Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 by pyramid_fullauth authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of pyramid_fullauth and is released under
# the MIT License (MIT):
"""Additional tools used in pyramid_fullauth."""

import string
from random import choice
from pyramid_fullauth.exceptions import (
    EmptyError, ShortPasswordError, PasswordConfirmMismatchError

[docs]def password_generator(length, chars=(string.letters + string.digits + string.punctuation)): """ Generate random password. .. warning:: TODO: tests! :param int length: length of a password to Generates :param list chars: list of characters from which to choose :returns: password :rtype: str """ return u''.join([choice(chars) for i in range(length)])
[docs]def validate_passsword(request, password, user=None): """ Validate password properly. .. note:: If no user provided, password is just validated :param pyramid.request.Request request: request object :param str password: password to be set :param pyramid_fullauth.models.User user: user object :raises: pyramid_fullauth.exceptions.ValidateError """ password_config = request.registry['config'].fullauth.register.password if not password: raise EmptyError( request._('Please enter your password', domain='pyramid_fullauth')) if password_config['length_min'] and\ len(password) < password_config['length_min']: raise ShortPasswordError( request._('Password is too short', domain='pyramid_fullauth')) # here if password doesn't match if password_config['confirm']: confirm_password = request.POST.get('confirm_password', u'') if password != confirm_password: raise PasswordConfirmMismatchError( request._('password-mismatch', default='Passwords don\'t match', domain='pyramid_fullauth')) if user: user.password = password