Subhandlers *********** Subhandlers are normal Python modules that implements at least one of the function based entry-point signitures:: def init ( template_info , response_headers , environ,translate , req_data ): ... def redirect ( template_info , cookies,environ ): ... or a subhandler class:: class MySubhandler(pysite.subhandlers.BaseHandler): def __init__( self, *args, **kw ): super(MySubhandler, self).__init__(self, *args, **kw) ... def init(self): self.template_info['remote_addr'] = self.environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR') self.template_info['say_hello'] = self.translate('Hello') Function based entry-points =========================== Subhandlers with unction based subhandlers based on module scope functions Initializer ----------- Redirecter ---------- Subhandler class ================ init Return based functions or generators ==================================== Language resources ================== The translate function ---------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1