pyporegui.widgets.base_tabs module

class pyporegui.widgets.base_tabs.BaseQSplitter(parent)[source]

Bases: pyporegui._thread_manager._ThreadManager, PySide.QtGui.QSplitter


Sets a callback for when the EventFinderTab’s status is updated. The status is a String of information about the current state of the EventFinderTab.

Parameters:callback (MethodType) – Callback method for when the EventFinderTab’s status is updated. This callback must accept one string parameter.

Sets a callback for when the EventFindingTab requests app.processEvents

Parameters:callback (MethodType) –
staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x6012b90>
class pyporegui.widgets.base_tabs.BaseQSplitterDataFile(parent)[source]

Bases: pyporegui.widgets.base_tabs.BaseQSplitter


Analyzes the files for correctness, then adds them to the list widget.

Parameters:file_names (ListType<StringType>) – The file names to be included in the list widget. If not included, this function will use a QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames to open files.
Returns:BooleanType – True if files were opened, False otherwise.
staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object at 0x6012fc8>