Source code for pyramid_fullauth.auth

# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 by pyramid_fullauth authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of pyramid_fullauth and is released under
# the MIT License (MIT):
"""Auth related methods and classes."""

from import Allow, Everyone, ALL_PERMISSIONS

[docs]def groupfinder(userid, request): """ Read all user's groups. .. note:: Adds **s:inactive** group to users who has not activated their account, and **s:user** group to those, who did. If user has is_admin flag, he gets **s:superadmin** group set Might be useful, when you want restrict access to some parts of your application, but still allow log in, and access to some other parts. :param int userid: user identity :param pyramid.request.Request request: request object :returns: list of groups :rtype: list """ user = request.user groups = [] if user and == userid: groups = [ for group in user.groups] # let's add inactive group for users that have not activated their account if user.is_admin: groups.append('s:superadmin') if user.is_active: groups.append('s:user') else: groups.append('s:inactive') return groups
[docs]class BaseACLRootFactoryMixin(object): """ ACL list factory Mixin. __acl__ is the attribute which stores the list. :return: tuple (Allow|Deny, Group name, Permission) :rtype: list .. note:: Can be converted later to database stored (sqlalchemy session is accessible through request.db) """ __acl__ = [(Allow, Everyone, 'view'), (Allow, 's:superadmin', ALL_PERMISSIONS), (Allow, 's:user', ('password_change', 'email_change')) ] def __init__(self, request): """Assing request as instance attribute.""" self.request = request