.. pypi-stat documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Apr 18 14:48:57 2012. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. References : ============ * source : https://github.com/jul/pypi-stat/ * online documentation : http://pypi-stat.readthedocs.org/ * ticketing : https://github.com/jul/pypi-stat/issues Synopsis ======== Pypi offers an xmlrpc service that can gives you once a day the download stats for your package. The problem is that for ploting a time serie you need the past datas. This package is made of two scripts : * one to gather the data and store them in json format ; * one to plot the results as a time serie. pypi_get_stat to fetch data *************************** Stats are fetched on pypi. It is based on http://www.codekoala.com/blog/2010/pypi-download-stats/ This scripts add to the original the usage and storing previous stats in ``~/.pypi.stat.json`` pypi_graph_stat to plot the stats ********************************* Based on the stored stats, use matplotlib : * either to make a plot in matplotlib (it should pop a TK window with the graph); * or print a plot in a mentioned file. It has limited query feature : * date interval can be specified ; * package to plot ; * keys in the fetched stat to plot (total download, average download, minimum download per release, maximum download per release); * release dates are added; Example ======= .. image:: image/sample1.png QuickStart ========== Install following :ref:`installation` get stats for a package (here we want download stats for numpy). ``pypi_get_stat.py numpy`` graph all known packages in the stored stats. ``pypi_graph_stat.py`` Using pypi-stat =============== Contents: .. toctree:: installation usage new Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`