Primary *pyral* classes and functions ===================================== For the most part, you'll only be utilizing two main entry points to the **pyral** package. The first is the **rallySettings** convenience function that you'll use to obtain target and credential values. If you are using 1.1.x or beyond, you may want to alternatively use the **rallyWorkset** convenience function to obtain target and credential values if you intend to use a Rally API Key for credentials. The second is the **Rally** class, from which you'll obtain an instance and then treat that as a direct link to the Rally SaaS. An instance of the Rally class has the basic four CRUD operations as well as several convenience methods to obtain information about workspaces, projects, users and Rally type/value metadata. You'll also be using the results of queries issued to Rally that are returned as instances of the **RallyRESTResponse** class. Instances of this class allow easy dot ('.') notation access to attributes of the representation of the Rally entity, whether the attribute is a simple value or a reference to another Rally entity. rallyWorkset ============ New in 1.1.0. This function takes into account your environment and arguments provided to this function to arrive at and return information necessary to establish a useful *connection* to the Rally server. This convenience function differs from **rallySettings** by also including the Rally API Key in the set of values considered and returned. The process consists of a priority chain where some reasonable default information is established first and then overridden with subsequent steps in the chain (if they exist). After following the priority chain, values for server, user, password, apikey, workspace, project are returned to the caller. The priority chain consists of these steps: * establish baseline values from values defined in the module containing the rallyWorkset * override with any environment variables present from this list: - RALLY_SERVER - RALLY_USER - RALLY_PASSWORD - APIKEY - RALLY_WORKSPACE - RALLY_PROJECT - RALLY_PING * if present, use information from a rally-.cfg file in the current directory, where matches the Rally WSAPI version defined in the pyral.config module. Currently, that version is defined as v2.0. * if present, use the contents of a file named in the RALLY_CONFIG environment variable. * if present, use the contents of a config named on the command line via the --config- option * if present, use the values of individual credential/target settings provided as command line options via the --