.. _l-README: README / Changes ================ .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/sdpython/pymyinstall.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/sdpython/pymyinstall :alt: Build status .. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/pymyinstall.svg :target: http://badge.fury.io/py/pymyinstall .. image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/pymyinstall.png :alt: PYPI Package :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pymyinstall .. image:: http://img.shields.io/github/issues/sdpython/pymyinstall.png :alt: GitHub Issues :target: https://github.com/sdpython/pymyinstall/issues .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg :alt: MIT License :target: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT **Links:** * `pypi/pymyinstall `_ * `GitHub/pymyinstall `_ * `documentation `_ * `Windows Setup `_ * `Travis `_ * `Blog `_ Description ----------- This module contains functions which install a module from pipy, using pip or from a wheel package:: from pymyinstall import datascientist datascientist("install", full = True) # full = False for a smaller set of modules to install # but needed to make IPython work. Or:: from pymyinstall import ModuleInstall ModuleInstall("pyquickhelper", "github", "sdpython").install(temp_folder="temp") This module also contains functions to extend distributions `Anaconda `_, `WinPython `_ for the notebooks proposed at `ENSAE - Programmation `_ (French):: from pymyinstall import extend_anaconda, process_installation process_installation(extend_anaconda()) Or:: from pymyinstall import extend_winpython, process_installation process_installation(extend_winpython()) If it fails for any reason - lost connexion -, run again the function with the same parameter. If it fails again, you can skip the modules by filling the parameter ``skip``. Some modules might fail on Windows due to Permission error, in that case, you should go to the folder ``install`` and run the installer. Once it is done, you can run the function again to continue. Functionalities --------------- * help installing module from GitHub, pip and setup * install other common tools or editors * provides a list of modules to install to use Python to manipulate data (IPython, pandas, scikit-learn...) * function to build a setup with Python, R and useful packages like `WinPython `_, Versions -------- * **1.0.415 - 2015/08/15** * **new:** function win_python_setup to create a setup similar to WinPython but with InnoSetup (avoid limit size) * **add:** function to check for update and update an existing module, see class ModuleInstall * **0.9 - 2015/06/10** * **add:** install wheel packages * **add:** add new packages to the list of a datascientist * **0.8 - 2014/11/09** * **add:** Python version is now checked, ImportError is raised if it used on Python 2 * **add:** module `ansiconv `_, `ansi2html `_ * **add:** function `installation_azure `_ * **fix:** the setup does not need the file ``README.rst`` anymore * **0.7 - 2014/10/22** * **new:** list of modules to manipulate and view data cubes (not included in the main function as their design might evolve in the future) * **new:** a few modules such as `paramiko `_ to open a SSH connection * **add:** add a new source for Windows setups: ``exe_xd``