :return: Large image url (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('LargeImage.URL')
[docs] def medium_image_url(self): """Medium Image URL. :return: Medium image url (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('MediumImage.URL')
[docs] def small_image_url(self): """Small Image URL. :return: Small image url (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('SmallImage.URL')
[docs] def tiny_image_url(self): """Tiny Image URL. :return: Tiny image url (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('TinyImage.URL')
[docs] def reviews(self): """Customer Reviews. Get a iframe URL for customer reviews. :return: A tuple of: has_reviews (bool), reviews url (string) """ iframe = self._safe_get_element_text('CustomerReviews.IFrameURL') has_reviews = self._safe_get_element_text('CustomerReviews.HasReviews') if has_reviews is not None and has_reviews == 'true': has_reviews = True else: has_reviews = False return has_reviews, iframe
[docs] def ean(self): """EAN. :return: EAN (string) """ ean = self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.EAN') if ean is None: ean_list = self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.EANList') if ean_list: ean = self._safe_get_element_text( 'EANListElement', root=ean_list[0]) return ean
[docs] def upc(self): """UPC. :return: UPC (string) """ upc = self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.UPC') if upc is None: upc_list = self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.UPCList') if upc_list: upc = self._safe_get_element_text( 'UPCListElement', root=upc_list[0]) return upc
[docs] def color(self): """Color. :return: Color (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.Color')
[docs] def sku(self): """SKU. :return: SKU (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.SKU')
[docs] def mpn(self): """MPN. :return: MPN (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.MPN')
[docs] def model(self): """Model Name. :return: Model (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.Model')
[docs] def part_number(self): """Part Number. :return: Part Number (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.PartNumber')
[docs] def title(self): """Title. :return: Title (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.Title')
[docs] def editorial_review(self): """Editorial Review. Returns an editorial review text. :return: Editorial Review (string) """ reviews = self.editorial_reviews if reviews: return reviews[0] return ''
[docs] def editorial_reviews(self): """Editorial Review. Returns a list of all editorial reviews. :return: A list containing: Editorial Review (string) """ result = [] reviews_node = self._safe_get_element('EditorialReviews') if reviews_node is not None: for review_node in reviews_node.iterchildren(): content_node = getattr(review_node, 'Content') if content_node is not None: result.append(content_node.text) return result
[docs] def languages(self): """Languages. Returns a set of languages in lower-case. :return: Returns a set of languages in lower-case (strings). """ result = set() languages = self._safe_get_element('ItemAttributes.Languages') if languages is not None: for language in languages.iterchildren(): text = self._safe_get_element_text('Name', language) if text: result.add(text.lower()) return result
[docs] def features(self): """Features. Returns a list of feature descriptions. :return: Returns a list of 'ItemAttributes.Feature' elements (strings). """ result = [] features = self._safe_get_element('ItemAttributes.Feature') if features is not None: for feature in features: result.append(feature.text) return result
[docs] def list_price(self): """List Price. :return: A tuple containing: 1. Decimal representation of price. 2. ISO Currency code (string). """ price = self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.ListPrice.Amount') currency = self._safe_get_element_text( 'ItemAttributes.ListPrice.CurrencyCode') if price: dprice = Decimal(price) / 100 if 'JP' not in self.region else Decimal(price) return dprice, currency else: return None, None
[docs] def get_attribute(self, name): """Get Attribute Get an attribute (child elements of 'ItemAttributes') value. :param name: Attribute name (string) :return: Attribute value (string) or None if not found. """ return self._safe_get_element_text("ItemAttributes.{0}".format(name))
[docs] def get_attribute_details(self, name): """Get Attribute Details Gets XML attributes of the product attribute. These usually contain details about the product attributes such as units. :param name: Attribute name (string) :return: A name/value dictionary. """ return self._safe_get_element("ItemAttributes.{0}".format(name)).attrib
[docs] def get_attributes(self, name_list): """Get Attributes Get a list of attributes as a name/value dictionary. :param name_list: A list of attribute names (strings). :return: A name/value dictionary (both names and values are strings). """ properties = {} for name in name_list: value = self.get_attribute(name) if value is not None: properties[name] = value return properties
[docs] def parent_asin(self): """Parent ASIN. Can be used to test if product has a parent. :return: Parent ASIN if product has a parent. """ return self._safe_get_element('ParentASIN')
[docs] def get_parent(self): """Get Parent. Fetch parent product if it exists. Use `parent_asin` to check if a parent exist before fetching. :return: An instance of :class:`~.AmazonProduct` representing the parent product. """ if not self.parent: parent = self._safe_get_element('ParentASIN') if parent: self.parent = self.api.lookup(ItemId=parent) return self.parent
[docs] def browse_nodes(self): """Browse Nodes. :return: A list of :class:`~.AmazonBrowseNode` objects. """ root = self._safe_get_element('BrowseNodes') if root is None: return [] return [AmazonBrowseNode(child) for child in root.iterchildren()]
[docs] def images(self): """List of images for a response. When using lookup with RespnoseGroup 'Images', you'll get a list of images. Parse them so they are returned in an easily used list format. :return: A list of `ObjectifiedElement` images """ try: images = [image for image in self._safe_get_element( 'ImageSets.ImageSet')] except TypeError: # No images in this ResponseGroup images = [] return images
[docs] def genre(self): """Movie Genre. :return: The genre of a movie. """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.Genre')
[docs] def actors(self): """Movie Actors. :return: A list of actors names. """ result = [] actors = self._safe_get_element('ItemAttributes.Actor') or [] for actor in actors: result.append(actor.text) return result
[docs] def directors(self): """Movie Directors. :return: A list of directors for a movie. """ result = [] directors = self._safe_get_element('ItemAttributes.Director') or [] for director in directors: result.append(director.text) return result
[docs] def is_adult(self): """IsAdultProduct. :return: IsAdultProduct (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.IsAdultProduct')
[docs] def product_group(self): """ProductGroup. :return: ProductGroup (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.ProductGroup')
[docs] def product_type_name(self): """ProductTypeName. :return: ProductTypeName (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.ProductTypeName')
[docs] def formatted_price(self): """FormattedPrice. :return: FormattedPrice (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('OfferSummary.LowestNewPrice.FormattedPrice')
[docs] def running_time(self): """RunningTime. :return: RunningTime (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.RunningTime')
[docs] def studio(self): """Studio. :return: Studio (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('ItemAttributes.Studio')
[docs] def is_preorder(self): """IsPreorder (Is Preorder) :return: IsPreorder (string). """ return self._safe_get_element_text('Offers.Offer.OfferListing.AvailabilityAttributes.IsPreorder')
[docs] def availability(self): """Availability :return: Availability (string). """ return self._safe_get_element_text('Offers.Offer.OfferListing.Availability')
[docs] def availability_type(self): """AvailabilityAttributes.AvailabilityType :return: AvailabilityType (string). """ return self._safe_get_element_text('Offers.Offer.OfferListing.AvailabilityAttributes.AvailabilityType')
[docs] def availability_min_hours(self): """AvailabilityAttributes.MinimumHours :return: MinimumHours (string). """ return self._safe_get_element_text('Offers.Offer.OfferListing.AvailabilityAttributes.MinimumHours')
[docs] def availability_max_hours(self): """AvailabilityAttributes.MaximumHours :return: MaximumHours (string). """ return self._safe_get_element_text('Offers.Offer.OfferListing.AvailabilityAttributes.MaximumHours')
[docs] def detail_page_url(self): """DetailPageURL. :return: DetailPageURL (string) """ return self._safe_get_element_text('DetailPageURL')
[docs]class AmazonCart(LXMLWrapper): """Wrapper around Amazon shopping cart. Allows iterating over Items in the cart. """ @property def cart_id(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Cart.CartId') @property def purchase_url(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Cart.PurchaseURL') @property def amount(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Cart.SubTotal.Amount') @property def formatted_price(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Cart.SubTotal.FormattedPrice') @property def currency_code(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Cart.SubTotal.CurrencyCode') @property def hmac(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Cart.HMAC') @property def url_encoded_hmac(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Cart.URLEncodedHMAC') def __len__(self): return len(self._safe_get_element('Cart.CartItems.CartItem')) def __iter__(self): items = self._safe_get_element('Cart.CartItems.CartItem') if items is not None: for item in items: yield AmazonCartItem(item) def __getitem__(self, cart_item_id): """ :param cart_item_id: access item by CartItemId :return: AmazonCartItem """ for item in self: if item.cart_item_id == cart_item_id: return item raise KeyError('no item found with CartItemId: {0}'.format(cart_item_id,))
class AmazonCartItem(LXMLWrapper): @property def asin(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('ASIN') @property def quantity(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Quantity') @property def cart_item_id(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('CartItemId') @property def title(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Title') @property def product_group(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('ProductGroup') @property def formatted_price(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Price.FormattedPrice') @property def amount(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Price.Amount') @property def currency_code(self): return self._safe_get_element_text('Price.CurrencyCode')