
Pypi offers an xmlrpc service that can gives you once a day the download stats for your package. The problem is that for ploting a time serie you need the past datas. This package is made of two scripts :

  • one to gather the data and store them in json format ;
  • one to plot the results as a time serie.

pypi_get_stat to fetch data

Stats are fetched on pypi. It is based on

This scripts add to the original the usage and storing previous stats in ~/.pypi.stat.json

pypi_graph_stat to plot the stats

Based on the stored stats, use matplotlib :
  • either to make a plot in matplotlib (it should pop a TK window with the graph);
  • or print a plot in a mentioned file.
It has limited query feature :
  • date interval can be specified ;
  • package to plot ;
  • keys in the fetched stat to plot (total download, average download, minimum download per release, maximum download per release);
  • release dates are added;




Install following Installation

get stats for a package (here we want download stats for numpy). numpy

graph all known packages in the stored stats.

Indices and tables

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