
A quick overview of TEOS for wet air with ice and liquid

This python package provides bindings to the Fortran version of the SIA Library version 3.0. It includes some code modifications for easy compiling and adds several modules to tackle the definition of the Equivalent Potential Temperature.

This code has been developed on CentOS 5.6 on a x86_64 architecture using gcc 4.1.2. It has been successfully compiled on CentOS 6.2 on a x86_64 architecture using ifort 12.1.3. Finally, it was compiled on Mac OS X Lion using the gcc-lion.tar.gz (4.8) distribution from HPC on Mac OS X.

Sometimes the Fortran 90 compiler is not found on a system. In this case, try:

f2py -c --help-fcompiler

and use any one compiler in the list. For example, if g95 is available compile with:

python build --fcompiler=g95


THe functions contained within this package can all be saved using pickle, making the use of the multiprocessing toolbox possible.

Frédéric B. Laliberté, November 20, 2012

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