Welcome to pysimplelog’s documentation!


# import Logger
from pysimplelog import Logger

# initialize
l=Logger("log test")

# change log file basename from simplelog to mylog

# change log file extension from .log to .pylog

# Add new log types.
l.add_log_type("super critical", name="SUPER CRITICAL", level=200, color='red', attributes=["bold","underline"])
l.add_log_type("wrong", name="info", color='magenta', attributes=["strike through"])
l.add_log_type("important", name="info", color='black', highlight="orange", attributes=["bold"])

# update error log type
l.update_log_type(logType='error', color='pink', attributes=['underline','bold'])

# print logger
print l, '\n'

# test logging
l.info("I am info, called using my shortcut method.")
l.log("info", "I am  info, called using log method.")

l.warn("I am warn, called using my shortcut method.")
l.log("warn", "I am warn, called using log method.")

l.error("I am error, called using my shortcut method.")
l.log("error", "I am error, called using log method.")

l.critical("I am critical, called using my shortcut method.")
l.log("critical", "I critical, called using log method.")

l.debug("I am debug, called using my shortcut method.")
l.log("debug", "I am debug, called using log method.")

l.log("super critical", "I am super critical, called using log method because I have no shortcut method.")
l.log("wrong", "I am wrong, called using log method because I have no shortcut method.")
l.log("important", "I am important, called using log method because I have no shortcut method.")


    Logger (Version 0.2.0)
    log type       |log name       |level     |std flag  |file flag |
    wrong          |info           |0.0       |True      |True      |
    debug          |DEBUG          |0.0       |True      |True      |
    important      |info           |0.0       |True      |True      |
    info           |INFO           |10.0      |True      |True      |
    warn           |WARNING        |20.0      |True      |True      |
    error          |ERROR          |30.0      |True      |True      |
    critical       |CRITICAL       |100.0     |True      |True      |
    super critical |SUPER CRITICAL |200.0     |True      |True      |
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <INFO> I am info, called using my shortcut method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <INFO> I am  info, called using log method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <WARNING> I am warn, called using my shortcut method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <WARNING> I am warn, called using log method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <ERROR> I am error, called using my shortcut method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <ERROR> I am error, called using log method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <CRITICAL> I am critical, called using my shortcut method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <CRITICAL> I critical, called using log method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <DEBUG> I am debug, called using my shortcut method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <DEBUG> I am debug, called using log method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <SUPER CRITICAL> I am super critical, called using log method because I have no shortcut method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <info> I am wrong, called using log method because I have no shortcut method.
    2015-11-18 14:25:08 - log test <info> I am important, called using log method because I have no shortcut method.

class pysimplelog.SimpleLog.Logger(name='logger', flush=True, logToStdout=True, stdout=None, logToFile=True, logFileBasename='simplelog', logFileExtension='log', logFileMaxSize=10, stdoutMinLevel=None, stdoutMaxLevel=None, fileMinLevel=None, fileMaxLevel=None)

This is simplelog main Logger class definition.

A logging is constituted of a header a message and a footer. In the current implementation the footer is empty and the header is as the following:

date time - loggerName <logTypeName>

In order to change any of the header or the footer, ‘_get_header’ and ‘_get_footer’ methods must be overloaded.

  1. name (string): The logger name.
  2. flush (boolean): Whether to always flush the logging streams.
  3. logToStdout (boolean): Whether to log to the standard output stream.
  4. stdout (None, stream): The standard output stream. If None, system standard output will be set automatically. Otherwise any stream with read and write methods can be passed
  5. logToFile (boolean): Whether to log to to file.
  6. logFileBasename (string): Logging file basename. A logging file full name is set as logFileBasename.logFileExtension
  7. logFileExtension (string): Logging file extension. A logging file full name is set as logFileBasename.logFileExtension
  8. logFileMaxSize (number): The maximum size in Megabytes of a logging file. Once exceeded, another logging file as logFileBasename_N.logFileExtension will be created. Where N is an automatically incremented number.
  9. stdoutMinLevel(None, number): The minimum logging to system standard output level. If None, standard output minimum level checking is left out.
  10. stdoutMaxLevel(None, number): The maximum logging to system standard output level. If None, standard output maximum level checking is left out.
  11. fileMinLevel(None, number): The minimum logging to file level. If None, file minimum level checking is left out.
  12. fileMaxLevel(None, number): The maximum logging to file level. If None, file maximum level checking is left out.

list of all defined log types.


dictionary copy of all defined log types levels.


dictionary copy of all defined log types logging to a file flags.


dictionary copy of all defined log types logging to Standard output flags.


Standard output minimum logging level.


Standard output maximum logging level.


file logging minimum level.


file logging maximum level.


dictionary copy of forced flags of logging to standard output.


dictionary copy of forced flags of logging to file.


dictionary copy of all defined log types logging names.


dictionary copy of all defined log types levels showing when logging.


dictionary copy of all defined log types format showing when logging.


logger name.


log to stdout flag.


log to file flag.


currently used log file name.


log file basename.


log file extension.


maximum allowed logfile size in megabytes.


Set the logger name.

  1. name (string): The logger name.

Set the logger flush flag.

  1. flush (boolean): Whether to always flush the logging streams.

Set the logger standard output stream.

  1. stdout (None, stream): The standard output stream. If None, system standard output will be set automatically. Otherwise any stream with read and write methods can be passed

Set the logging to the defined standard output flag.

  1. logToStdout (boolean): Whether to log to the standard output stream.

Set the logging to a file flag.

  1. logToFile (boolean): Whether to log to to file.
set_log_type_flags(logType, stdoutFlag, fileFlag)

Set a defined log type flags.

  1. logType (string): A defined logging type.
  2. stdoutFlag (boolean): Whether to log to the standard output stream.
  3. fileFlag (boolean): Whether to log to to file.

Set the log file extension.

  1. logFileExtension (string): Logging file extension. A logging file full name is set as logFileBasename.logFileExtension

Set the log file basename.

  1. logFileBasename (string): Logging file basename. A logging file full name is set as logFileBasename.logFileExtension

Set the log file maximum size in megabytes

  1. logFileMaxSize (number): The maximum size in Megabytes of a logging file. Once exceeded, another logging file as logFileBasename_N.logFileExtension will be created. Where N is an automatically incremented number.
set_minimum_level(level=0, stdoutFlag=True, fileFlag=True)

Set the minimum logging level. All levels below the minimum will be ignored at logging.

  1. level (None, number, str): The minimum level of logging. If None, minimum level checking is left out. If str, it must be a defined logtype and therefore the minimum level would be the level of this logtype.
  2. stdoutFlag (boolean): Whether to apply this minimum level to standard output logging.
  3. fileFlag (boolean): Whether to apply this minimum level to file logging.
set_maximum_level(level=0, stdoutFlag=True, fileFlag=True)

Set the maximum logging level. All levels above the maximum will be ignored at logging.

  1. level (None, number, str): The maximum level of logging. If None, maximum level checking is left out. If str, it must be a defined logtype and therefore the maximum level would be the level of this logtype.
  2. stdoutFlag (boolean): Whether to apply this maximum level to standard output logging.
  3. fileFlag (boolean): Whether to apply this maximum level to file logging.
force_log_type_stdout_flag(logType, flag)

Force a logtype standard output logging flag despite minimum and maximum logging level boundaries.

  1. logType (string): A defined logging type.
  2. flag (None boolean): The standard output logging flag. If None, logtype existing forced flag is released.
force_log_type_file_flag(logType, flag)

Force a logtype file logging flag despite minimum and maximum logging level boundaries.

  1. logType (string): A defined logging type.
  2. flag (None, boolean): The file logging flag. If None, logtype existing forced flag is released.
force_log_type_flags(logType, stdoutFlag, fileFlag)

Force a logtype logging flags.

  1. logType (string): A defined logging type.
  2. stdoutFlag (None, boolean): The standard output logging flag. If None, logtype stdoutFlag forcing is released.
  3. fileFlag (None, boolean): The file logging flag. If None, logtype fileFlag forcing is released.
set_log_type_name(logType, name)

Set a logtype name.

  1. logType (string): A defined logging type.
  2. name (string): The logtype new name.
set_log_type_level(logType, level)

Set a logtype logging level.

  1. logType (string): A defined logging type.
  2. level (number): The level of logging.
remove_log_type(logType, _assert=False)

Remove a logtype.

  1. logType (string): The logtype.
  2. _assert (boolean): Raise an assertion error if logType is not defined.
add_log_type(logType, name=None, level=0, stdoutFlag=None, fileFlag=None, color=None, highlight=None, attributes=None)

Add a new logtype.

  1. logType (string): The logtype.

  2. name (None, string): The logtype name. If None, name will be set to logtype.

  3. level (number): The level of logging.

  4. stdoutFlag (None, boolean): Force standard output logging flag. If None, flag will be set according to minimum and maximum levels.

  5. fileFlag (None, boolean): Force file logging flag. If None, flag will be set according to minimum and maximum levels.

  6. color (None, string): The logging text color. The defined colors are:

    black , red , green , orange , blue , magenta , cyan , grey , dark grey , light red , light green , yellow , light blue , pink , light cyan

  7. highlight (None, string): The logging text highlight color. The defined highlights are:

    black , red , green , orange , blue , magenta , cyan , grey

  8. attributes (None, string): The logging text attribute. The defined attributes are:

    bold , underline , blink , invisible , strike through

N.B logging color, highlight and attributes are not allowed on all types of streams.

update_log_type(logType, name=None, level=None, stdoutFlag=None, fileFlag=None, color=None, highlight=None, attributes=None)

update a logtype.

  1. logType (string): The logtype.

  2. name (None, string): The logtype name. If None, name will be set to logtype.

  3. level (number): The level of logging.

  4. stdoutFlag (None, boolean): Force standard output logging flag. If None, flag will be set according to minimum and maximum levels.

  5. fileFlag (None, boolean): Force file logging flag. If None, flag will be set according to minimum and maximum levels.

  6. color (None, string): The logging text color. The defined colors are:

    black , red , green , orange , blue , magenta , cyan , grey , dark grey , light red , light green , yellow , light blue , pink , light cyan

  7. highlight (None, string): The logging text highlight color. The defined highlights are:

    black , red , green , orange , blue , magenta , cyan , grey

  8. attributes (None, string): The logging text attribute. The defined attributes are:

    bold , underline , blink , invisible , strike through

N.B logging color, highlight and attributes are not allowed on all types of streams.

log(logType, message)

log a message of a certain logtype.

  1. logType (string): A defined logging type.
  2. message (string): Any message to log.
force_log(logType, message, stdout=True, file=True)

Force logging a message of a certain logtype whether logtype level is allowed or not.

  1. logType (string): A defined logging type.
  2. message (string): Any message to log.
  3. stdout (boolean): Whether to force logging to standard output.
  4. file (boolean): Whether to force logging to file.

Flush all streams.


alias to message at information level


alias to message at information level


alias to message at warning level


alias to message at warning level


alias to message at error level


alias to message at critical level


alias to message at debug level