Source code for pynoddy.output

'''Noddy output file analysis
Created on 24/03/2014

@author: Florian Wellmann, Sam Thiele
import os
import numpy as np

import pynoddy

[docs]class NoddyOutput(object): """Class definition for Noddy output analysis""" def __init__(self, output_name): """Noddy output analysis **Arguments**: - *output_name* = string : (base) name of Noddy output files """ self.basename = output_name self.load_model_info() self.load_geology() def __add__(self, other): """Define addition as addition of grid block values Note: Check first if model dimensions and settings are the same """ # check dimensions self.compare_dimensions_to(other) # 1. create copy import copy tmp_his = copy.deepcopy(self) # 2. perform operation tmp_his.block = self.block + other.block return tmp_his def __sub__(self, other): """Define subtraction as subtraction of grid block values Note: Check first if model dimensions and settings are the same """ # check dimensions self.compare_dimensions_to(other) # 1. create copy import copy tmp_his = copy.deepcopy(self) # 2. perform operation tmp_his.block = self.block - other.block return tmp_his def __iadd__(self, x): """Augmented assignment addtition: add value to all grid blocks **Arguments**: - *x*: can be either a numerical value (int, float, ...) *or* another NoddyOutput object! Note that, in both cases, the own block is updated and no new object is created (compare to overwritten addition operator!) Note: This method is changing the object *in place*! """ # if x is another pynoddy output object, then add values to own grid in place! if isinstance(x, NoddyOutput): self.block += x.block else: self.block += x # update grid values return self def __isub__(self, x): """Augmented assignment addtition: add value(s) to all grid blocks **Arguments**: - *x*: can be either a numerical value (int, float, ...) *or* another NoddyOutput object! Note that, in both cases, the own block is updated and no new object is created (compare to overwritten addition operator!) Note: This method is changing the object *in place*! """ # if x is another pynoddy output object, then add values to own grid in place! if isinstance(x, NoddyOutput): self.block -= x.block else: self.block -= x # update grid values return self
[docs] def set_basename(self, name): """Set model basename""" self.basename = name
[docs] def compare_dimensions_to(self, other): """Compare model dimensions to another model""" try: assert((self.nx, self.ny, == (other.nx, other.ny, except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("Model dimensions do not seem to agree, please check!\n") try: assert((self.delx, self.dely, self.delz) == (other.delx, other.dely, other.delz)) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("Model dimensions do not seem to agree, please check!\n") try: assert((self.xmin, self.ymin, self.zmin) == (other.xmin, other.ymin, other.zmin)) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("Model dimensions do not seem to agree, please check!\n")
[docs] def load_model_info(self): """Load information about model discretisation from .g00 file""" filelines = open(self.basename + ".g00").readlines() for line in filelines: if 'NUMBER OF LAYERS' in line: = int(line.split("=")[1]) elif 'LAYER 1 DIMENSIONS' in line: (self.nx, self.ny) = [int(l) for l in line.split("=")[1].split(" ")[1:]] elif 'UPPER SW CORNER' in line: l = [float(l) for l in line.split("=")[1].split(" ")[1:]] (self.xmin, self.ymin, self.zmax) = l elif 'LOWER NE CORNER' in line: l = [float(l) for l in line.split("=")[1].split(" ")[1:]] (self.xmax, self.ymax, self.zmin) = l elif 'NUM ROCK' in line: self.n_rocktypes = int(line.split('=')[1]) self.n_total = self.nx * self.ny * (self.extent_x, self.extent_y, self.extent_z) = (self.xmax - self.xmin, self.ymax - self.ymin, self.zmax - self.zmin) (self.delx, self.dely, self.delz) = (self.extent_x / float(self.nx), self.extent_y / float(self.ny), self.extent_z / float( #load lithology colours & relative ages if os.path.exists(self.basename + ".g20"): filelines = open(self.basename + ".g20").readlines() self.n_events = int(filelines[0].split(' ')[2]) #number of events lithos = filelines[ 3 + self.n_events : len(filelines) - 1] #litho definitions self.rock_ids = [] #list of litho ids. Will be a list from 1 to n self.rock_names = [] #the (string) names of each rock type. Note that names including spaces will not be read properly. self.rock_colors = [] #the colours of each rock type (in Noddy). self.rock_events = [] #list of the events that created different lithologies for l in lithos: data = l.split(' ') self.rock_ids.append(int(data[0])) self.rock_events.append(int(data[1])) self.rock_names.append(data[2]) self.rock_colors.append( (int(data[-3])/255., int(data[-2])/255., int(data[-1])/255.) ) #calculate stratigraphy self.stratigraphy = [] #litho id's ordered by the age they were created in for i in range(max(self.rock_events)+1): #loop through events #create list of lithos created in this event lithos = [] for n, e in enumerate(self.rock_events): if e == i: #current event lithos.append(self.rock_ids[n]) #reverse order... Noddy litho id's are ordered by event, but reverse ordered within depositional events (ie. #lithologies created in younger events have larger ids, however the youngest unit created in a given event #will have the smallest id... for l in reversed(lithos): self.stratigraphy.append(l)
[docs] def load_geology(self): """Load block geology ids from .g12 output file""" f = open(self.basename + ".g12") method = 'standard' # standard method to read file # method = 'numpy' # using numpy should be faster - but it messes up the order... possible to fix? if method == 'standard': i = 0 j = 0 k = 0 self.block = np.ndarray((self.nx,self.ny, for line in f.readlines(): if line == '\n': # next z-slice k += 1 # reset x counter i = 0 continue l = [int(l1) for l1 in line.strip().split("\t")] self.block[i,:,] = np.array(l)[::-1] i += 1 elif method == 'standard_old': j = 0 j_max = 0 k_max = 0 i_max = 0 self.block = np.ndarray((,self.ny,self.nx)) for k,line in enumerate(f.readlines()): if line == '\n': # next y-slice j += 1 if j > j_max : j_max = j continue for i,l1 in enumerate(line.strip().split("\t")): if i > i_max: i_max = i if k/ > k_max : k_max = k/ self.block[j,i,k/] = int(l1) print i_max, j_max, k_max elif method == 'numpy': # old implementation - didn't work, but why? self.block = np.loadtxt(f, dtype="int") # reshape to proper 3-D shape self.block = self.block.reshape((,self.ny,self.nx)) self.block = np.swapaxes(self.block, 0, 2) # self.block = np.swapaxes(self.block, 0, 1) # print np.shape(self.block)
[docs] def determine_unit_volumes(self): """Determine volumes of geological units in the discretized block model """ # # Note: for the time being, the following implementation is extremely simple # and could be optimised, for example to test specifically for units defined # in stratigraphies, intrusions, etc.! # self.block_volume = self.delx * self.dely * self.delz self.unit_ids = np.unique(self.block) self.unit_volumes = np.empty(np.shape(self.unit_ids)) for i,unit_id in enumerate(self.unit_ids): self.unit_volumes[i] = np.sum(self.block == unit_id) * self.block_volume
[docs] def get_surface_grid(self, lithoID, **kwds ): ''' Returns a grid of lines that define a grid on the specified surface. Note that this cannot handle layers that are repeated in the z direction... **Arguments**: - *lithoID* - the top surface of this lithology will be calculated. If a list is passed, the top surface of each lithology in the list is calculated. **Keywords**: - *res* - the resolution to sample at. Default is 2 (ie. every second voxel is sampled). **Returns**: a tuple containing lists of tuples of x, y and z coordinate dictionaries and colour dictionaries, one containing the east-west lines and one the north-south lines: ((x,y,z,c),(x,y,z,c)). THe dictionary keys are the lithoID's passed in the lithoID parameter. ''' import as ma cube_size = self.xmax / self.nx res = kwds.get('res',2) if not type(lithoID) is list: lithoID = [lithoID] sx = {} sy = {} sz = {} sc = {} #get surface locations in x direction for x in range(0,self.nx,res): #start new line for i in lithoID: if not sx.has_key(i): #create list sx[i] = [] sy[i] = [] sz[i] = [] if (hasattr(self,'rock_colors')): sc[i] = self.rock_colors[i] else: sc[i] = i sx[i].append([]) sy[i].append([]) sz[i].append([]) #fill in line for y in range(0,self.ny,res): #drill down filling surface info found = [] for z in range(0, if (geo.block[x][y][z] != self.block[x][y][z+1]) and self.block[x][y][z] in lithoID: key = self.block[x][y][z] #add point sx[key][-1].append(x * cube_size) sy[key][-1].append(y * cube_size) sz[key][-1].append(z * cube_size) #remember that we've found this found.append(key) #check to see if anything has been missed(and hence we should start a new line segment) for i in lithoID: if not i in found: sx[i].append([]) #new list sy[i].append([]) sz[i].append([]) #apply mask #for d in [sx,sy,sz]: # for k in d.keys(): # d[key] = ma.masked_where(np.array(d[key]) == -1,d[key]) xlines = (sx,sy,sz,sc) sx = {} sy = {} sz = {} sc = {} #get surface locations in y direction for y in range(0,self.ny,res): #start new line for i in lithoID: if not sx.has_key(i): #create list sx[i] = [] sy[i] = [] sz[i] = [] if (hasattr(self,'rock_colors')): sc[i] = self.rock_colors[i] else: sc[i] = i sx[i].append([]) sy[i].append([]) sz[i].append([]) #fill in line for x in range(0,self.nx,res): #drill down filling surface info found = [] for z in range(0, if (geo.block[x][y][z] != self.block[x][y][z+1]) and self.block[x][y][z] in lithoID: key = self.block[x][y][z] #add point sx[key][-1].append(x * cube_size) sy[key][-1].append(y * cube_size) sz[key][-1].append(z * cube_size) found.append(key) for i in lithoID: if not i in found: #line should end sx[i].append([]) #add line end sy[i].append([]) sz[i].append([]) ylines = (sx,sy,sz,sc) return (xlines,ylines)
[docs] def get_section_lines(self, direction='y',position='center', **kwds): """Create and returns a list of lines representing a section block through the model **Arguments**: - *direction* = 'x', 'y', 'z' : coordinate direction of section plot (default: 'y') - *position* = int or 'center' : cell position of section as integer value or identifier (default: 'center') **Returns**: A tuple of lists of dictionaries.... ie: ( [ dictionary of x coordinates, with lithology pairs as keys, separated by an underscore], [ dictionary of y coordinates, with lithology pairs as keys, separated by an underscore], [ dictionary of z coordinates, with lithology pairs as keys, separated by an underscore], [ dictionary of colours, with lithologies as keys]) For example: get_section_lines()[0]["1_2"] returns a list of all the x coordinates from the contact between lithology 1 and lithology 2. Note that the smaller lithology index always comes first in the code. """ #calc cube size cube_size = self.xmax / self.nx x = {} y = {} z = {} c = {} if 'z' in direction: for i in range(0,self.nx): for j in range(0,self.ny-1): if self.block[i][j][0] != self.block[i][j+1][0]: #this is a contact code = "%d_%d" % (min(self.block[i][j][0],self.block[i][j+1][0]),max(self.block[i][j][0],self.block[i][j+1][0])) if not x.has_key(code): x[code] = [] y[code] = [] z[code] = [] x[code].append(i * cube_size) y[code].append(j * cube_size) z[code].append(-1000) if (hasattr(self,'rock_colors')): c[code] = self.rock_colors[ int(self.block[i][j][0]) - 1] else: c[code] = int(self.block[i][j][0]) ##xz if 'y' in direction: for i in range(0,self.nx): for j in range(0, if self.block[i][0][j] != self.block[i][0][j+1]: #this is a contact code = "%d_%d" % (min(self.block[i][0][j],self.block[i][0][j+1]),max(self.block[i][0][j],self.block[i][0][j+1])) if not x.has_key(code): x[code] = [] y[code] = [] z[code] = [] x[code].append(i * cube_size) y[code].append(-1000) z[code].append(j * cube_size) if (hasattr(self,'rock_colors')): c[code] = self.rock_colors[ int(self.block[i][0][j]) - 1] else: c[code] = int(self.block[i][j][0]) #yz if 'x' in direction: for i in range(0,self.ny): for j in range(0, if self.block[0][i][j] != self.block[0][i][j+1]: #this is a contact code = "%d_%d" % (min(self.block[0][i][j],self.block[0][i][j+1]),max(self.block[0][i][j],self.block[0][i][j+1])) if not x.has_key(code): x[code] = [] y[code] = [] z[code] = [] x[code].append(-1000) y[code].append(i * cube_size) z[code].append(j * cube_size) if (hasattr(self,'rock_colors')): c[code] = self.rock_colors[ int(self.block[0][i][j]) - 1] else: c[code] = int(self.block[i][j][0]) return (x,y,z,c)
[docs] def get_section_voxels(self, direction='y',position='center', **kwds): """Create and returns section block through the model **Arguments**: - *direction* = 'x', 'y', 'z' : coordinate direction of section plot (default: 'y') - *position* = int or 'center' : cell position of section as integer value or identifier (default: 'center') **Optional Keywords**: - *data* = np.array : data to plot, if different to block data itself - *litho_filter* = a list of lithologies to draw. All others will be ignored. """ data = kwds.get('data',self.block) if direction == 'x': if position == 'center': cell_pos = self.nx / 2 else: cell_pos = position section_slice = data[cell_pos,:,:].transpose() #xlabel = "y" #ylabel = "z" elif direction == 'y': if position == 'center': cell_pos = self.ny / 2 else: cell_pos = position section_slice = data[:,cell_pos,:].transpose() #xlabel = "x" #ylabel = "z" elif direction == 'z': if position == 'center': cell_pos = / 2 else: cell_pos = position section_slice = self.block[:,:,cell_pos].transpose() else: print "Error: %s is not a valid direction. Please specify either ('x','y' or 'z')." % direction #filter by lithology if a filter is set if kwds.has_key('litho_filter'): litho_filter = kwds['litho_filter'] if not litho_filter is None: mask = [] for x in range(len(section_slice)): mask.append([]) for y in range(len(section_slice[x])): if not int(section_slice[x][y]) in litho_filter: #section_slice[x][y] = -1 #null values mask[x].append(True) else: mask[x].append(False) #apply mask section_slice =, mask=mask) #section_slice =, section_slice) return section_slice, cell_pos
[docs] def plot_section(self, direction='y', position='center', **kwds): """Create a section block through the model **Arguments**: - *direction* = 'x', 'y', 'z' : coordinate direction of section plot (default: 'y') - *position* = int or 'center' : cell position of section as integer value or identifier (default: 'center') **Optional Keywords**: - *ax* = matplotlib.axis : append plot to axis (default: create new plot) - *figsize* = (x,y) : matplotlib figsize - *colorbar* = bool : plot colorbar (default: True) - *colorbar_orientation* = 'horizontal' or 'vertical' : orientation of colorbar (default: 'vertical') - *title* = string : plot title - *savefig* = bool : save figure to file (default: show directly on screen) - *cmap* = matplotlib.cmap : colormap (default: YlOrRd) - *fig_filename* = string : figure filename - *ve* = float : vertical exaggeration - *layer_labels* = list of strings: labels for each unit in plot - *layers_from* = noddy history file : get labels automatically from history file - *data* = np.array : data to plot, if different to block data itself - *litho_filter* = a list of lithologies to draw. All others will be ignored. """ #try importing matplotlib try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print ("Could not draw image as matplotlib is not installed. Please install matplotlib") cbar_orientation = kwds.get("colorbar_orientation", 'vertical') litho_filter = kwds.get("litho_filter",None) # determine if data are passed - if not, then recompute model #data = kwds.get('data',self.block) ve = kwds.get("ve", 1.) cmap_type = kwds.get('cmap', 'YlOrRd') if kwds.has_key('ax'): # append plot to existing axis ax = kwds['ax'] return_axis = True else: return_axis = False figsize = kwds.get("figsize", (10,6)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) savefig = kwds.get("savefig", False) colorbar = kwds.get("colorbar", True) # extract slice #if kwds.has_key('data'): section_slice, cell_pos = self.get_section_voxels(direction,position,**kwds) #else: # section_slice, cell_pos = self.get_section_voxels(direction,position,litho_filter=litho_filter) #calculate axis labels if 'x' in direction: xlabel="y" ylabel="z" elif 'y' in direction: xlabel = "x" ylabel = "z" elif 'z' in direction: xlabel = "x" ylabel = "y" #plot section title = kwds.get("title", "Section in %s-direction, pos=%d" % (direction, cell_pos)) im = ax.imshow(section_slice, interpolation='nearest', aspect=ve, cmap=cmap_type, origin = 'lower left') if colorbar and not kwds.has_key('ax') and False: #disable - color bar is broken # cbar = plt.colorbar(im) # _ = cbar # import matplotlib as mpl bounds = np.arange(np.min(section_slice),np.max(section_slice)+1) cmap = norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) if cbar_orientation == 'horizontal': ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.125, 0.18, 0.775, 0.04]) cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax2, cmap=cmap_type, norm=norm, spacing='proportional', ticks=bounds, boundaries=bounds-0.5, label='Lithology', orientation = 'horizontal') # , format='%s') else: # default is vertical # create a second axes for the colorbar ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.95, 0.165, 0.03, 0.69]) cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax2, cmap=cmap_type, norm=norm, spacing='proportional', ticks=bounds, boundaries=bounds-0.5, label = 'Lithology', orientation = 'vertical') # , format='%s') # define the bins and normalize if kwds.has_key("layer_labels"): cb.set_ticklabels(kwds["layer_labels"]) # invert axis to have "correct" stratigraphic order ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if return_axis: return ax elif savefig: fig_filename = kwds.get("fig_filename", "%s_section_%s_pos_%d" % (self.basename, direction, cell_pos)) plt.savefig(fig_filename, bbox_inches="tight") else:
[docs] def export_to_vtk(self, **kwds): """Export model to VTK Export the geology blocks to VTK for visualisation of the entire 3-D model in an external VTK viewer, e.g. Paraview. ..Note:: Requires pyevtk, available for free on: **Optional keywords**: - *vtk_filename* = string : filename of VTK file (default: output_name) - *data* = np.array : data array to export to VKT (default: entire block model) """ vtk_filename = kwds.get("vtk_filename", self.basename) try: from evtk.hl import gridToVTK except: from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK # Coordinates x = np.arange(0, self.extent_x + 0.1*self.delx, self.delx, dtype='float64') y = np.arange(0, self.extent_y + 0.1*self.dely, self.dely, dtype='float64') z = np.arange(0, self.extent_z + 0.1*self.delz, self.delz, dtype='float64') # self.block = np.swapaxes(self.block, 0, 2) if kwds.has_key("data"): gridToVTK(vtk_filename, x, y, z, cellData = {"data" : kwds['data']}) else: gridToVTK(vtk_filename, x, y, z, cellData = {"geology" : self.block})
[docs]class NoddyGeophysics(object): """Definition to read, analyse, and visualise calculated geophysical responses""" def __init__(self, output_name): """Methods to read, analyse, and visualise calculated geophysical responses .. note:: The geophysical responses have can be computed with a keyword in the function `compute_model`, e.g.: ``pynoddy.compute_model(history_name, output, type = 'GEOPHYSICS')`` """ self.basename = output_name self.read_gravity() self.read_magnetics()
[docs] def read_gravity(self): """Read calculated gravity response""" grv_lines = open(self.basename + ".grv", 'r').readlines() self.grv_header = grv_lines[:8] # read in data # print len(grv_lines) - 8 dx = len(grv_lines) - 8 dy = len(grv_lines[8].rstrip().split("\t")) self.grv_data = np.ndarray((dx, dy)) for i,line in enumerate(grv_lines[8:]): self.grv_data[i,:] = np.array([float(x) for x in line.rstrip().split("\t")])
[docs] def read_magnetics(self): """Read caluclated magnetic field response""" mag_lines = open(self.basename + ".mag", 'r').readlines() self.mag_header = mag_lines[:8] # read in data # print len(mag_lines) - 8 dx = len(mag_lines) - 8 dy = len(mag_lines[8].rstrip().split("\t")) self.mag_data = np.ndarray((dx, dy)) for i,line in enumerate(mag_lines[8:]): self.mag_data[i,:] = np.array([float(x) for x in line.rstrip().split("\t")])
[docs]class NoddyTopology(object): """Definition to read, analyse, and visualise calculated voxel topology""" def __init__(self, noddy_model, **kwds): """Methods to read, analyse, and visualise calculated voxel topology .. note:: The voxel topology have can be computed with a keyword in the function `compute_model`, e.g.: ``pynoddy.compute_model(history_name, output, type = 'TOPOLOGY')`` **Arguments** - *noddy_model* = the name of the .his file or noddy output to run topology on. **Optional Keywords** - *load_attributes* = True if nodes and edges in the topology network should be attributed with properties such as volume and surface area and lithology colour. Default is True. """ #if a .his file is passed strip extension if "." in noddy_model: output_name = noddy_model.split['.'][0] #remove file extension else: output_name = noddy_model #load model self.basename = output_name self.load_attributes = kwds.get("load_attributes",True) #load network self.loadNetwork() self.type = "overall"
[docs] def loadNetwork(self): ''' Loads the topology network into a NetworkX datastructure ''' #import networkx try: import networkx as nx except ImportError: print "Warning: NetworkX module could not be loaded. Please install NetworkX from to perform topological analyses in PyNoddy" #initialise new networkX graph self.graph = nx.Graph() = self.basename #check files exist: if not os.path.exists(self.basename+".g23"): #ensure topology code has been run pynoddy.compute_topology(self.basename) #load lithology properties self.read_properties() #load graph f = open(self.basename + ".g23",'r') lines = f.readlines() #read lines for l in lines: #load edges if '_' in l: #this line contains topology stuff (aka ignore empty lines) l=l.rstrip() data=l.split('\t') #calculate edge colors topoCode1 = data[0].split('_')[1] topoCode2 = data[1].split('_')[1] lithoCode1 = data[0].split('_')[0] lithoCode2 = data[1].split('_')[0] count = int(data[-1]) #number of voxels with this neighbour relationship (proxy of surface area) #calculate edge type (dyke, fault etc) eCode=0 eAge = self.lithology_properties[int(lithoCode1)]['age'] #for original stratigraphy. Default is the age of the first node eType = 'stratigraphic' #default is stratigraphy eColour='grey' #black #calculate new topology codes name = self.event_names[0] #default name is first name in sequence for i in range(0,len(topoCode1) - 1): #-1 removes the trailing character if (topoCode1[i] != topoCode2[i]): #find the difference #this is the 'age' of this edge, as the lithologies formed during #different events eAge = i #calculate what the difference means (ie. edge type) if int(topoCode2[i]) > int(topoCode1[i]): eCode=topoCode2[i] else: eCode=topoCode1[i] name = self.event_names[i] #calculate event name if int(eCode) == 0: #stratigraphic contact eColour = 'grey' eType = 'stratigraphic' elif int(eCode) == 2 or int(eCode) == 7 or int(eCode) == 8: #various types of faults eColour = 'r' #red eType = 'fault' elif int(eCode) == 3: #unconformity eColour = 'g' #green eType = 'unconformity' elif int(eCode) == 5: #plug/dyke eColour = 'orange' #orange eType = 'intrusive' else: eColour = 'y' #yellow eType = 'unknown' #create nodes & associated properties self.graph.add_node(data[0], lithology=lithoCode1, name=self.lithology_properties[int(lithoCode1)]['name'], age = self.lithology_properties[int(lithoCode1)]['age']) self.graph.add_node(data[1], lithology=lithoCode2, name=self.lithology_properties[int(lithoCode2)]['name'], age = self.lithology_properties[int(lithoCode2)]['age']) if (self.load_attributes): self.graph.node[data[0]]['colour']=self.lithology_properties[int(lithoCode1)]['colour'] self.graph.node[data[0]]['centroid']=self.node_properties["%d_%s" % (int(lithoCode1),topoCode1) ]['centroid'] self.graph.node[data[0]]['volume'] = self.node_properties["%d_%s" % (int(lithoCode1),topoCode1) ]['volume'] self.graph.node[data[1]]['colour']=self.lithology_properties[int(lithoCode2)]['colour'] self.graph.node[data[1]]['centroid']=self.node_properties[ "%d_%s" % (int(lithoCode2),topoCode2) ]['centroid'] self.graph.node[data[1]]['volume'] = self.node_properties[ "%d_%s" % (int(lithoCode2),topoCode2) ]['volume'] #add edge self.graph.add_edge(data[0],data[1],name=name,edgeCode=eCode,edgeType=eType, colour=eColour, area=count, weight=1, age=eAge)
[docs] def read_properties( self ): #load lithology colours & relative ages. There is some duplication here #of the NoddyOutput (sloppy, I know...) - ideally I should implement a base class #that does this stuff and NoddyOutput and NoddyTopology both inherit from.... if os.path.exists(self.basename + ".g20"): filelines = open(self.basename + ".g20").readlines() self.n_events = int(filelines[0].split(' ')[2]) #number of events lithos = filelines[ 3 + self.n_events : len(filelines) - 1] #litho definitions self.rock_ids = [] #list of litho ids. Will be a list from 1 to n self.rock_names = [] #the (string) names of each rock type. Note that names including spaces will not be read properly. self.rock_colors = [] #the colours of each rock type (in Noddy). self.rock_events = [] #list of the events that created different lithologies for l in lithos: data = l.split(' ') self.rock_ids.append(int(data[0])) self.rock_events.append(int(data[1])) self.rock_names.append(data[2]) self.rock_colors.append( (int(data[-3])/255., int(data[-2])/255., int(data[-1])/255.) ) #load last line (list of names) self.event_names = (filelines[-1].strip()).split('\t') #calculate stratigraphy self.stratigraphy = [] #litho id's ordered by the age they were created in for i in range(max(self.rock_events)+1): #loop through events #create list of lithos created in this event lithos = [] for n, e in enumerate(self.rock_events): if e == i: #current event lithos.append(self.rock_ids[n]) #reverse order... Noddy litho id's are ordered by event, but reverse ordered within depositional events (ie. #lithologies created in younger events have larger ids, however the youngest unit created in a given event #will have the smallest id... for l in reversed(lithos): self.stratigraphy.append(l) #create property dict for easier access to attributes from node codes self.lithology_properties = {} for l in self.rock_ids: #litho codes params = {} params['code'] = l params['name'] = self.rock_names[l - 1] params['colour'] = self.rock_colors[ l - 1 ] params['age'] = self.stratigraphy.index(l) self.lithology_properties[params['code']] = params #f = open(self.basename + ".g20", 'r') #lines = f.readlines() #for i in range(self.n_events + 3,len(lines)-1): #loop through lithology definitions # l = (lines[i].strip()).split(' ') # #load lithology parameters # params = {} # params['code'] = int(l[0]) # params['name'] = ' '.join(l[2:-3]) # #colours are the last 3 values # params['colour'] = [ float(l[-3]) / 255.0, float(l[-2]) / 255.0, float(l[-1]) / 255.0 ] # #store lithology parameters (using lithocode as key) # self.lithology_properties[params['code']] = params #load node locations from .vs file if (self.load_attributes): self.node_properties = {} f = open(self.basename + "_v.vs", 'r') lines =f.readlines() for l in lines: if "PVRTX" in l: #this is a vertex data = l.split(' ') params = {} params['centroid']=[ float(data[2]), float(data[3]), float(data[4])] params['litho'] = int(data[5]) params['topo'] = data[6] params['volume'] = int(data[7]) #number of voxels of this type #save (key = LITHO_TOPO (eg. 2_001a)) self.node_properties[ '%d_%s' % (params['litho'],params['topo']) ] = params f.close()
[docs] def read_adjacency_matrix(self): """**DEPRECIATED** Read max number of lithologies aross all models""" ml_lines = open(self.basename + ".g22", 'r').readlines() # read in data for line in ml_lines: self.maxlitho = line print "maxlitho =", self.maxlitho
[docs] def filter_node_volumes(self,min_volume=50): ''' Removes all nodes with volumes less than the specified size **Arguments**: - *min_volume* = the threshold volume. Nodes with smaller volumes are deleted. **Returns** - returns the number of deleted nodes ''' count = 0 for n in self.graph.nodes(): if self.graph.node[n]['volume'] < min_volume: self.graph.remove_node(n) count+=1 return count
[docs] def collapse_stratigraphy(self): ''' Collapses all stratigraphic edges in this network to produce a network that only contains structurally bound rock volumes. Essentially this is a network built only with Topology codes and ignoring lithology **Returns** - a new NoddyTopology object containing the collapsed graph. The original object is not modified. ''' #check we can if not 'overall' in self.type: print "Error: structural and lithological collapsed topologies can only be calculated from the overall topology" return #make copy of this object import copy topo = copy.deepcopy(self) topo.type = "structural" #retrieve list of edges, ignoring lithology edges = [] nodes = [] for e in topo.graph.edges(data=True): code1 = e[0].split("_")[1] #topology code of node 1 code2 = e[1].split("_")[1] #topology code of node 2 #change code1 & code2 endings 2 a (discrete volumes don't mean anything anymore) code1 = code1[:-1] + 'A' #retain last letter for compatability/concistency... code2 = code2[:-1] + 'A' #add edge tuple to edges array edges.append( (code1,code2,e[2]) ) #remake graph topo.graph.clear() topo.graph.add_edges_from(edges) #remove self loops topo.graph.remove_edges_from( topo.graph.selfloop_edges() ) return topo
[docs] def collapse_structure(self, verbose=False): ''' Collapses all topology codes down to the last (most recent) difference. Information regarding specific model topology is generalised, eg. lithology A has a fault and stratigrappic contact with B (regardless of how many different faults are involved). **Optional Arguments**: - *verbose* = True if this function should write to the print buffer. Default is False. **Returns** - a new NoddyTopology object containing the collapsed graph. The original object is not modified. ''' #check we can if not 'overall' in self.type: print "Error: structural and lithological collapsed topologies can only be calculated from the overall topology" return import copy topo = copy.deepcopy(self) topo.type = "stratigraphic" #clear the graph in topo topo.graph.clear() #loop through graph for e in self.graph.edges(data=True): #get lithology code lith1 = e[0].split("_")[0] #lithology code of node1 lith2 = e[1].split("_")[0] #lithology code of node2 #calculate new node tags (based entirely on lithology) u = "%s" % (lith1) v = "%s" % (lith2) #update attributes of u if not topo.graph.has_node(u): #new node, add topo.graph.add_node(u,age=self.graph.node[e[0]]['age'], colour=self.graph.node[e[0]]['colour'], name=self.graph.node[e[0]]['name'], volume=self.graph.node[e[0]]['volume'], lithology=self.graph.node[e[0]]['lithology']) else: topo.graph.node[u]['volume'] = topo.graph.node[u]['volume'] + self.graph.node[e[0]]['volume'] #increment volume #do the same for v if not topo.graph.has_node(v): #new node, add topo.graph.add_node(v,age=self.graph.node[e[1]]['age'], colour=self.graph.node[e[1]]['colour'], name=self.graph.node[e[1]]['name'], volume=self.graph.node[e[1]]['volume'], lithology=self.graph.node[e[1]]['lithology']) else: topo.graph.node[v]['volume'] = topo.graph.node[v]['volume'] + self.graph.node[e[1]]['volume'] #increment volume #generate edges if topo.graph.has_edge(u,v): #edge already exists #do our best to append/merge attributes data = topo.graph.get_edge_data(u,v) for key in e[2].keys(): try: try: data[key] = float(data[key]) + float(e[2][key]) #increment numbers except (ValueError,TypeError): try: data[key].append(e[2][key]) #try appending (for lists) except AttributeError: data[key] = [ e[2][key] ] #make list except KeyError: #key not found, add new key data[key] = e[2][key] else: #create new edge topo.graph.add_edge(u,v,attr_dict=e[2]) if verbose: print ("Collapsed (%s,%s) to (%s,%s)" % (e[0],e[1],u,v)) return topo
[docs] def jaccard_coefficient(self,G2): ''' Calculates the Jaccard Coefficient (ratio between the intersection & union) of the graph representing this NOddyTopology and G2. **Arguments** - *G2* = a valid NoddyTopology object or NetworkX graph that this topology is to be compared with **Returns** - The jaccard_coefficient ''' #intersection is initially zero intersection=0 #ensure G2 is a graph object if isinstance(G2,NoddyTopology): G2 = G2.graph #we want the graph bit #ensure we are not comparing two empty graphs if G2.number_of_edges() == 0 and self.graph.number_of_edges()==0: print "Warning: comparing two empty graphs... %s and %s" % (, return 1 #two null graphs should be the same #add edges from this graph to union union=G2.number_of_edges() for e in self.graph.edges_iter(): if (G2.has_edge(e[0],e[1])): #edge present in both graphs intersection+=1 #add this edge to intersection else: union += 1 #edge is new, add to union return intersection / float(union)
[docs] def is_unique(self, known ): ''' Returns True if the topology of this model is different (ie. forms a different network) to a list of models. **Arguments**: -*known* = a list of valid NoddyTopology objects or NetworkX graphs to compare with. **Returns**: - Returns true if this topology is unique, otherwise false ''' for g2 in known: if self.jaccard_coefficient(g2) == 1: return False #the models match return True
[docs] def find_first_match(self,known): ''' Identical to is_unique, except that the index of the first match is returned if this matches, otherwise -1 is returned. **Arguments**: -*known* = a list of valid NoddyTopology objects or NetworkX graphs to compare with. **Returns**: - Returns the index of the first matching topology object, or -1 ''' index=0 for g2 in known: if self.jaccard_coefficient(g2) == 1: return index #the models match index+=1 return -1
[docs] def combine_topologies(topology_list): ''' Combines a list of topology networks into a weighted 'super-network'. This is designed for estimating the likelyhood of a given edge occuring using a series of networks generated in a Monte-Carlo type analysis. **Arguments** - *topology_list* = A list of networkX graphs or NoddyTopology objects to build supernetwork from. **Returns** - A NetworkX graph object containing all edges from the input graphs and weighted ('weight' parameter) according to their observed frequency. ''' #validate input if len(topology_list) < 1: print "Topology list contains no topologies... cannot combine." return import networkx as nx S = nx.Graph() w_inc = 1. / len(topology_list) #the amount weights go up per edge. #if an edge is observed in every topology, then #the weight == 1 #copy nodes from all networks in topology_list into S import copy for G in topology_list: #ensure G is a Graph if isinstance(G,NoddyTopology): G = G.graph #we want the graph bit #loop through nodes and average/append them for n in G.nodes(): #Node 1 if not S.has_node(n): S.add_node(n,attr_dict = copy.copy(G.node[n])) #cast variables to list (or tuple of lists from centroid) if G.node[n].has_key('volume'): S.node[n]['volume_list'] = [G.node[n]['volume']] S.node[n]['volume'] = G.node[n]['volume'] * w_inc else: S.node[n]['volume_list'] = [0] S.node[n]['volume'] = 0 if S.node[n].has_key('centroid'): S.node[n]['centroid_list'] = ([G.node[n]['centroid'][0]],[G.node[n]['centroid'][1]],[G.node[n]['centroid'][2]]) S.node[n]['centroid'] = (w_inc * S.node[n]['centroid'][0],w_inc * S.node[n]['centroid'][1],w_inc * S.node[n]['centroid'][2]) else: #node already exists, store attributes #append centroid if G.node[n].has_key('centroid'): c1 = G.node[n]['centroid'] #list of all centroids S.node[n]['centroid_list'][0].append(c1[0]) S.node[n]['centroid_list'][1].append(c1[1]) S.node[n]['centroid_list'][2].append(c1[2]) #average centroid S.node[n]['centroid'] = (S.node[n]['centroid'][0] + w_inc * c1[0], S.node[n]['centroid'][1] + w_inc * c1[1], S.node[n]['centroid'][2] + w_inc * c1[2]) #append volume if G.node[n].has_key('volume'): S.node[n]['volume_list'].append(G.node[n]['volume']) #add to average S.node[n]['volume'] = S.node[n]['volume'] + w_inc * G.node[n]['volume'] #now copy edges across and average/append them for G in topology_list: #ensure G is a Graph if isinstance(G,NoddyTopology): G = G.graph #we want the graph bit #loop through edges for e in G.edges(data=True): #average/add edges if not S.has_edge(e[0],e[1]): #add new edge #add edge S.add_edge(e[0],e[1],e[2]) s_e = S.edge[e[0]][e[1]] s_e['weight'] = w_inc #cast vars to list s_e['area_list'] = [s_e['area']] try: s_e['area'] = s_e['area'] * w_inc except TypeError: print "Type error combining edge %s, %s. List was observed rather than float - %s" % (e[0],e[1],str(s_e['area'])) else: #edge already exists #append/average attributes s_e = S.edge[e[0]][e[1]] s_e['area_list'].append(e[2]['area']) #store area s_e['area'] = s_e['area'] + e[2]['area'] * w_inc #average area #increment weight s_e['weight'] = s_e['weight'] + w_inc #return the graph return S
[docs] def calculate_unique_topologies(topology_list, **kwds): ''' Calculates the number of unique topologies in a list of NoddyTopologies **Arguments**: - *topology_list* = The list of NoddyTopologies to search through. **Optional Keywords**: - *output* = A File or list to write cumulative observed topologies distribution. Default is None (nothing written). - *ids* = A list to write the unique topology id's for each topology in the provided topology_list (in that order). Default is None. - *frequency* = A list to write frequency counts to. **Returns**: - Returns a list of unique topologies. ''' output = kwds.get("output",None) ids = kwds.get("ids",None) frequency=kwds.get("frequency",None) out_list = [] uTopo = [] for t in topology_list: i=t.find_first_match(uTopo) if i==-1: #this is a new topology #t.filter_node_volumes(50) uTopo.append(t) if not frequency is None: frequency.append(1) #this topology has been observed once if not ids is None: #store new id ids.append(len(uTopo)-1) else: #this topology has been seen before if not frequency is None: #increase frequency frequency[i] += 1 if not ids is None: #store retrieved id ids.append(i) #store cumulative output out_list.append(len(uTopo)) #write output file if necessary if not output is None: import types if type(output) == types.StringType: #path has been given so write file #check directory exists if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output)) and not os.path.dirname(output) == '': os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output)) f = open(output,'w') for o in out_list: f.write("%d\n" % o) f.close() elif type(output) == types.ListType: for o in out_list: output.append(o) return uTopo
[docs] def calculate_overlap(self, G2): ''' Calculates the overlap between this NoddyTopology and another NoddyTopology or networkX graph **Arguments** - *G2* = a valid NoddyTopology object or NetworkX graph that this topology is to be compared with **Returns** - The number of overlapping edges - A list of these edges ''' #ensure G2 is a graph object if (isinstance(G2,NoddyTopology)): G2 = G2.graph #we want the graph bit similarity=0 edges=[] for e in self.graph.edges_iter( data = True): if (G2.has_edge(e[0],e[1])): similarity+=1 edges.append(e) return similarity, edges
[docs] def calculate_difference(self, G2, data=False): ''' Calculates the difference between this NoddyTopology and another NoddyTopology or networkX graph **Arguments** - *G2* = a valid NoddyTopology object or NetworkX graph that this topology is to be compared with **Returns** A tuple containing: - The number of different edges - a list of these edges ''' #ensure G2 is a graph object if (isinstance(G2,NoddyTopology)): G2 = G2.graph #we want the graph bit difference=0 edges=[] #check for edges this object has but G2 does not for e in self.graph.edges_iter(data=data): if not G2.has_edge(e[0],e[1]) and not e in edges: #this is a difference difference+=1 #store comparator ids if not data: e += ({'comp_id' : 0},) #this is from the initial topology else: e[2]['comp_id'] = 0 edges.append(e) #check for any edges that G2 has but this object does not for e in G2.edges_iter(data=data): if not self.graph.has_edge(e[0],e[1]) and not e in edges: difference+=1 if not data: e += ({'comp_id' : 1},) #this is from the initial topology else: e[2]['comp_id'] = 1 edges.append(e) return difference,edges
[docs] def find_matching(self,known): ''' Finds the first matching NoddyTopology (or NetworkX graph) in the specified list **Arguments**: -*known* = a list of valid NoddyTopology objects or NetworkX graphs to compare with. **Returns**: - Returns the first matching object (jaccard coefficient = 1), or otherwise None ''' for g1 in known: if self.jaccard_coefficient(g1) == 1.0: return g1 #return the match return None #no match
[docs] def write_summary_file(self,path,append=True): ''' Writes summary information about this network to a file **Optional Arguments** - *append* = True if summary information should be appended to the file. If so the file is written as a csv spreadsheet. Default is true. If False is passed, a single, detailed summary is written for this network. ''' if append: #write summary information in spreadsheet formant exists = os.path.exists(path) f = open(path,"a") if not exists: #write header f.write("name,#nodes,#edges\n") #todo add other stuff here #write data f.write("%s,%s,%s\n" % (self.basename,self.graph.number_of_nodes(),self.graph.number_of_edges())) f.close() else: #write detailed information import networkx as nx f = open(path,"w") f.write("Summary:") f.write("Name: %s\n" % self.basename) f.write("#nodes: %s\n" % self.graph.number_of_nodes()) f.write("#edges: %s\n" % self.graph.number_of_edges()) f.write("Detail") f.write("Degree sequence: %s" % str( f.write("Node list: %s" % str(self.graph.nodes(data=False))) f.write("Edge list: %s" % str(self.graph.edges(data=False))) f.write("Node attributes: %s" % str(self.graph.nodes(data=True))) f.write("Edge attributes: %s" % str(self.graph.edges(data=True))) f.close()
[docs] def draw_graph_matrix(G,**kwds): ''' Draws an adjacency matrix representing the specified graph object. Equivalent to NoddyTopology.draw_matrix_image() but for a networkX graph object. **Keywords**: - *strat* = A dictionary linking node names to stratigraphic heights and names. Should be as follows { node_name : (height,name) }. - *path* = The path to save this image to. If not provided, the image is drawn to the screen - *dpi* = The resolution to save this image. Default is 300 - *size* = The size of the image to save (in inches). This value will be used as the width and the height ''' try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches except ImportError: print "Could not draw image as matplotlib is not installed. Please install matplotlib." return n = G.number_of_nodes() #retrieve data from network nodes=G.nodes(data=True) #sort node list alphabetically first nodes = sorted(nodes,key=lambda node: str.lower( node[0] )) #now sort by age, if we know it if nodes[0][1].has_key('age'): nodes = sorted(nodes,key=lambda node: node[1]['age']) #build node id dictionary mapping ids = {} for i in range(len(nodes)): node = nodes[i][0] ids[node] = i #build matrix mat = [[('',0) for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] labels = {} dots=np.zeros( (n,n) ) for e in G.edges(data=True): #calculate alpha alpha = e[2].get('weight',0.4) #super networks will have a weight #otherwise use 0.4 #store colours (nb. matrix is symmetric, so operations are repeated) mat[ids[e[0]]][ids[e[1]]] = (e[2]['colour'],alpha) mat[ids[e[1]]][ids[e[0]]] = (e[2]['colour'],alpha) #label info if type(e[2]['colour']) is list: #add from list for i in range( len(e[2]['colour']) ): labels[e[2]['colour'][i]] = e[2]['edgeType'][i] else: #add directly labels[e[2]['colour']] = e[2]['edgeType'] #save dots (for comparison matrices) dots[ids[e[0]]][ids[e[1]]] = e[2].get('comp_id',0) == 1 #default is no dot dots[ids[e[1]]][ids[e[0]]] = e[2].get('comp_id',0) == 1 f, ax = plt.subplots() for x in range(len(mat)): for y in range(len(mat[0])): c = mat[x][y][0] #colour (single colour or list of colours if this is a lithological topology) a = mat[x][y][1] #alpha if (a > 1 ): #catch floating point errors a = 0.99999 if type(c) is list: #multiple relationships... #find unique relationships, in case they are repeated (though they should not be) unique = [] for i in c: if not i in unique: unique.append(i) #draw unique if len(unique) == 1: if c != '': #draw patch patch = ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (x,y), 1,1,color=c[0],alpha=a)) patch.set_label( labels[c[0]] ) labels[c[0]] = '_nolegend_' #so we don't show labels multiple times elif len(unique) == 2: #draw two triangles #upper triangle upper = ax.add_patch( patches.Polygon( xy=[[x,y],[x+1,y],[x,y+1]], color=c[0],alpha=a)) upper.set_label( labels[c[0]] ) labels[c[0]] = '_nolegend_' #so we don't show labels multiple times #lower triangle lower = ax.add_patch( patches.Polygon( xy=[[x+1,y+1],[x+1,y],[x,y+1]], color=c[1],alpha=a)) upper.set_label( labels[c[1]] ) labels[c[1]] = '_nolegend_' #so we don't show labels multiple times elif len(unique) == 3: #draw two triangles with circle #upper triangle upper = ax.add_patch( patches.Polygon( xy=[[x,y],[x+1,y],[x,y+1]], color=c[0],alpha=a)) upper.set_label( labels[c[0]] ) labels[c[0]] = '_nolegend_' #so we don't show labels multiple times #lower triangle lower = ax.add_patch( patches.Polygon( xy=[[x+1,y+1],[x+1,y],[x,y+1]], color=c[1],alpha=a)) lower.set_label( labels[c[1]] ) labels[c[1]] = '_nolegend_' #so we don't show labels multiple times #circle circle = ax.add_patch( patches.Circle( (x+0.5,y+0.5), 0.25, color=c[2],alpha=1)) circle.set_label( labels[c[2]] ) labels[c[2]] = '_nolegend_' #so we don't show labels multiple times elif len(unique) == 4: #draw 4 boxes #upper left patch = ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (x,y), .5,.5,color=c[0],alpha=a)) patch.set_label( labels[c[0]] ) labels[c[0]] = '_nolegend_' #so we don't show labels multiple times #upper right patch = ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (x+.5,y), .5,.5,color=c[1],alpha=a)) patch.set_label( labels[c[1]] ) labels[c[1]] = '_nolegend_' #so we don't show labels multiple times #lower left patch = ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (x,y+.5), .5,.5,color=c[2],alpha=a)) patch.set_label( labels[c[2]] ) labels[c[2]] = '_nolegend_' #so we don't show labels multiple times #lower right patch = ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (x+.5,y+.5), .5,.5,color=c[3],alpha=a)) patch.set_label( labels[c[3]] ) labels[c[3]] = '_nolegend_' #so we don't show labels multiple times else: #uh oh - though tbh this *should* never happen.... (though Murphy would disagree) print "Error: more than 4 relationship types! This cannot be drawn on adjacency matrix" print c break else: #only one relationship, rectangular patch if c != '': #draw patch patch = ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (x,y), 1,1,facecolor=c,alpha=a)) if a < 0.05: #dot hatch patch = ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (x,y), 1,1, facecolor='w',edgecolor=c,alpha=0.4,hatch='.')) elif a < 0.1: #cross hatch patch = ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle( (x,y), 1,1, facecolor='w', edgecolor=c,alpha=0.4,hatch='x')) patch.set_label( labels[c] ) labels[c] = '_nolegend_' #so we don't show labels multiple times #draw dots if dots[x][y] == 1: #draw dot ax.scatter(x+0.5,y+0.5,c='k',alpha=0.6) #print "dot %d, %d" % (x,y) #plot grid #ax.grid() #plot legend ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) #set limits & flip y ax.set_ylim(0,n) ax.set_xlim(0,n) #ax.invert_yaxis() #set ticks ax.set_xticks([ x + .5 for x in range(n)]) ax.set_yticks([ y + .5 for y in range(n)]) #build node name mapping name_list = [] #order list containing node names from 0 to n for node in nodes: if node[1].has_key('name'): name = node[1]['name'] #name+=node[0].split('_')[-1] else: name = node[0] name_list.append(name) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(name_list,rotation=90) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(name_list) #set figure size size = kwds.get('size',5.) f.set_figwidth(size) f.set_figheight(size) #save/show if kwds.has_key('path'): f.savefig(kwds['path'],dpi=kwds.get('dpi',300)) else:
[docs] def draw_adjacency_matrix(self, **kwds): ''' Draws an adjacency matrix representing this topology object. **Keywords**: - *path* = The path to save this image to. If not provided, the image is drawn to the screen - *dpi* = The resolution to save this image. Default is 300 - *size* = The size of the image to save (in inches). This value will be used as the width and the height ''' NoddyTopology.draw_graph_matrix(self.graph,**kwds)
[docs] def draw_difference_matrix(self, G2, **kwds): ''' Draws an adjacency matrix containing the difference between this topology and the provided topology **Arguments**: - *G2* = A different NoddyTopology or NetworkX Graph to compare to **Optional Keywords**: - *strat* = A dictionary linking node names to stratigraphic heights and names. Should be as follows { node_name : (height,name) }. - *path* = The path to save this image to. If not provided, the image is drawn to the screen - *dpi* = The resolution to save this image. Default is 300 - *size* = The size of the image to save (in inches). This value will be used as the width and the height ''' #ensure G2 is a graph object #if (isinstance(G2,NoddyTopology)): # G2 = G2.graph #we want the graph bit #get difference n, edge_list = self.calculate_difference(G2,data=True) #make graph of difference import networkx as nx D = nx.Graph() D.add_edges_from(edge_list) #plot NoddyTopology.draw_graph_matrix(D,kwds=kwds)
def _dep_draw_matrix_image( self, outputname="" ): ''' Draws an (adjacency) matrix representing this NoddyTopology object. Depreciated version (just loads the .g25 fil that topology opens). **Arguments** - *outputname* = the path of the image to be written. If left as '' the image is written to the same directory as the basename. ''' #try importing matplotlib try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print ("Could not draw image as matplotlib is not installed. Please install matplotlib") #get output path if outputname == "": outputname = self.basename + "_matrix.jpg" #open the matrix file f = open(self.basename + '.g25','r') lines = f.readlines() rows = [] for l in lines: l = l.rstrip() row = [] for e in l.split('\t'): row.append(int(e)) rows.append(row) #draw & save print "Saving matrix image to... " + outputname cmap=plt.get_cmap('Paired') cmap.set_under('white') # Color for values less than vmin plt.imshow(rows, interpolation="nearest", vmin=1, cmap=cmap) plt.savefig(outputname) plt.clf()
[docs] def draw_network_image(self, outputname="", **kwds ): ''' Draws a network diagram of this NoddyTopology to the specified image **Arguments** - *outputname* = the path of the image being written. If left as '' the image is written to the same directory as the basename. **Optional Keywords** - *dimension* = '2D' for a 2D network diagram or '3D' for a 3D network diagram. Default is '2D'. - *axis* = the axis to view on for 3D network diagrams - *perspective* = True to use perspective projection, or False for orthographic projection. Default is False. - *node_size* = The size that nodes are drawn. Default is 1500. - *layout* = The layout algorithm used in 2D. Options are 'spring_layout' (default), 'shell_layout', 'circular_layout' and 'spectral_layout'. - *verbose* = True if this function is allowed to write to the print buffer, otherwise false. Default is False. ''' #import networkx import networkx as nx #try importing matplotlib try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: print ("Could not draw image as matplotlib is not installed. Please install matplotlib") #get args dims=kwds.get("dimension",'2D') view_axis=kwds.get("axis",'y') #default view along y axis perspective=kwds.get("perspective",False) node_size = kwds.get("node_size",1500) layout = kwds.get("layout",'spring_layout') verbose = kwds.get("verbose",False) #get output path if outputname == "": outputname = self.basename + "_graph.jpg" #setup node colours (by lithologies) #nCols = map(int,[G.node[n]['lithology'] for n in G.nodes()]) nCols = [] for n in self.graph.nodes(): nCols.append(self.graph.node[n]['colour']) #setup colors (by type) eCols = []#map(int,[G.edge[e[0]][e[1]]['edgeType'] for e in G.edges()]) for e in self.graph.edges(): eCols.append(self.graph.edge[e[0]][e[1]]['colour']) #calculate node positions & sizes size = [node_size] * nx.number_of_nodes(self.graph) pos = {} if '3D' in dims: #3D layout size_dict = {} for n in self.graph.nodes(): #initialise size array size_dict[n] = node_size dz=1 #z buffer #calculate 2D location (orthographic) if view_axis == 'x' or view_axis == 'side': #side view pos[n]=[self.graph.node[n]['centroid'][1],self.graph.node[n]['centroid'][2]] dz=self.graph.node[n]['centroid'][0] elif view_axis == 'y' or view_axis == 'front': #front view pos[n]=[self.graph.node[n]['centroid'][0],self.graph.node[n]['centroid'][2]] dz=self.graph.node[n]['centroid'][1] elif view_axis == 'z' or view_axis == 'top': #top view pos[n]=[self.graph.node[n]['centroid'][0],self.graph.node[n]['centroid'][1]] dz=self.graph.node[n]['centroid'][2] #apply perspective correction if necessary if perspective==True: pos[n][0] = pos[n][0] / (dz) pos[n][1] = pos[n][1] / (dz) size_dict[n] = (size_dict[n] / dz) * 500 #store size array size = size_dict.values() else: #2D layout if 'shell' in layout: #layouts: spring_layout, shell_layout, circular_layout, spectral_layout pos = nx.shell_layout(self.graph) if 'circular' in layout: pos = nx.circular_layout(self.graph) if 'spectral' in layout: pos = nx.spectral_layout(self.graph) else: pos = nx.spring_layout(self.graph) #print "Position = " + str(pos) #draw & save if verbose: print "Saving network image to..." + outputname nx.draw(self.graph,pos,node_color=nCols,node_size=size, edge_color=eCols) #cmap=cm #nx.draw_networkx_labels(G,pos,font_size=8) plt.savefig(outputname) plt.clf()
[docs] def draw_network_hive( self, **kwds ): ''' Draws a network hive plot (see The axes of the hive are: node lithology, edge age & edge area. ie. the top axis lists the nodes in stratigraphic order. The second axis lists edges in structural age & thrid axis lists edges by surface area. Nodes are joined to edge-nodes by lines on the graph if they are topologically linked (ie. if an edge has that node as an end point). **Optional Keywords** - *path* = the path to save this figure - *dpi* = the resolution of the figure - *bg* = the background color. Default is black. - *axes* = The color of the axes and labels. ''' #make axes axes = [[],[],[]] #nb. was lithology axes[0] = [(n,int(d['age'])) for n, d in self.graph.nodes(data=True)] #nodes axes[1] = [(u,v,d['age']) for u,v,d in self.graph.edges(data=True)] #edges treated as nodes on these axes axes[2] = [(u,v,d['area']) for u,v,d in self.graph.edges(data=True)] #calculate node positions node_positions = [{},{},{}] for ax in range(3): #axes for n in axes[ax]: #nodes node_id = n[:-1] if len(node_id) == 1: node_id = n[0] #change form tuple to value node_positions[ax][node_id] = n[-1] #use node parameter #drop attributes from node ids axes[0] = [ n for n, d in axes[0]] axes[1] = [ (u,v) for u, v, d in axes[1]] #string contains edge type axes[2] = [ (u,v) for u,v,d in axes[2]] #calculate edges edges = {} edge_vals = {} for u,v,d in self.graph.edges(data=True): if not edges.has_key(d['edgeType']): edges[d['edgeType']] = [] #init list edge_vals[d['edgeType']] = {}#'cm' : 'alpha', 'color' : d['colour']} e1 = (u,v) #inter group edge e2 = (u,(u,v)) #between group edges e3 = (v,(u,v)) e4 = ((u,v),(u,v)) edges[d['edgeType']].append(e1) edges[d['edgeType']].append(e2) edges[d['edgeType']].append(e3) edges[d['edgeType']].append(e4) edge_vals[d['edgeType']][e1] = d['colour'] #set edge color edge_vals[d['edgeType']][e2] = d['colour'] #set edge color edge_vals[d['edgeType']][e3] = d['colour'] #set edge color edge_vals[d['edgeType']][e4] = d['colour'] #set edge color #make plot axis_cols = kwds.get('axes',['white','white','white']) if not type(axis_cols) is list: axis_cols = [axis_cols] * 3 from pynoddy.experiment.util.hive_plot import HivePlot h = HivePlot(axes,edges,node_positions=node_positions, node_size=0.2, edge_colormap=edge_vals,lbl_axes=['Stratigraphic Age', 'Structural Age', 'Surface Area'], axis_cols=axis_cols) h.draw(**kwds)
[docs] def draw_mayavi_graph( G, **kwds ): ''' Draws the provided network with mayavi. This requires the Mayavi python library (mayavi.mlab) **Optional Keywords**: - *node_size* = The size of the nodes. Default is 40. - *edge_thickness* = The thickness of the edges. Default is 4 - *show* = If true, the model is displayed in the mayavi viewer after exporting. Default is True - *path* = A path to save the mayavi vtk file to after generating it. ''' import networkx as nx import numpy as np try: from mayavi import mlab except ImportError: print("Error loading mayavi package: mayavi is not installed or is not on the python path. To install with pip, use 'pip install mayavi' (or 'conda install mayavi'") return node_size = kwds.get('node_size',250) edge_thickness = kwds.get('edge_thickness',10) #convert node labels to integers G2 = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(G) #load positions x = [] y = [] z = [] nCols = [] #node colours for n in G2.nodes(): assert G2.node[n].has_key('centroid'), "Error: node centroids are not defined." centroid = G2.node[n]['centroid'] x.append(centroid[0]) y.append(centroid[1]) z.append(centroid[2]) nCols.append(int(G2.node[n]['lithology'])) #get edges of different types edge_groups = {} #keys: 'type' : (edge,edge_colour,weight_list) from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter cc = ColorConverter() for e in G2.edges(data=True): e_type = e[2]['edgeType'] if not edge_groups.has_key(e_type): col = e[2].get('colour',(0.3,0.3,0.3)) #convert matplotlib colours to rgb if not type( col ) is tuple: col= cc.to_rgb( col ) #edges are stored as follows: ((x_coords,y_coords,zcoords),edge_pairs,colour,values) edge_groups[e_type] = (([],[],[]),[],col,[]) #Initialise edge type #append start coordinates id_start = len(edge_groups[e_type][0][0]) edge_groups[e_type][0][0].append(x[e[0]]) edge_groups[e_type][0][1].append(y[e[0]]) edge_groups[e_type][0][2].append(z[e[0]]) edge_groups[e_type][3].append(e[2].get('weight',1.0) * edge_thickness) #append end coordinates id_end = len(edge_groups[e_type][0][0]) edge_groups[e_type][0][0].append(x[e[1]]) edge_groups[e_type][0][1].append(y[e[1]]) edge_groups[e_type][0][2].append(z[e[1]]) edge_groups[e_type][3].append(e[2].get('weight',1.0) * edge_thickness) #append edge pair edge_groups[e_type][1].append( (id_start,id_end) ) #make figure mlab.figure(1,bgcolor=(1,1,1)) mlab.clf() #make nodes pts = mlab.points3d(x,y,z,nCols,scale_factor=node_size,scale_mode='none',resolution=20) #make edges for k in edge_groups.keys(): e = edge_groups[k] #make start & end points pts2 = mlab.points3d(e[0][0],e[0][1],e[0][2],e[3],scale_factor=edge_thickness,scale_mode='none',resolution=5) ##pts2.mlab_source.set(edge_groups[k][3]) #bind lines pts2.mlab_source.dataset.lines = np.array(e[1]) #build geometry tube =,tube_radius=edge_thickness) tube.filter.vary_radius = 'vary_radius_by_scalar' tube.filter.radius_factor = 5 #tube.mlab_source.set(edge_groups[k][3] * edge_thickness) mlab.pipeline.surface(tube,color=e[2])#color=(0.3,0.3,0.3)) #ends = mlab.points3d(e_x,e_y,e_z,np_c,scale_factor=edge_thickness,scale_mode='none',resolution=10) #ends.mlab_source.dataset.lines = np.array(lines) #tube =,tube_radius=edge_thickness) #mlab.pipeline.surface(tube) #pts.mlab_source.dataset.lines = np.array(G2.edges()) #tube =,tube_radius=edge_thickness) #mlab.pipeline.surface(tube,color=np.array(eCols))#color=(0.3,0.3,0.3)) #write if kwds.has_key('path'): try: from tvtk.api import write_data except: print("Warning: tvtk not installed - cannot write vtk file.") write_data(pts.mlab_source.dataset,kwds['path']) #show, if asked if kwds.get('show',True):
[docs] def draw_mayavi( self, **kwds ): ''' Draws this network with mayavi. This requires the Mayavi python library (mayavi.mlab) **Optional Keywords**: - *node_size* = The size of the nodes. Default is 40. - *edge_thickness* = The thickness of the edges. Default is 4 - *show* = If true, the model is displayed in the mayavi viewer after exporting. Default is True - *path* = A path to save the mayavi vtk file to after generating it. ''' NoddyTopology.draw_mayavi_graph(self.graph,**kwds)
[docs] def draw_3d_network( self, **kwds ): ''' Draws a 3D network using matplotlib. **Optional Keywords**: - *show* = If True, the 3D network is displayed immediatly on-screen in an interactive matplotlib viewer. Default is True. - *output* = If defined an image of the network is saved to this location. - *node_size* = The size of the nodes. Default is 40. - *geology* = a NoddyOutput object to draw with the network - *res* = resolution to draw geology at. Default is 4 (ie 1/4 of all voxels are drawn) - *horizons* = a list of geology surfaces to draw. Default is nothing (none drawn). Slow! See NoddyOutput.get_surface_grid for details. - *sections* = draw geology sections. Default is True. ''' import networkx as nx from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt node_size = kwds.get('node_size',40) G2 = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(self.graph) #make figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') #load geology if kwds.has_key('geology'): base=kwds.get('geology') res=kwds.get('res',1) if kwds.get('sections',True): #plot sections #get sections sections = [base.get_section_lines('x',1),base.get_section_lines('y',1)] #plot sections for s in sections: for k in s[0].keys(): ax.plot(s[0][k],s[1][k],s[2][k],c=s[3][k],zdir='z',alpha=0.5,linewidth=3) if kwds.has_key('horizons'): #plot surfaces h = kwds.get('horizons') surfaces = base.get_surface_grid(h) #range(0,base.n_rocktypes) #[12,14] #draw surfaces for s in surfaces: for k in s[0].keys(): for i in range(len(s[0][k])): #draw line segments #ax.scatter(sx[k],sy[k],sz[k],s=2,linewidths=(0,),zdir='z',antialiased=False) #ax.plot_trisurf(sx[k],sy[k],sz[k],color='r',alpha=0.6,antialiased=False) ax.plot(s[0][k][i],s[1][k][i],s[2][k][i],c=s[3][k],zdir='z',alpha=0.6) #load positions x = [] y = [] z = [] nCols = [] for n in G2.nodes(): if not G2.node[n].has_key('centroid'): print "Error: node centroids are not defined. Please ensure this topology object has not been collapsed" return x.append(G2.node[n]['centroid'][0]) y.append(G2.node[n]['centroid'][1]) z.append(G2.node[n]['centroid'][2]) nCols.append(int(G2.node[n]['lithology'])) #make nodes ax.scatter(x,y,z,zdir='z',c=nCols, s = node_size ) #make edges for e in G2.edges(data=True): start = G2.node[e[0]]['centroid'] end = G2.node[e[1]]['centroid'] #todo: get edge colour c = e[2]['colour'] #build lists x = [start[0],end[0]] y = [start[1],end[1]] z = [start[2],end[2]] #draw line ax.plot(x,y,z,zdir='z',c=c) if kwds.has_key('output'): fig.savefig(kwds.get('output')) if kwds.get('show',True):
if __name__ == '__main__': # some testing and debugging functions... # os.chdir(r'/Users/Florian/git/pynoddy/sandbox') # NO = NoddyOutput("strike_slip_out") #os.chdir(r'C:\Users\Sam\Documents\Temporary Model Files') os.chdir(r'C:\Users\Sam\OneDrive\Documents\Masters\Models\Primitive\Fold+Unconformity+Intrusion+Fault') import cPickle as pk st = pk.load(open('super_topology.pkl')) NoddyTopology.draw_mayavi_graph(st) #NO = "NFault/NFault" #NO = 'Fold/Fold_Fault/fold_fault' #NO = 'GBasin' #create NoddyTopology #geo = NoddyOutput(NO) #topo = NoddyTopology(NO,load_attributes=True) #topo.export_vtk(show=True) #topo.draw_mayavi() #topo_c = topo.collapse_topology() #print len( topo_c.graph.edges() ) #print len( topo.graph.edges() ) #draw network #topo.draw_network_image(dimension='3D',perspective=False,axis='x') #topo.draw_3d_network(geology=geo,show=True,horizons=[4]) # topo.draw_adjacency_matrix() # topo.draw_network_hive() #struct = topo.collapse_stratigraphy() #struct.draw_matrix_image() #litho = topo.collapse_topology() #litho.draw_matrix_image() #draw matrix #topo.draw_matrix_image() #draw 3D network #topo.draw_3d_network()