module win_installer.win_helper

Short summary

module pymyinstall.win_installer.win_helper

Helpers, inspired from


function truncated documentation
create_shortcut Create Windows shortcut (.lnk file)
decode_fs_string Convert string from file system charset to unicode
do_script Execute a script (get-pip typically)
exec_shell_cmd Execute shell command (args is a list of arguments) in path
get_env Return HKCU/HKLM environment variable name and value
get_gcc_version Return version of the GCC compiler installed in path
get_julia_version Return version of the Julia installed in path
get_python_infos Return (version, architecture) for the Python distribution located in path. The version number is limited to MAJOR.MINOR, ...
get_python_long_version Return long version (X.Y.Z) for the Python distribution located in path
get_r_version Return version of the R installed in path
get_rodeo_version Return version of the Rodeo installed in path
get_source_package_infos Return a tuple (name, version) of the Python source package
patch_shebang_line Remove absolute path to python.exe in shebang lines.
patch_sourcefile Replace a string in a source file
patch_sourcelines Replace the middle of lines between in_line_start and endline
python_query Execute Python command using the Python interpreter located in path
register Register a Python distribution in Windows registry
set_env Set HKCU/HKLM environment variables


Helpers, inspired from

pymyinstall.win_installer.win_helper.create_shortcut(path, description, filename, arguments='', workdir='', iconpath='', iconindex=0)[source]

Create Windows shortcut (.lnk file)

  • path – where to store the link
  • description – description
  • filename – link name
  • arguments – arguments to store
  • workdir – working directory

@para iconpath icon

Parameters:iconindex – icon index

Convert string from file system charset to unicode

pymyinstall.win_installer.win_helper.do_script(this_script, python_exe=None, verbose=False, install_options=None)[source]

Execute a script (get-pip typically)

pymyinstall.win_installer.win_helper.exec_shell_cmd(args, path)[source]

Execute shell command (args is a list of arguments) in path

pymyinstall.win_installer.win_helper.get_env(name, current=True)[source]

Return HKCU/HKLM environment variable name and value

  • name – name to look for
  • current – switch between HKEY_CURRENT_USER (True) and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (False)

tuple (see below)

For example, get_user_env(‘PATH’) may returns:

('Path', u'C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\')

Return version of the GCC compiler installed in path


Return version of the Julia installed in path

Return (version, architecture) for the Python distribution located in
path. The version number is limited to MAJOR.MINOR, the architecture is an integer: 32 or 64
Return long version (X.Y.Z) for the Python distribution located in

Return version of the R installed in path


Return version of the Rodeo installed in path


Return a tuple (name, version) of the Python source package

pymyinstall.win_installer.win_helper.patch_shebang_line(fname, pad=b' ', fLOG=<built-in function print>)[source]

Remove absolute path to python.exe in shebang lines.

  • python – python extractor
  • pad – pad
  • fLOG – logging function

boolean, True if patched, False otherwise

pymyinstall.win_installer.win_helper.patch_sourcefile(fname, in_text, out_text, silent_mode=False)[source]

Replace a string in a source file

pymyinstall.win_installer.win_helper.patch_sourcelines(fname, in_line_start, out_line, endline='\n', silent_mode=False)[source]

Replace the middle of lines between in_line_start and endline

pymyinstall.win_installer.win_helper.python_query(cmd, path)[source]

Execute Python command using the Python interpreter located in path

pymyinstall.win_installer.win_helper.register(target, current=True)[source]

Register a Python distribution in Windows registry

pymyinstall.win_installer.win_helper.set_env(name, value, current=True)[source]

Set HKCU/HKLM environment variables

  • name – name to look for
  • current – switch between HKEY_CURRENT_USER (True) and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (False)