Source code for pynoddy.history

'''Noddy history file wrapper
Created on 24/03/2014

@author: Florian Wellmann

import time # for header in model generation
import numpy as np
# import numpy as np
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import events

[docs]class NoddyHistory(object): """Class container for Noddy history files""" def __init__(self, history=None, **kwds): """Methods to analyse and change Noddy history files **Arguments**: - *history* = string : Name of Noddy history file **Optional Keywords**: - *url* = url : link to history file on web (e.g. to download and open directly from Atlas of Structural Geophysics, - *verbose* = True if this function should print output to the printstream. Default is False. Note: if both a (local) history is given and a URL, the local file is opened! """ vb = kwds.get('verbose',False) if history is None: if kwds.has_key("url"): self.load_history_from_url(kwds['url']) self.determine_events(verbose = vb) else: # generate a new history self.create_new_history() else: # load existing history self.load_history(history) self.determine_events(verbose = vb) def __repr__(self): """Print out model information""" return self.get_info_string()
[docs] def info(self, **kwds): """Print out model information **Optional keywords**: - *events_only* = bool : only information on events """ print self.get_info_string(**kwds)
[docs] def get_info_string(self, **kwds): """Get model information as string **Optional keywords**: - *events_only* = bool : only information on events """ events_only = kwds.get("events_only", False) local_os = "" if not events_only: # First: check if all information available if not hasattr(self, 'extent_x'): self.get_extent() if not hasattr(self, 'origin_x'): self.get_origin() if not hasattr(self, 'cube_size'): self.get_cube_size() if not hasattr(self, 'filename'): self.get_filename() if not hasattr(self, 'date_saved'): self.get_date_saved() local_os +=(60 * "*" + "\n\t\t\tModel Information\n" + 60 * "*") local_os +=("\n\n") if self.n_events == 0: local_os +=("The model does not yet contain any events\n") else: local_os +=("This model consists of %d events:\n" % self.n_events) for k,ev in local_os +=("\t(%d) - %s\n" % (k,ev.event_type)) if not events_only: local_os +=("The model extent is:\n") local_os +=("\tx - %.1f m\n" % self.extent_x) local_os +=("\ty - %.1f m\n" % self.extent_y) local_os +=("\tz - %.1f m\n" % self.extent_z) local_os +=("Number of cells in each direction:\n") local_os +=("\tnx = %d\n" % (self.extent_x / self.cube_size)) local_os +=("\tny = %d\n" % (self.extent_y / self.cube_size)) local_os +=("\tnz = %d\n" % (self.extent_z / self.cube_size)) local_os +=("The model origin is located at: \n\t(%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)\n" % (self.origin_x, self.origin_y, self.origin_z)) local_os +=("The cubesize for model export is: \n\t%d m\n" % self.cube_size) # and now some metadata local_os +=("\n\n") local_os +=(60 * "*" + "\n\t\t\tMeta Data\n" + 60 * "*") local_os +=("\n\n") local_os +=("The filename of the model is:\n\t%s\n" % self.filename) local_os +=("It was last saved (if origin was a history file!) at:\n\t%s\n" % self.date_saved) return local_os
[docs] def get_origin(self): """Get coordinates of model origin and return and store in local variables **Returns**: (origin_x, origin_y, origin_z) """ # check if footer_lines exist (e.g. read in from file) # if not: create from template if not hasattr(self, "footer_lines"): self.create_footer_from_template() for i,line in enumerate(self.footer_lines): if "Origin X" in line: self.origin_x = float(self.footer_lines[i].split("=")[1]) self.origin_y = float(self.footer_lines[i+1].split("=")[1]) self.origin_z = float(self.footer_lines[i+2].split("=")[1]) break return(self.origin_x, self.origin_y, self.origin_z)
[docs] def set_origin(self, origin_x, origin_y, origin_z): """Set coordinates of model origin and update local variables **Arguments**: - *origin_x* = float : x-location of model origin - *origin_y* = float : y-location of model origin - *origin_z* = float : z-location of model origin """ # check if footer_lines exist (e.g. read in from file) # if not: create from template if not hasattr(self, "footer_lines"): self.create_footer_from_template() self.origin_x = origin_x self.origin_y = origin_y self.origin_z = origin_z origin_x_line = " Origin X = %.2f\n" % origin_x origin_y_line = " Origin Y = %.2f\n" % origin_y origin_z_line = " Origin Z = %.2f\n" % origin_z for i,line in enumerate(self.footer_lines): if "Origin X" in line: self.footer_lines[i] = origin_x_line self.footer_lines[i+1] = origin_y_line self.footer_lines[i+2] = origin_z_line break
[docs] def get_extent(self): """Get model extent and return and store in local variables **Returns**: (extent_x, extent_y, extent_z) """ # check if footer_lines exist (e.g. read in from file) # if not: create from template if not hasattr(self, "footer_lines"): self.create_footer_from_template() for i,line in enumerate(self.footer_lines): if "Length X" in line: self.extent_x = float(self.footer_lines[i].split("=")[1]) self.extent_y = float(self.footer_lines[i+1].split("=")[1]) self.extent_z = float(self.footer_lines[i+2].split("=")[1]) break return(self.extent_x, self.extent_y, self.extent_z)
[docs] def set_extent(self, extent_x, extent_y, extent_z): """Set model extent and update local variables **Arguments**: - *extent_x* = float : extent in x-direction - *extent_y* = float : extent in y-direction - *extent_z* = float : extent in z-direction """ # check if footer_lines exist (e.g. read in from file) # if not: create from template if not hasattr(self, "footer_lines"): self.create_footer_from_template() self.extent_x = extent_x self.extent_y = extent_y self.extent_z = extent_z extent_x_line = " Length X = %.2f\n" % extent_x extent_y_line = " Length Y = %.2f\n" % extent_y extent_z_line = " Length Z = %.2f\n" % extent_z for i,line in enumerate(self.footer_lines): if "Length X" in line: self.footer_lines[i] = extent_x_line self.footer_lines[i+1] = extent_y_line self.footer_lines[i+2] = extent_z_line break
[docs] def get_drillhole_data(self, x, y, **kwds): """Get geology values along 1-D profile at position x,y with a 1 m resolution The following steps are performed: 1. creates a copy of the entire object, 2. sets values of origin, extent and geology cube size, 3. saves model to a temporary file, 4. runs Noddy on that file 5. opens and analyses output 6. deletes temporary files Note: this method only works if write access to current directory is enabled and noddy can be executed! **Arguments**: - *x* = float: x-position of drillhole - *y* = float: y-position of drillhole **Optional Arguments**: - *z_min* = float : minimum depth of drillhole (default: model range) - *z_max* = float : maximum depth of drillhole (default: model range) - *resolution* = float : resolution along profile (default: 1 m) """ # resolve keywords resolution = kwds.get("resolution", 1) self.get_extent() self.get_origin() z_min = kwds.get("z_min", self.origin_z) z_max = kwds.get("z_max", self.extent_z) # 1. create copy import copy tmp_his = copy.deepcopy(self) tmp_his.write_history("test.his") # 2. set values tmp_his.set_origin(x, y, z_min) tmp_his.set_extent(resolution, resolution, z_max) tmp_his.change_cube_size(resolution) # 3. save temporary file tmp_his_file = "tmp_1D_drillhole.his" tmp_his.write_history(tmp_his_file) tmp_out_file = "tmp_1d_out" # 4. run noddy import pynoddy import pynoddy.output pynoddy.compute_model(tmp_his_file, tmp_out_file) # 5. open output tmp_out = pynoddy.output.NoddyOutput(tmp_out_file) # 6. return tmp_out.block[0,0,:]
[docs] def load_history(self, history): """Load Noddy history **Arguments**: - *history* = string : Name of Noddy history file """ self.history_lines = open(history, 'r').readlines() # set flag for model loaded from file self._from_file = True # get footer lines self.get_footer_lines()
[docs] def load_history_from_url(self, url): """Directly load a Noddy history from a URL This method is useful to load a model from the Structural Geophysics Atlas on the pages of the Virtual Explorer. See: **Arguments**: - *url* : url of history file """ import urllib2 response = urllib2.urlopen(url) tmp_lines ="\n") self.history_lines = [] for line in tmp_lines: # append EOL again for consistency self.history_lines.append(line + "\n") # set flag for model loaded from URL self._from_url = True # get footer lines self.get_footer_lines()
[docs] def determine_model_stratigraphy(self): """Determine stratigraphy of entire model from all events""" self.model_stratigraphy = [] for e in np.sort( if[e].event_type == 'STRATIGRAPHY': self.model_stratigraphy +=[e].layer_names if[e].event_type == 'UNCONFORMITY': self.model_stratigraphy +=[e].layer_names if[e].event_type == 'DYKE': self.model_stratigraphy +=[e].name if[e].event_type == 'PLUG': self.model_stratigraphy +=[e].name
[docs] def determine_events(self, **kwds): """Determine events and save line numbers .. note:: Parsing of the history file is based on a fixed Noddy output order. If this is, for some reason (e.g. in a changed version of Noddy) not the case, then this parsing might fail! **Optional Keywords**: - verbose = True if this function is should write to the print bufffer, otherwise False. Default is False. """ vb = kwds.get('verbose',False) self._raw_events = [] for i,line in enumerate(self.history_lines): if "No of Events" in line: self.n_events = int(line.split("=")[1]) elif "Event #" in line: event = {'type': line.split('=')[1].rstrip(), 'num': int(line[7:9]), 'line_start': i} self._raw_events.append(event) # finally: if the definition for BlockOptions starts, the event definition is over elif "BlockOptions" in line: last_event_stop = i-2 # now: find the line ends for the single event blocks for i,event in enumerate(self._raw_events[1:]): self._raw_events[i]['line_end'] = event['line_start']-1 # now adjust for last event self._raw_events[-1]['line_end'] = last_event_stop = {} # idea: create events as dictionary so that it is easier # to swap order later! # now create proper event objects for these events if vb: print "Loaded model with the following events:" for e in self._raw_events: event_lines = self.history_lines[e['line_start']:e['line_end']+1] if vb: print e['type'] if 'FAULT' in e['type']: ev = events.Fault(lines = event_lines) elif 'SHEAR_ZONE' in e['type']: ev = events.Shear(lines = event_lines) elif 'FOLD' in e['type']: ev = events.Fold(lines = event_lines) elif 'UNCONFORMITY' in e['type']: ev = events.Unconformity(lines = event_lines) elif 'STRATIGRAPHY' in e['type']: ev = events.Stratigraphy(lines = event_lines) elif 'TILT' in e['type']: # AK ev = events.Tilt(lines = event_lines) elif 'DYKE' in e['type']: ev = events.Dyke(lines = event_lines) elif 'PLUG' in e['type']: ev = events.Plug(lines = event_lines) elif 'STRAIN' in e['type']: ev = events.Strain(lines = event_lines) else: print "Warning: event of type %s has not been implemented in PyNoddy yet" % e['type'] continue # now set shared attributes (those defined in superclass Event) order = e['num'] #retrieve event number[order] = ev #store events sequentially # determine overall begin and end of the history events self.all_events_begin = self._raw_events[0]['line_start'] self.all_events_end = self._raw_events[-1]['line_end']
[docs] def copy_events(self): """Create a copy of the current event state""" import copy return copy.deepcopy(
[docs] def get_cube_size(self, **kwds): """Determine cube size for model export **Optional Args** -type: choose geology or geophysics cube size to return. Should be either 'Geology' (default) or 'Geophysics' """ #get args sim_type = kwds.get("type", 'Geophysics') #everything seems to use this cube_string = 'Geophysics Cube Size' #get geology cube size by default if ('Geology' in sim_type): cube_string = 'Geology Cube Size' #instead get geology cube size print "Warning: pynoddy uses the geophysics cube size for all calculations... changing the geology cube size will have no effect internally." # check if footer exists, if not: create from template if not hasattr(self, "footer_lines"): self.create_footer_from_template() for line in self.footer_lines: if cube_string in line: self.cube_size = float(line.split('=')[1].rstrip()) return self.cube_size
[docs] def get_filename(self): """Determine model filename from history file/ header""" self.filename = self.history_lines[0].split('=')[1].rstrip()
[docs] def get_date_saved(self): """Determine the last savepoint of the file""" self.date_saved = self.history_lines[1].split('=')[1].rstrip()
[docs] def change_cube_size(self, cube_size, **kwds): """Change the model cube size (isotropic) **Arguments**: - *cube_size* = float : new model cube size """ # check if footer_lines exist (e.g. read in from file) # if not: create from template if not hasattr(self, "footer_lines"): self.create_footer_from_template() # lines_new = self.history_lines[:] for i,line in enumerate(self.footer_lines): if "Geophysics Cube Size" in line: #correct line, make change l = line.split('=') l_new = '%7.2f\r\n' % cube_size line_new = l[0] + "=" + l_new self.footer_lines[i] = line_new if "Geology Cube Size" in line: #change geology cube size also l = line.split('=') l_new = '%7.2f\r\n' % cube_size line_new = l[0] + "=" + l_new self.footer_lines[i] = line_new # assign changed lines back to object # self.history_lines = lines_new[:]
[docs] def swap_events(self, event_num_1, event_num_2): """Swap two geological events in the timeline **Arguments**: - *event_num_1/2* = int : number of events to be swapped ("order") """ # events have to be copied, otherwise only a reference is passed! event_tmp =[event_num_1][event_num_1] =[event_num_2][event_num_2] = event_tmp self.update_event_numbers()
[docs] def reorder_events(self, reorder_dict): """Reorder events accoring to assignment in reorder_dict **Arguments**: - *reorder_dict* = dict : for example {1 : 2, 2 : 3, 3 : 1} """ tmp_events = for key, value in reorder_dict.items(): try: tmp_events[value] =[key] except KeyError: print("Event with id %d is not defined, please check!" % value) = tmp_events.copy() self.update_event_numbers()
[docs] def update_event_numbers(self): """Update event numbers in 'Event #' line in noddy history file""" for key, event in event.set_event_number(key)
[docs] def update_all_event_properties(self): """Update properties of all events - in case changes were made""" for event in event.update_properties() # #class NewHistory(): # """Methods to create a Noddy model""" #
[docs] def create_new_history(self): """Methods to create a Noddy model """ # set event counter self.event_counter = 0 self.all_events_begin = 7 # default after header self.all_events_end = 7 # initialise history lines self.history_lines = [] = {}
[docs] def get_ev_counter(self): """Event counter for implicit and continuous definition of events""" self.event_counter += 1 return self.event_counter
[docs] def add_event(self, event_type, event_options, **kwds): """Add an event type to history **Arguments**: - *event_type* = string : type of event, legal options to date are: 'stratigraphy', 'fault', 'fold', 'unconformity' - *event_options* = list : required options to create event (event dependent) **Optional keywords**: - *event_num* = int : event number (default: implicitly defined with increasing counter) """ event_num = kwds.get("event_num", self.get_ev_counter()) if event_type == 'stratigraphy': ev = self._create_stratigraphy(event_options) ev.event_type = 'STRATIGRAPHY' elif event_type == 'fault': ev = self._create_fault(event_options) ev.event_type = 'FAULT' elif event_type == 'tilt': # AK ev = self._create_tilt(event_options) ev.event_type = 'TILT' elif event_type == 'unconformity': # AK ev = self._create_unconformity(event_options) ev.event_type = 'UNCONFORMITY' else: raise NameError('Event type %s not (yet) implemented' % event_type) ev.set_event_number(event_num)[event_num] = ev # update beginning and ending of events in history self.all_events_end = self.all_events_end + len(ev.event_lines) # add event to history lines, as well (for consistency with other methods) self.history_lines[:self.all_events_begin] + \ ev.event_lines + \ self.history_lines[self.all_events_end:]
def _create_header(self): """Create model header, include actual date""" t = time.localtime() # get current time time_string = "%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d" % (t.tm_mday, t.tm_mon, t.tm_year, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec) self.header_lines = """#Filename = """ + self.filename + """ #Date Saved = """ + time_string + """ FileType = 111 Version = 7.11 """ @staticmethod def _create_stratigraphy(event_options): """Create a stratigraphy event **Arguments**: - *event_options* = list : list of required and optional settings for event Options are: 'num_layers' = int : number of layers (required) 'layer_names' = list of strings : names for layers (default names otherwise) 'layer_thickness' = list of floats : thicknesses for all layers """ ev = events.Stratigraphy() tmp_lines = [""] tmp_lines.append("\tNum Layers\t= %d" % event_options['num_layers']) for i in range(event_options['num_layers']): """Add stratigraphy layers""" layer_name = event_options['layer_names'][i] cum_thickness = np.cumsum(event_options['layer_thickness']) layer_lines = _Templates().strati_layer # now replace required variables layer_lines = layer_lines.replace("$NAME$", layer_name) layer_lines = layer_lines.replace("$HEIGHT$", "%.1f" % cum_thickness[i]) layer_lines = layer_lines.replace(" ", "\t") # split lines and add to event lines list: for layer_line in layer_lines.split("\n"): tmp_lines.append(layer_line) # append event name tmp_lines.append("""\tName\t= Strat """) # event lines are defined in list: tmp_lines_list = [] for line in tmp_lines: tmp_lines_list.append(line + "\n") ev.set_event_lines(tmp_lines_list) ev.num_layers = event_options['num_layers'] return ev def _create_fault(self, event_options): """Create a fault event **Arguments**: - *event_options* = list : list of required and optional settings for event; Options are: 'name' = string : name of fault event 'pos' = (x,y,z) : position of reference point (floats) .. note:: for convenience, it is possible to assign 'top' to z for position at "surface" 'dip_dir' = [0,360] : dip direction of fault 'dip' = [0,90] : dip angle of fault 'slip' = float : slip along fault """ ev = events.Fault() tmp_lines = [""] fault_lines = _Templates.fault # substitute text with according values fault_lines = fault_lines.replace("$NAME$", event_options['name']) fault_lines = fault_lines.replace("$POS_X$", "%.1f" % event_options['pos'][0]) fault_lines = fault_lines.replace("$POS_Y$", "%.1f" % event_options['pos'][1]) if event_options['pos'] == 'top': # recalculate z-value to be at top of model z = self.zmax fault_lines = fault_lines.replace("$POS_Z$", "%.1f" % z) else: fault_lines = fault_lines.replace("$POS_Z$", "%.1f" % event_options['pos'][2]) fault_lines = fault_lines.replace("$DIP_DIR$", "%.1f" % event_options['dip_dir']) fault_lines = fault_lines.replace("$DIP$", "%.1f" % event_options['dip']) fault_lines = fault_lines.replace("$SLIP$", "%.1f" % event_options['slip']) # now split lines and add as list entries to event lines # event lines are defined in list: # split lines and add to event lines list: for layer_line in fault_lines.split("\n"): tmp_lines.append(layer_line) tmp_lines_list = [] for line in tmp_lines: tmp_lines_list.append(line + "\n") ev.set_event_lines(tmp_lines_list) return ev # AK 2014-10 def _create_tilt(self, event_options): """Create a tilt event **Arguments**: - *event_options* = list : list of required and optional settings for event; Options are: 'name' = string : name of fault event 'pos' = (x,y,z) : position of reference point (floats) .. note:: for convenience, it is possible to assign 'top' to z for position at "surface" 'rotation' = [0,360] : dip? 'plunge_direction' = [0,360] : strike of plunge, measured from x axis 'plunge' = float : ? """ ev = events.Tilt() tmp_lines = [""] tilt_lines = _Templates.tilt # substitute text with according values tilt_lines = tilt_lines.replace("$NAME$", event_options['name']) tilt_lines = tilt_lines.replace("$POS_X$", "%.1f" % event_options['pos'][0]) tilt_lines = tilt_lines.replace("$POS_Y$", "%.1f" % event_options['pos'][1]) if event_options['pos'] == 'top': # recalculate z-value to be at top of model z = self.zmax tilt_lines = tilt_lines.replace("$POS_Z$", "%.1f" % z) else: tilt_lines = tilt_lines.replace("$POS_Z$", "%.1f" % event_options['pos'][2]) tilt_lines = tilt_lines.replace("$ROTATION$", "%.1f" % event_options['rotation']) tilt_lines = tilt_lines.replace("$PLUNGE_DIRECTION$", "%.1f" % event_options['plunge_direction']) tilt_lines = tilt_lines.replace("$PLUNGE$", "%.1f" % event_options['plunge']) # now split lines and add as list entries to event lines # event lines are defined in list: # split lines and add to event lines list: for tilt_line in tilt_lines.split("\n"): tmp_lines.append(tilt_line) tmp_lines_list = [] for line in tmp_lines: tmp_lines_list.append(line + "\n") ev.set_event_lines(tmp_lines_list) return ev # AK 2014-10 def _create_unconformity(self, event_options): """Create a unconformity event **Arguments**: - *event_options* = list : list of required and optional settings for event; Options are: 'name' = string : name of unconformity event 'pos' = (x,y,z) : position of reference point (floats) .. note:: for convenience, it is possible to assign 'top' to z for position at "surface" 'rotation' = [0,360] : dip? 'plunge_direction' = [0,360] : strike of plunge, measured from x axis 'plunge' = float : ? """ ev = events.Unconformity() tmp_lines = [""] unconformity_lines = _Templates.unconformity # substitute text with according values unconformity_lines = unconformity_lines.replace("$NAME$", event_options['name']) unconformity_lines = unconformity_lines.replace("$POS_X$", "%.1f" % event_options['pos'][0]) unconformity_lines = unconformity_lines.replace("$POS_Y$", "%.1f" % event_options['pos'][1]) if event_options['pos'] == 'top': # recalculate z-value to be at top of model z = self.zmax unconformity_lines = unconformity_lines.replace("$POS_Z$", "%.1f" % z) else: unconformity_lines = unconformity_lines.replace("$POS_Z$", "%.1f" % event_options['pos'][2]) unconformity_lines = unconformity_lines.replace("$DIP_DIRECTION$", "%.1f" % event_options['dip_direction']) unconformity_lines = unconformity_lines.replace("$DIP$", "%.1f" % event_options['dip']) # split lines and add to event lines list: for unconformity_line in unconformity_lines.split("\n"): tmp_lines.append(unconformity_line) # unconformity has a stratigraphy block tmp_lines.append("\tNum Layers\t= %d" % event_options['num_layers']) for i in range(event_options['num_layers']): """Add stratigraphy layers""" layer_name = event_options['layer_names'][i] cum_thickness = np.cumsum(event_options['layer_thickness']) layer_lines = _Templates().strati_layer # now replace required variables layer_lines = layer_lines.replace("$NAME$", layer_name) layer_lines = layer_lines.replace("$HEIGHT$", "%.1f" % cum_thickness[i]) layer_lines = layer_lines.replace(" ", "\t") # split lines and add to event lines list: for layer_line in layer_lines.split("\n"): tmp_lines.append(layer_line) # append event name tmp_lines.append("""\tName\t= %s""" % event_options.get('name','Unconf')) tmp_lines_list = [] for line in tmp_lines: tmp_lines_list.append(line + "\n") ev.set_event_lines(tmp_lines_list) return ev
[docs] def set_event_params(self, params_dict): """set multiple event parameters according to settings in params_dict **Arguments**: - *params_dict* = dictionary : entries to set (multiple) parameters """ for key,sub_dict in params_dict.items(): for sub_key, val in sub_dict.items():[key].properties[sub_key] = val
[docs] def change_event_params(self, changes_dict): """Change multiple event parameters according to settings in changes_dict **Arguments**: - *changes_dict* = dictionary : entries define relative changes for (multiple) parameters Per default, the values in the dictionary are added to the event parameters. """ #print changes_dict for key,sub_dict in changes_dict.items(): #loop through events (key) for sub_key, val in sub_dict.items(): #loop through parameters being changed (sub_key)[key].properties[sub_key] += val
[docs] def get_event_params( self, event_number ): ''' Returns the parameter dictionary for a given event. **Arguments**: - *event_number* = the event to get a parameter for (integer) **Returns** - Returns the parameter dictionary for the requested event ''' return[event_number].properties
[docs] def get_event_param( self, event_number, name ): ''' Returns the value of a given parameter for a given event. **Arguments**: - *event_number* = the event to get a parameter for (integer) - *name* = the name of the parameter to retreive (string) **Returns** - Returns the value of the request parameter, or None if it does not exists. ''' try: ev =[event_number].properties return ev[name] except KeyError: return None #property does not exist
[docs] def write_history(self, filename): """Write history to new file **Arguments**: - *filename* = string : filename of new history file .. hint:: Just love it how easy it is to 'write history' with Noddy ;-) """ # before saving: update all event properties (in case changes were made) self.update_all_event_properties() # first: create header if not hasattr(self, "filename"): self.filename = filename self._create_header() # initialise history lines history_lines = [] # add header for line in self.header_lines.split("\n"): history_lines.append(line + "\n") # add number of events history_lines.append("No of Events\t= %d\n" % len( # add events for event_id in sorted( for line in[event_id].event_lines: history_lines.append(line) # add footer: from original footer or from template (if new file): if not hasattr(self,"footer_lines"): self.create_footer_from_template() # add footer for line in self.footer_lines: history_lines.append(line) f = open(filename, 'w') for i,line in enumerate(history_lines): # add empty line before "BlockOptions", if not there: if ('BlockOptions' in line) and (history_lines[i-1] != "\n"): f.write("\n") #write line f.write(line) f.close() #=============================================================================== # End of NoddyHistory #=============================================================================== #=============================================================================== # Templates for Noddy history file #===============================================================================
class _Templates(): header = """#Filename = simple_two_faults.his #Date Saved = 24/3/2014 14:21:0 FileType = 111 Version = 7.11""" strati_layer = """ Unit Name = $NAME$ Height = $HEIGHT$ Apply Alterations = ON Density = 4.00e+000 Anisotropic Field = 0 MagSusX = 1.60e-003 MagSusY = 1.60e-003 MagSusZ = 1.60e-003 MagSus Dip = 9.00e+001 MagSus DipDir = 9.00e+001 MagSus Pitch = 0.00e+000 Remanent Magnetization = 0 Inclination = 30.00 Angle with the Magn. North = 30.00 Strength = 1.60e-003 Color Name = Color 92 Red = 0 Green = 153 Blue = 48 """ fault = """ Geometry = Translation Movement = Hanging Wall X = $POS_X$ Y = $POS_Y$ Z = $POS_Z$ Dip Direction = $DIP_DIR$ Dip = $DIP$ Pitch = 90.00 Slip = $SLIP$ Rotation = 30.00 Amplitude = 2000.00 Radius = 1000.00 XAxis = 2000.00 YAxis = 2000.00 ZAxis = 2000.00 Cyl Index = 0.00 Profile Pitch = 90.00 Color Name = Custom Colour 8 Red = 0 Green = 0 Blue = 254 Fourier Series Term A 0 = 0.00 Term B 0 = 0.00 Term A 1 = 0.00 Term B 1 = 1.00 Term A 2 = 0.00 Term B 2 = 0.00 Term A 3 = 0.00 Term B 3 = 0.00 Term A 4 = 0.00 Term B 4 = 0.00 Term A 5 = 0.00 Term B 5 = 0.00 Term A 6 = 0.00 Term B 6 = 0.00 Term A 7 = 0.00 Term B 7 = 0.00 Term A 8 = 0.00 Term B 8 = 0.00 Term A 9 = 0.00 Term B 9 = 0.00 Term A 10 = 0.00 Term B 10 = 0.00 Name = Fault Plane Type = 1 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 6.280000 Min Y Scale = -1.000000 Max Y Scale = 1.000000 Scale Origin = 0.000000 Min Y Replace = -1.000000 Max Y Replace = 1.000000 Num Points = 21 Point X = 0 Point Y = 0 Point X = 31 Point Y = 30 Point X = 62 Point Y = 58 Point X = 94 Point Y = 80 Point X = 125 Point Y = 94 Point X = 157 Point Y = 99 Point X = 188 Point Y = 95 Point X = 219 Point Y = 81 Point X = 251 Point Y = 58 Point X = 282 Point Y = 31 Point X = 314 Point Y = 0 Point X = 345 Point Y = -31 Point X = 376 Point Y = -59 Point X = 408 Point Y = -81 Point X = 439 Point Y = -95 Point X = 471 Point Y = -100 Point X = 502 Point Y = -96 Point X = 533 Point Y = -82 Point X = 565 Point Y = -59 Point X = 596 Point Y = -32 Point X = 628 Point Y = -1 Alteration Type = NONE Num Profiles = 12 Name = Density Type = 2 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = 0.000000 Max Y Scale = 4.000000 Scale Origin = 1.000000 Min Y Replace = 0.000000 Max Y Replace = 10.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = -50 Point X = 628 Point Y = -50 Name = Anisotropy Type = 3 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = -10.000000 Max Y Scale = 10.000000 Scale Origin = 0.000000 Min Y Replace = -10.000000 Max Y Replace = 10.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = 0 Point X = 628 Point Y = 0 Name = - X Axis (Sus) Type = 4 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = -5.000000 Max Y Scale = 5.000000 Scale Origin = 0.000000 Min Y Replace = 2.000000 Max Y Replace = 8.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = 0 Point X = 628 Point Y = 0 Name = - Y Axis (Sus) Type = 5 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = -5.000000 Max Y Scale = 5.000000 Scale Origin = 0.000000 Min Y Replace = 2.000000 Max Y Replace = 8.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = 0 Point X = 628 Point Y = 0 Name = - Z Axis (Sus) Type = 6 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = -5.000000 Max Y Scale = 5.000000 Scale Origin = 0.000000 Min Y Replace = 2.000000 Max Y Replace = 8.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = 0 Point X = 628 Point Y = 0 Name = - Dip (Sus) Type = 7 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = -180.000000 Max Y Scale = 180.000000 Scale Origin = 1.000000 Min Y Replace = -180.000000 Max Y Replace = 180.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = 1 Point X = 628 Point Y = 1 Name = - Dip Dir (Sus) Type = 8 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = -360.000000 Max Y Scale = 360.000000 Scale Origin = 1.000000 Min Y Replace = -360.000000 Max Y Replace = 360.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = 0 Point X = 628 Point Y = 0 Name = - Pitch (Sus) Type = 9 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = -360.000000 Max Y Scale = 360.000000 Scale Origin = 1.000000 Min Y Replace = -360.000000 Max Y Replace = 360.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = 0 Point X = 628 Point Y = 0 Name = Remanence Type = 10 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = -10.000000 Max Y Scale = 10.000000 Scale Origin = 0.000000 Min Y Replace = -10.000000 Max Y Replace = 10.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = 0 Point X = 628 Point Y = 0 Name = - Declination (Rem) Type = 11 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = -360.000000 Max Y Scale = 360.000000 Scale Origin = 1.000000 Min Y Replace = -360.000000 Max Y Replace = 360.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = 0 Point X = 628 Point Y = 0 Name = - Inclination (Rem) Type = 12 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = -360.000000 Max Y Scale = 360.000000 Scale Origin = 1.000000 Min Y Replace = -360.000000 Max Y Replace = 360.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = 0 Point X = 628 Point Y = 0 Name = - Intensity (Rem) Type = 13 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 200.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = -5.000000 Max Y Scale = 5.000000 Scale Origin = 0.000000 Min Y Replace = -5.000000 Max Y Replace = 5.000000 Num Points = 2 Point X = 0 Point Y = 0 Point X = 628 Point Y = 0 Surface Type = FLAT_SURFACE Surface Filename = Surface Directory = \\psf\Home Surface XDim = 0.000000 Surface YDim = 0.000000 Surface ZDim = 0.000000 Name = $NAME$""" # AK 2014-10 tilt = """X = $POS_X$ Y = $POS_Y$ Z = $POS_Z$ Rotation = $ROTATION$ Plunge Direction = $PLUNGE_DIRECTION$ Plunge = $PLUNGE$ Name = $NAME$""" unconformity = """X = $POS_X$ Y = $POS_Y$ Z = $POS_Z$ Dip Direction = $DIP_DIRECTION$ Dip = $DIP$ Alteration Type = NONE Num Profiles = 1 Name = Type = 0 Join Type = LINES Graph Length = 0.000000 Min X = 0.000000 Max X = 0.000000 Min Y Scale = 0.000000 Max Y Scale = 0.000000 Scale Origin = 0.000000 Min Y Replace = 0.000000 Max Y Replace = 0.000000 Num Points = 0 Surface Type = FLAT_SURFACE Surface Filename = Surface Directory = /tmp_mnt/sci6/users/mark/Atlas/case Surface XDim = 0.000000 Surface YDim = 0.000000 Surface ZDim = 0.000000""" temp = """ Num Layers = 5 Unit Name = UC Base Height = -32000 Apply Alterations = ON Density = 3.50e+00 Anisotropic Field = 0 MagSusX = 1.50e-06 MagSusY = 1.60e-03 MagSusZ = 1.60e-03 MagSus Dip = 9.00e+01 MagSus DipDir = 9.00e+01 MagSus Pitch = 0.00e+00 Remanent Magnetization = 0 Inclination = 30.00 Angle with the Magn. North = 30.00 Strength = 1.60e-03 Color Name = Color 98 Red = 84 Green = 153 Blue = 0 Unit Name = UC Layer 1 Height = 5650 Apply Alterations = ON Density = 3.50e+00 Anisotropic Field = 0 MagSusX = 1.50e-06 MagSusY = 1.60e-03 MagSusZ = 1.60e-03 MagSus Dip = 9.00e+01 MagSus DipDir = 9.00e+01 MagSus Pitch = 0.00e+00 Remanent Magnetization = 0 Inclination = 30.00 Angle with the Magn. North = 30.00 Strength = 1.60e-03 Color Name = Color 68 Red = 204 Green = 117 Blue = 0 Name = $NAME$""" # everything below events footer = """ #BlockOptions Number of Views = 1 Current View = 0 NAME = Default Origin X = 0.00 Origin Y = 0.00 Origin Z = 5000.00 Length X = 10000.00 Length Y = 7000.00 Length Z = 5000.00 Geology Cube Size = 50.00 Geophysics Cube Size = 50.00 #GeologyOptions Scale = 10.00 SectionDec = 90.00 WellDepth = 5000.00 WellAngleZ = 0.00 BoreholeX = 0.00 BoreholeX = 0.00 BoreholeX = 5000.00 BoreholeDecl = 90.00 BoreholeDip = 0.00 BoreholeLength = 5000.00 SectionX = 0.00 SectionY = 0.00 SectionZ = 5000.00 SectionDecl = 90.00 SectionLength = 10000.00 SectionHeight = 5000.00 topofile = FALSE Topo Filename = Topo Directory = . Topo Scale = 1.00 Topo Offset = 0.00 Topo First Contour = 100.00 Topo Contour Interval = 100.00 Chair Diagram = FALSE Chair_X = 5000.00 Chair_Y = 3500.00 Chair_Z = 2500.00 #GeophysicsOptions GPSRange = 0 Declination = 0.00 Inclination = -67.00 Intensity = 63000.00 Field Type = FIXED Field xPos = 0.00 Field yPos = 0.00 Field zPos = 5000.00 Inclination Ori = 0.00 Inclination Change = 0.00 Intensity Ori = 90.00 Intensity Change = 0.00 Declination Ori = 0.00 Declination Change = 0.00 Altitude = 80.00 Airborne= FALSE Calculation Method = SPATIAL Spectral Padding Type = RECLECTION_PADDING Spectral Fence = 100 Spectral Percent = 100 Constant Boxing Depth = 0.00 Clever Boxing Ratio = 1.00 Deformable Remanence= FALSE Deformable Anisotropy= TRUE Vector Components= FALSE Project Vectors= TRUE Pad With Real Geology= FALSE Draped Survey= FALSE #3DOptions Declination = 150.000000 Elevation = 30.000000 Scale = 1.000000 Offset X = 1.000000 Offset Y = 1.000000 Offset Z = 1.000000 Fill Type = 2 #ProjectOptions Susceptibility Units = CGS Geophysical Calculation = 2 Calculation Type = LOCAL_JOB Length Scale = 0 Printing Scale = 1.000000 Image Scale = 10.000000 New Windows = FALSE Background Red Component = 254 Background Green Component = 254 Background Blue Component = 254 Internet Address = Account Name = Noddy Path = ./noddy Help Path = iexplore %h Movie Frames Per Event = 3 Movie Play Speed = 10.00 Movie Type = 0 Gravity Clipping Type = RELATIVE_CLIPPING Gravity Image Display Clip Min = 0.000000 Gravity Image Display Clip Max = 100.000000 Gravity Image Display Type = GREY Gravity Image Display Num Contour = 25 Magnetics Clipping Type = RELATIVE_CLIPPING Magnetics Image Display Clip Min = 0.000000 Magnetics Image Display Clip Max = 100.000000 Magnetics Image Display Type = GREY Magnetics Image Display Num Contour = 25 False Easting = 0.000000 False Northing = 0.000000 #Window Positions Num Windows = 16 Name = Block Diagram X = 60 Y = 60 Width = 500 Height = 300 Name = Movie X = 60 Y = 60 Width = -1 Height = -1 Name = Well Log X = 60 Y = 60 Width = 400 Height = 430 Name = Section X = 14 Y = 16 Width = 490 Height = -1 Name = Topography Map X = 60 Y = 60 Width = 490 Height = 375 Name = 3D Topography Map X = 60 Y = 60 Width = 490 Height = 375 Name = 3D Stratigraphy X = 60 Y = 60 Width = 490 Height = 375 Name = Line Map X = 60 Y = 60 Width = 490 Height = -1 Name = Profile - From Image X = 60 Y = 60 Width = 490 Height = 600 Name = Sterographic Projections X = 60 Y = 60 Width = 430 Height = 430 Name = Stratigraphic Column X = 60 Y = 60 Width = 230 Height = 400 Name = Image X = 30 Y = 30 Width = -1 Height = -1 Name = Contour X = 30 Y = 30 Width = -1 Height = -1 Name = Toolbar X = 10 Y = 0 Width = -1 Height = -1 Name = History X = 229 Y = 160 Width = 762 Height = 898 Name = History X = 229 Y = 160 Width = 762 Height = 898 #Icon Positions Num Icons = 3 Row = 1 Column = 1 X Position = 1 Y Position = 1 Row = 1 Column = 2 X Position = 4 Y Position = 1 Row = 1 Column = 3 X Position = 7 Y Position = 1 Floating Menu Rows = 1 Floating Menu Cols = 24 End of Status Report""" if __name__ == '__main__': # some testing and debugging: import os os.chdir(r'C:\Users\Sam\OneDrive\Documents\Masters\Models\Mt Painter') H1 = NoddyHistory("mt_pa_simplified.his") H1.swap_events(2, 3) H1.write_history("test") H2 = NoddyHistory("test")[10].properties['Radius'] = 2000 H2.write_history("test2")