module win_installer.win_patch

Short summary

module pymyinstall.win_installer.win_patch

Patch the distribution to make it portable


function truncated documentation
win_patch_paths path are absolute when they are installed, see


Patch the distribution to make it portable

pymyinstall.win_installer.win_patch.win_patch_paths(folder, python_path, path_to_python='', fLOG=<built-in function print>)[source]

path are absolute when they are installed, see Create a portable Python with Pip on Windows

  • folder – folder when to find the executable
  • python_path – python path (string to replace)
  • path_to_python – new python path (replace by)
  • fLOG – logging function

list of tuple (‘exe or py’, ‘modified file’)

The first three parameter can be environment variables. They will be replaced by their values.