pysyncml 0.1 documentation

Implementing a SyncML Command-Line Interface

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Implementing a SyncML Command-Line Interface

Although implementing a command-line SyncML peer with pysyncml is no different than implementing any other pysyncml client and/or server, the pysyncml.cli module provides some helper classes that simplify the task significantly for command-line interfaces. Specifically, the pysyncml.cli.CommandLineSyncEngine class provides the following functionality out-of-the-box:

Using the SyncEngine currently does imply some limitations, including:


To implement a command-line program using the helper classes in pysyncml.cli, you generally use one of the following approaches:

  • Directory based approach:

    With this approach, the items being synchronized are stored in a directory, and different directories can have different application and synchronization profiles. This de-centralized method allows the user to have multiple directories that represent “units of content”; the directory can be moved around as long as it and all of its contents remains together and intact.

    This approach is implemented by subclassing pysyncml.cli.DirectorySyncEngine.

  • Local-user based approach:

    A more centralized approach, where the items being synchronized are stored in some host-local per-user location that may or may not be a file-based location. In this case, the user must specifically request a different configuration in order to choose a different synchronization profile. For example, this could be used when synchronizing the settings of another application that are stored in a pre-defined user-specific directory, such as “~/.config/libreoffice”.

    This approach is implemented by subclassing pysyncml.cli.LocalUserSyncEngine.

Once the right approach is found, then the following steps are required:

  1. Subclass a SyncEngine:

    Subclass the appropriate SyncEngine implementation and add any relevant hooks.

  2. Implement an Agent:

    Provide a pysyncml.Agent implementation, which primarily exposes CRUD access to your data.

  3. Launch the SyncEngine:

    Invoke your SyncEngine‘s run() method and tie in execution entrypoints.

Subclass a SyncEngine

The base class CommandLineSyncEngine constructor accepts several parameters which control the profile of the SyncML adapter. These parameters are typically only used as default parameters, when they cannot be loaded from a previous call to the engine.

The following example illustrates a typical subclass of the directory-based approach:

import sqlalchemy as sa
import pysyncml
import pysyncml.cli

class MySyncEngine(pysyncml.cli.DirectorySyncEngine):

  def __init__(self):
    super(NotesEngine, self).__init__(
      appLabel          = '...',           # a short label used to identify this program
      appDisplay        = '...',           # a user-friendly title of this program
      devinfoParams     = dict(...),       # default local device information
      storeParams       = dict(...),       # default local datastore information
      agent             = MyAgent(self),   # a reference to the local Agent

  def _createDataItemModel(self):
    # extend the self.model to include any persistent data objects that
    # this engine requires to maintain state, using the self.model.DatabaseObject
    # SQLAlchemy declarative_base class as a base class. an example:
    class MyDataItem(self.model.DatabaseObject):
      # NOTE: an `id` attribute (a UUID string) is provided by the ORM
      data = sa.Column(sa.Text)
    self.model.MyDataItem = MyDataItem

  def _scanDataItems(self, context, adapter, store):
    # adding a hook to when the pysyncml store is created to detect changes
    # in the local datastore and register them on the store, for example:

The following table details all the hooks that are available and when they are called. In general, they fall into one of four categories:

  • options.setup:

    These are called once during program initialization to setup the options that this program can accept on the command line.

  • options.parse:

    These are called once during program start-up to parse the options specified on the command line and to do preliminary SyncEngine configuration. The options are actually parsed twice: once to determine the data directory, and a second time within the context of the data directory.

  • options.persist:

    These hooks are called to affect the serialization and de-serialization of options to the data directory so that appropriate data defaults can be persisted.

  • model.setup:

    These are called once after program start-up to configure the program’s data model, check the integrity of the database and any schema versioning, and apply any data migrations if needed.

    TODO: integrity checking, schema versioning and data migrations are not implemented yet.

  • adapter.create:

    These are called any time the SyncEngine needs a SyncML Adapter. Generally speaking, in client-mode they will be called once when starting the transaction with a remote peer and in server-mode, they will be called for every request from the client (note that there will be multiple requests were synchronization session).

Hook Parameters Description
options.setup.init (none) Called when the ArgumentParser has been created (and stored in self.parser), but no options have been added yet.
options.setup.generic (none) Called after common command-line options have been added (such as --verbose), but before SyncEngine specific options have been added to self.parser (such as --remote-uri).
options.setup.term (none) Called after all options have been added to the ArgumentParser in self.parser, but before the options are parsed.
options.parse.init (none) Called just before the ArgumentParser’s parse_args() method is called for the first time.
options.parse.datadir (none) Called immediately after the first call to parse_args(), to establish the data directory. The SyncEngine expects self.dataDir to point to a directory that can be used to persist data to. Typically, this is taken care of by an existing subclass of CommandLineSyncEngine.
options.parse.term (none) Called just after the ArgumentParser’s parse_args() method is called, and before the logging is configured as specified in the command-line options. The results of the parse are available in self.options (parameters) and in self.args (arguments).
options.persist.load option-dictionary Called after the first call to parse_args() and after any persisted values stored in the passed-in dictionary have been applied to the parser. This hook can then do any “clean-up” if necessary. option-dictionary Called after all options have been processed and all options.parse.* hooks have been called. The passed-in dictionary should be modified to store any key-value pairs that, upon deserialization, will be provided to self.parser.set_defaults().
model.setup.init (none) Called after logging is setup, the database backend engine has been created (and stored in self.dbengine), and the database session is created (and stored in self.dbsession), but before the any models or database objects are created.
model.setup.extend (none) Called after the SyncEngine data model has been created (and stored in self.model), but before any tables are created (if needed) or model versions are checked. This is the most common hook to bind to: this is where the application will add any models that it needs to manage the datastore state.
model.setup.term (none) Called after the database integrity is checked, model versions are checked and any data migrations are applied.
adapter.create.init (none) Called when a SyncEngine needs an Adapter, but before anything is actually done.
adapter.create.context context Called after a pysyncml.Context object is created. Note that the context is never made into an attribute of self, and is why it is passed in as a parameter to the hook function.
adapter.create.adapter context, adapter Called after a context.Adapter is either loaded from the database or initialized based on the command line options. Both the context and the resulting adapter are provided as hook parameters.
adapter.create.peer context, adapter, peer Called after the remote peer is loaded from the database or initialized based on the command line options. Note that this hook will only be called when running in client-mode. context, adapter, store Called after the self.model.Store is loaded from the database or initialized based on the command line options. This hook is typically used to then scan for changes in the local datastore and register them to the Store. This will be called before any local pending changes are reported to the user (if requested).
adapter.create.term context, adapter Called after the context, adapter, peer, and store are completely ready for synchronization, but before they are passed back to the SyncEngine for consumption.
describe stream Called when a describe operation is requested. This is called after the engine and adapters have displayed their configuration description. The stream is a file-like object where program-specific descriptions should be sent to via stream.write(...).

Implement an Agent

The pysyncml.Agent provides the binding between the pysyncml SyncML synchronization engine and your data. As pysyncml treats your data as opaque objects, you need to implement all CRUD operations and a limited set of other optional functions (especially when handling hierarchical data).

A stripped-down minimal API with typical functionality follows — see Module: pysyncml.agents for details:

import pysyncml

class MyAgent(pysyncml.Agent):

  # An agent must declare what content types it can de/serialize,
  # which must be a list of pysyncml.ContentTypeInfo objects.
  contentTypes = [ pysyncml.ContentTypeInfo('text/plain', 1.0, preferred=True) ]

  # The above MySyncEngine called the Agent constructor with itself
  def __init__(self, engine, *args, **kw):
    super(MyAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
    self.engine = engine

  # An agent must be able to serialize and deserialize items
  def dumpItem(self, item, stream, contentType=None, version=None):
    # Usually, just invokes the item's dump method (if it has one):
    return item.dump(stream, contentType, version)

  def loadItem(self, stream, contentType=None, version=None):
    # Usually, just invokes the item's load method (if it has one):
    return self.engine.model.MyDataItem.load(stream, contentType, version)

  # An agent must be able to list, add, fetch, modify and delete items
  def getAllItems(self): ...
  def addItem(self, item): ...
  def getItem(self, itemID): ...
  def replaceItem(self, item, reportChanges): ...
  def deleteItem(self, itemID): ...

  # If an agent will also support matching, merging and conflict resolution
  # (only used when run as server), then it must also implement mergeItems,
  # and optionally matchItems (to make it more efficient than the default
  # implementation).
  def mergeItems(self, localItem, remoteItem, changeSpec): ...
  def matchItem(self, item): ...

Launch the SyncEngine

This is the easy part... cut-n-paste the following to make your python file executable as well as providing a main entrypoint (which can be used in the entry_points definition of your file):

def main(argv=None):
  engine = MySyncEngine()
  return engine.configure(argv).run()
if __name__ == '__main__':

Example Implementation

See Sample Implementation: sync-notes for an example of a real-world program provided by the pysyncml package that uses the pysyncml.cli functionality.

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