Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 by pyramid_fullauth authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of pyramid_fullauth and is released under
# the MIT License (MIT):

"""pyramid_fullauth emits these events during whole cycle."""

class _BaseRegisterEvent(object):

    Base fullauth event.

    most of the fullauth's event will provide both request and user
    object with some additional data (these will be described then).

    def __init__(self, request, user):
        Initialize event.

        :param pyramid.request.Request request: request object
        :param pyramid_fullauth.models.User user: user object
        self.request = request
        self.user = user

[docs]class BeforeRegister(_BaseRegisterEvent): """ Execute custom code at the start of registration process. .. note:: User object is not yet in session. """ def __init__(self, request, user, errors): """ Initialize event. :param pyramid.request.Request request: request object :param pyramid_fullauth.models.User user: user object :param dict errors: a dictionary with wrong/not submitted fields with format - fields for which error occured: error message """ _BaseRegisterEvent.__init__(self, request, user) self.errors = errors
[docs]class AfterRegister(_BaseRegisterEvent): """ Add custom post-processing code in registration process. Can be used to add e.g. e-mail sending with registration links. .. note:: User object is already in a session. .. note:: Action emitting this event, should catch all HTTPFound that might be risen in event listener. .. warning:: If HTTPFound is risen from event listener, then response_values will not be used! """ def __init__(self, request, user, response_values): """ Initialize event. :param pyramid.request.Request request: request object :param pyramid_fullauth.models.User user: user object :param dict response_values: a dictionary with response values """ _BaseRegisterEvent.__init__(self, request, user) self.response_values = response_values
[docs]class AfterActivate(_BaseRegisterEvent): """ Add custom post-processing logic after user gets activated. .. note:: Action emitting this event, should catch all HTTPFound that might be risen in event listener. """ pass
[docs]class AfterResetRequest(_BaseRegisterEvent): """ Add custom post-processing after user sends request to reset password. .. note:: Action emitting this event, should catch all HTTPFound that might be risen in event listener. """ pass
class BeforeReset(_BaseRegisterEvent): """Add custom pre-processing before the actual reset-password process.""" pass
[docs]class AfterReset(_BaseRegisterEvent): """ Add custom post-processing after the actual reset-password process. .. note:: Action emitting this event, should catch all HTTPFound that might be risen in event listener. """ pass
[docs]class AlreadyLoggedIn(object): """ Allow execute custom logic, when logged in user tries to log in again. .. note:: Action emitting this event, should catch all HTTPFound that might be risen in event listener. """ def __init__(self, request): """ Initialize event. :param pyramid.request.Request request: request object """ self.request = request
[docs]class BeforeLogIn(_BaseRegisterEvent): """ Add custom logic before user gets logged in. .. note:: Action emitting this event, should catch all AttributeError that might be risen in event listener. User param set to None when user is not found or request method is GET. """ pass
[docs]class AfterLogIn(_BaseRegisterEvent): """Add custom logic after user logs in.""" pass # Social events # TODO: extract to sub module
class _BaseSocialRegister(_BaseRegisterEvent): """Base for all social requests.""" def __init__(self, request, user, profile): """ Initialize base events. :param pyramid.request.Request request: request object :param pyramid_fullauth.models.User user: user object :param dict profile: a dictionary with profile data """ _BaseRegisterEvent.__init__(self, request, user) self.profile = profile
[docs]class BeforeSocialRegister(_BaseSocialRegister): """Adds custom logic before the social login process start.""" pass
[docs]class AfterSocialRegister(_BaseSocialRegister): """ Add custom logic after user registers through social network. .. note:: Action emitting this event, should catch all HTTPFound that might be risen in event listener. """ def __init__(self, request, user, profile, response_values): """ Initialize event. :param pyramid.request.Request request: request object :param pyramid_fullauth.models.User user: user object :param dict profile: a dictionary with profile data :param dict response_values: a dictionary with response values """ _BaseSocialRegister.__init__(self, request, user, profile) self.response_values = response_values
[docs]class AfterSocialLogIn(_BaseSocialRegister): """ Custom logic after user logs in through social network. .. note:: Action emitting this event, should catch all HTTPFound that might be risen in event listener. """ pass
[docs]class SocialAccountAlreadyConnected(_BaseSocialRegister): """ Allow to add custom logic, when someone tries to connect social account to second user in application. .. note:: Action emitting this event, should catch all HTTPFound that might be risen in event listener. """ def __init__(self, request, user, profile, response_values): """ Initialize event. :param pyramid.request.Request request: request object :param pyramid_fullauth.models.User user: user object :param dict profile: a dictionary with profile data :param dict response_values: a dictionary with response values """ _BaseSocialRegister.__init__(self, request, user, profile) self.response_values = response_values # Email change events.
class BeforeEmailChange(_BaseRegisterEvent): """Allow to add custom validation (like checking password) before email change process.""" pass class AfterEmailChange(_BaseRegisterEvent): """Allow to add some custom post-processing, like e-mail sending, after email change process.""" pass class AfterEmailChangeActivation(_BaseRegisterEvent): """Allow to add custom logic, after changed email had been activated.""" pass