pysyncml 0.1 documentation

Implementing a SyncML Client

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Implementing a SyncML Client

The general approach to implementing a SyncML client with pysyncml is to create an agent (which interfaces with your data) and an adapter (which will interface with the SyncML peers), connect the two, scan the local datastore and notify the adapter of any local changes and then invoke the synchronization.

For command-line interfaces, there are helper classes to make this significantly easier to implement, by providing automatic storage management, standard command-line options and simple server-side support. Please see Implementing a SyncML Command-Line Interface for details on how to implement a command-line interface (CLI).

Define an Agent

A pysyncml Agent is the interface between the SyncML framework/protocol and your local data storage, and therefore is what you, the pysyncml caller, must provide by implementing the pysyncml.Agent interface. At its simplest, it must support fetching, updating, deleting and listing items. These items must implement the pysyncml.Item interface, which essentially only means that it provides the id attribute which does not have to be any particular type, but must be convertable to a string via a call to str(). For conceptual simplicity, Item`s should also know how to serialize/deserialize themselves, but technically this is only required at the `Agent interface.

The stripped-down minimal API is listed here — see Module: pysyncml.items and Module: pysyncml.agents for details:

import pysyncml

class MyItem(pysyncml.Item):
  # Items must have an agent-unique ID that can be converted via `str()`
  id = ...
  # Items should be able to serialize and deserialize themselves
  def dump(self, stream, contentType=None, version=None): ...
  def load(cls, stream, contentType=None, version=None): ...

class MyAgent(pysyncml.Agent):
  # An agent must declare what content types it can de/serialize,
  # which must be a list of pysyncml.ContentTypeInfo objects.
  contentTypes = ...
  # An agent must be able to serialize and deserialize items
  def dumpItem(self, item, stream, contentType=None, version=None):
    # Usually, just invokes the item's dump method:
    return item.dump(stream, contentType, version)
  def loadItem(cls, stream, contentType=None, version=None):
    # Usually, just invokes the item's load method:
    return MyItem.load(stream, contentType, version)
  # An agent must be able to list, add, fetch, modify and delete items
  def getAllItems(self): ...
  def addItem(self, item): ...
  def getItem(self, itemID): ...
  def replaceItem(self, item, reportChanges): ...
  def deleteItem(self, itemID): ...

# Now create an instance of the agent --- note that this could
# potentially be done at any point, not necessarily before the
# adapter instance has been created.

agent = MyAgent(...)

See the pysyncml.NoteItem class for an example Item implementation. pysyncml.ContentTypeInfo for details on the Agent.contentTypes objects.

Create an Adapter

A pysyncml Adapter is the object that encapsulates the entire SyncML interaction with a remote SyncML peer. An adapter requires several pieces of information, such as the local devices type and capabilities, as well as a repository to store contextual information (using sqlalchemy as database abstraction engine). This is primarily necessary so that future “update” synchronizations do not need to re-transmit all the information, but instead do a differential sync, which is much faster.

The stripped-down minimal API is as follows — see Module: pysyncml.context and Module: pysyncml.model.adapter for details:

import pysyncml

# Create a "Context" object, which primarily tells pysyncml where to
# store synchronization state information. In this example, the
# storage is a sqlite file in /tmp/sync.db:

context = pysyncml.Context(storage='sqlite:////tmp/sync.db')

# Now create the local Adapter instance, which will (if previously
# created, load lots of information from the storage backend):

adapter = context.Adapter()

# Check to see if the local device information has been set, and if
# not, provide all relevant information (note that this should only
# happen the first time the adapter is created):

if adapter.devinfo is None:    = 'My Example SyncML Device'
  adapter.devinfo = context.DeviceInfo(
    devID             = 'IMEI:57471724140229',
    devType           = pysyncml.DEVTYPE_SMARTPHONE,
    softwareVersion   = '0.1',
    manufacturerName  = 'Example Manufacturer, Inc.',
    modelName         = 'EX-RD42',
    # if synchronizing with funambol, add the following as funambol
    # does not support hierarchical data structures yet (as of
    # 10.0.3), such as the new OMADS 1.2.2 files and folders. A
    # future pysyncml framework work-around will allow it to
    # auto-detect this limitation.
    hierarchicalSync  = False,

# Next, check to see if the remote SyncML peer (i.e. SyncML server)
# information has been set, and if not, provide all relevant
# information to be able to connect to that SyncML server:

if adapter.peer is None:
  adapter.peer = context.RemoteAdapter(
    url      = '',
    auth     = pysyncml.NAMESPACE_AUTH_BASIC,
    username = 'guest',
    password = 'guest',

See the pysyncml.Context class for details on the Adapter and RemoteAdapter methods.

Connect the Adapter

Now that the adapter is configured, it must be connected to the agent. This is done by creating a Store which primarily provides a local URI (relative to the adapter) that the agent is connected to. This allows a single adapter to synchronize multiple datastores, such as contacts, agendas and notes, all as part of the same transaction.

Currently, there is a limitation within pysyncml which does not allow the registration of the same datastore multiple times, and as a result you must first check to see if the datastore has already been registered. In the future, this restriction will be removed:

# Check to see if the store with URI 'example' already exists,
# and if so, get a reference to it, otherwise create a new Store:

if 'example' in adapter.stores:
  store = adapter.stores['example']
  store = adapter.addStore(context.Store(
    uri         = 'example',
    displayName = 'My Local Example Datastore',
    # if synchronizing with funambol, add the following as funambol
    # does not "appreciate" a Datastore having a different maximum
    # object size than the adapter. A future pysyncml framework
    # work-around will allow it to auto-detect this limitation.
    maxObjSize  = None))

# Then attach the agent to the adapter's store:

store.agent = agent

Scan for Local Changes

For adapters that have been synchronized before, you now need to notify the adapter of any local changes (unless you don’t want to notify the server of local client modifications — see Invoke a Synchronization for details):

# In this example, we will assume that 'MyAgent' implements a method
# 'getAllLocalChanges()' that returns a list of lists where the
# first element is the item, and the second element indicates how
# the item changed, i.e. it is one of the following constants
# defined in pysyncml:
#   - pysyncml.ITEM_ADDED
#   - pysyncml.ITEM_MODIFIED
#   - pysyncml.ITEM_DELETED
# eventually, pysyncml will support soft-deletes, in which case the
# latter can also be pysyncml.ITEM_SOFTDELETED.

# store.peer will be None if the adapter has no record of having
# synchronized this datastore, in which case you do not need to scan
# for changes since a complete non-incremental synchronization will
# be necessary.

if store.peer is not None:
  for item, changeType in agent.getAllLocalChanges():
    store.registerChange(, changeType)

Invoke a Synchronization

When the client is ready to execute a synchronization, it should call the pysyncml.api.Adapter.sync method, which accepts several different modes to override the default:


The default sync type, which specifies that the Adapter should try to determine the best applicable synchronization type to apply. In general, this means using pysyncml.SYNCTYPE_TWO_WAY.


The standard sync type, which allows both client and server to send and receive modifications. After such a sync type has completed successfully, both SyncML peers will have the exact same local datastores.


Invoked when the SyncML peers have not synchronized before or a data or protocol corruption has occurred. This forces the server to perform an in-depth analysis of all items in both local and remote datastores to merge them with as few duplicates and conflicts as possible. As the identifier implies, the larger the dataset, the slower this sync type is.


Similar to pysyncml.SYNCTYPE_TWO_WAY, except only client modifications are sent to the server. Server modifications are postponed.


All server items are deleted and replaced by the items in the client. This is generally only used when a different client is known to have been corrupted and accidentally synchronized with the server, thus potentially deleting valid data from the server. This mode will cause all local items to overwrite the server’s items — use with extreme caution.


Similar to pysyncml.SYNCTYPE_TWO_WAY, except only server modifications are sent to the client. Client modifications are postponed.


All client items are deleted and replaced by the items in the server. This is generally only used when the client is known to be corrupted and losing any changes performed locally on the client are deemed insignificant — use with caution.

The following is the most common (and recommended) form of invoking a client-side synchronization:

# The following example allows the adapter to determine which
# synchronization type to perform, which generally speaking will
# default to two-way sync:


Real-World Application

Although this guide has distilled the task of creating a SyncML client down to a few critical steps:

  1. provide Agent and Item subclasses,
  2. create a context and Adapter,
  3. register local datastore changes, and
  4. invoking the synchronization

The details, however, can get significantly more complex.

For example, a client may or may not be able to determine what local changes have occurred since the last sync. The pysyncml framework has no way to differentiate between a client that has no changes and a client that cannot detect changes, so it is critical that agents in such a scenario do NOT use the default sync method and instead use the pysyncml.SYNCTYPE_SLOW_SYNC mode.

For this reason, pysyncml also provides some helper classes for implementing a command-line SyncML peer. See Implementing a SyncML Command-Line Interface which details that process as well as using the sync-notes real-world application as an example. Although it synchronizes a relatively simple object type (notes, which are simply an octet stream), it does demonstrate some of the key concepts of pysyncml.

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