pysyncml 0.1 documentation

Command-Line Programs

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Command-Line Programs

The pysyncml package comes with several command-line programs that can be used both as clients and as servers. Each program is documented here, however, they all share a significant amount of common functionality which is documented in Common Options.

Note Synchronizer: sync-notes

The sync-notes command line program allows notes to be stored in a directory, one note per file, and to synchronize them with a SyncML peer that supports the de-facto “note” datatype, i.e. one of the following content-types:

  • text/plain
  • text/x-s4j-sifn

In the case of text/plain, no information beyond the file contents is synchronized and therefore remote peers will need to somehow generate the filename (typically either by using a numeric ID or by using the first line of the note).

In the case of text/x-s4j-sifn, both the contents and the filename (stored in the “Subject” field) are synchronized. Unfortunately some SyncML servers (specifically, funambol) will override the filename with a generated value.

All files in the specified directory, including subdirectories, will be targeted for synchronization, with the exception of the ”.sync” directory, where sync-notes stores its state. If sync-notes gets into a bad state, the ”.sync” directory and its contents can be deleted, and the next time a full “slow-sync” synchronization will be executed.

In addition to all the Common Options, this program also supports the following options:

  • -F, ----no-filename-sync:

    By default, a change in a note’s filename will cause the item to be synchronized, even if there was no change to the content. This option overrides this behavior to only synchronize filename changes if there are also content changes (this is primarily useful to reduce the overhead when synchronizing with a peer that does not properly support filename synchronization, such as funambol).

File Synchronizer: sync-files

The sync-files command is not yet operational.

Common Options

In general, the command-line programs provided with pysyncml synchronize files that are stored in a particular directory, with each file representing a SyncML object. The content of the file depends on which program is invoked — see the details in the relevant section above.

The programs are capable of running in client mode (the default) or in server mode (with the --server option). Currently a single directory should only be used for one of the other, not both.

Example first-time synchronization of a directory as a client:

$ PROGRAM --remote \
          --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD \

Follow-up client-mode synchronizations:


Example first-time synchronization of a directory as a server (listen port defaults to port 80):

$ PROGRAM --server --listen 8080 DIRECTORY

Follow-up server-mode synchronizations:


(The fact that the program was run as a server the last time will be remembered and all server settings re-applied.)

For the full documentation of all options from the command line, use:

$ PROGRAM --help

Although --help is the best way to get the latest, most up-to-date information about what options are available for any given program, here is a description of all known generic options that are common to all pysyncml command-line programs. The first set apply to both server-side and client-side operating modes.

  • -h, --help:

    Display a help summary and option list.

  • -v, --verbose:

    Causes the program to output more messages – this option can be specified multiple times to progressively increase the verbosity, with five being the most verbose level.

  • -q, --quiet:

    Normally, at the end of the synchronization, a summary of all activity is displayed, regardless of the level of verbosity. This option suppresses the summary display only (see below for a description of this summary).

  • -d, --describe:

    Startup the program as normal, but before any synchronization is actually performed (either as client or as a server), display a full description of the current configuration as well as anything that is currently known about the remote peer(s).

  • -l, --local:

    Display any pending local changes and exit before any synchronization is performed.

  • -i, --id ID:

    Override the default device ID for the local peer. Normally, on first invocation, a unique device ID is generated (based on program name, local MAC address and current time) and saved. On subsequent invocations, the stored value is retrieved and used.

    NOTE: TODO: currently, if trying to override a previously stored ID (i.e. to change a current value), it is safest to delete the entire ”.sync” directory and restart synchronization with a “slow-sync”.

  • -n, --name NAME:

    Set the local adapter/store name (the default is program-specific and usually resembles the program name).

  • -u, --username USERNAME:

    Specifies the username to perform authorization under, specifically:

    In client-mode, specifies the username to log in with.

    In server-mode, specifies the expected username that connecting clients must provide the credentials for to be authorized to synchronize with this server.

  • -p, --password PASSWORD:

    Used in conjunction with --username:

    In client-mode, specifies the username’s password to log in with.

    In server-mode, specifies the expected password that connecting clients must use to be authorized to synchronize with this server.

    In either case, if --username is specified, but --password is not, it will be prompted for from the terminal. This is the recommended approach as it avoids leaking the password into the local hosts environment which, on some systems, can be compromised by other users on the same machine.

The following options apply only when operating in client-mode:

  • -m, --mode MODE:

    Set the requested synchronization mode - can be one:

    sync:normal, two-way differential synchronization.
    full:a complete re-synchronization from scratch.
    pull:download remote changes only.
    push:upload local changes only.
    pull-over:download remote changes, deleting all local data first.
    push-over:upload local changes, deleting all remote data first.
  • -r, --remote URL

    Specifies the URL of the remote SyncML synchronization server — only required if the target directory has never been synchronized, or the synchronization meta information was lost.

  • -R, --remote-uri URI:

    Specifies the remote URI of the datastore to synchronize with. If left unspecified, pysyncml will attempt to identify it automatically by selecting the best-matching content-types. The latter method is the preferred approach, and should only be overriden if it misbehaves.

    NOTE: TODO: overriding the automated association is currently not implemented.

The following options apply only when operating in server-mode:

  • -s, --server:

    Enables server mode (implied if --listen is specified).

  • -L, --listen PORT:

    Specifies the port to listen on for server mode (implies --server and defaults to port 80).

  • -P, --policy POLICY:

    Specifies the conflict resolution policy that the server should use to resolve conflicts that cannot be merged or otherwise resolved – can be one of “error” (the default), “client-wins” or “server-wins”.

As stated before, it is not recommended that the same directory be used in both client and server mode.

When a command line program is invoked without the --quiet flag, a summary report is displayed that will look something like the following:

|                       Synchronization Summary                       |
|        |      |         Local         |        Remote         |     |
| Source | Mode | Add | Mod | Del | Err | Add | Mod | Del | Err | Con |
|  notes |  <>  |   2 |  11 |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |   4 |  -  |  -  |
|               13 local changes and 4 remote changes.                |

The summary report details all of the changes (additions, modifications and deletions), errors and conflicts that occured broken down by datastore (the “Source”) and on which peer (local or remote). The “Mode” column indicates what kind of synchronization mode was selected for the given datastore and can have one of the following meanings:

<>:Two-way sync
->:One-way from client to server
=>:Refresh from client to server
<-:One-way from server to client
<=:Refresh from server to client

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