
This package provides a python wrapper to run the Java Stallone library.

The API variable is the main entry point into the Stallone API factory. This class has factories and utility classes for wrapping primitive arrays, performing io, constructing (hidden/projected) Markov models and various related tasks.



create a double vector and assigning values: >>> from pystallone import stallone as st >>> x = st.api.API.doublesNew.array(10) # create double array with 10 elements >>> x.set(5, 23.0) # set index 5 to 23.0 >>> print(x) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

# TODO: add more examples (doctests)


Markov modeling

Created on 15.10.2013 moved from emma2 on 8.8.2014

@author: marscher

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