pymyinstall documentation

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What is it?

This module contains functions which install a module from pipy, using pip or from a wheel package:

from pymyinstall.packaged import ensae_fullset
for mod in ensae_fullset():


from pymyinstall import ModuleInstall
ModuleInstall("pyquickhelper", "github", "sdpython").install(temp_folder="temp")

If it fails for any reason - lost connexion -, run again the function with the same parameter. If it fails again, you can skip the modules by filling the parameter skip. Some modules might fail on Windows due to Permission error, in that case, you should go to the folder install and run the installer. Once it is done, you can run the function again to continue.

It is better to use it outside the interpreter:

python -c "from pymyinstall.packaged import ensae_fullset;list(mod.install() for mod in ensae_fullset())"

Or on Linux, you can also run:

python -c "from pymyinstall import build_requirements;from pymyinstall.packaged import ensae_fullset;print(build_requirements(ensae_fullset()))" > requirements_teachings.txt
pip install -r requirements_teachings.txt


pip install pymyinstall


  • help installing module from GitHub, pip and setup
  • install other common tools or editors
  • provides a list of modules to install to use Python to manipulate data (IPython, pandas, scikit-learn...)
  • function to build a setup with Python, R and useful packages like WinPython, see win_python_setup

Quick start