Documentation for package maze


class maze.BaseWall(room_pos, wall)[source]

A reference to the wall of a room.

A wall has an index, a direction, a span and a position.
  • The index is its position in the list of walls. This corresponds to its symbolic name.
  • The direction is a direction vector for the wall; up and right are positive directions. The direction is the movement vector in the maze room matrix and not necessarily an actual physical direction.
  • The span is the physical start and end angle of the wall.
  • The position is the coordinates of the room to which the wall belongs in the maze room matrix.
Furthermore, walls know their back and opposite.
  • The back is the same wall in the room on the other side of a wall. A wall will compare equally with its back.
  • The opposite is the wall opposing a wall in the same room. Depending on the layout of a room, there may be no opposite wall. Triangular mazes do not have opposite walls.
Walls have factory methods.
  • from_direction will create a wall when the room and the direction is known. The direction must be the direction vector of the room.
  • from_room_pos will create all walls for a room.
  • from_corner will create all walls that meet in a corner.
  • room_pos ((int, int)) – The position of the room in which this wall is.
  • wall (int) – The wall index.

The wall on the other side of the wall.


All walls in the corner that contains the start span of this wall.


The direction vector to move in when going through the wall.

classmethod from_corner(room_pos, wall_index)[source]

Generates all walls that meet in the corner where the wall has its start span.

The walls are generated counter-clockwise, starting with the wall described by the parameters.

  • room_pos ((int, int)) – The position of the room.
  • wall_index (int) – The index of the wall.
classmethod from_direction(room_pos, direction)[source]

Creates a new wall from a direction.

  • room_pos ((int, int)) – The position of the room.
  • direction (int) – The direction of the wall.

a new wall

Return type:


Raises ValueError:

if the direction is invalid

classmethod from_room_pos(room_pos)[source]

Generates all walls of a room.

Parameters:room_pos ((int, int)) – The room coordinates.

The opposite wall in the same room.


The span of this wall

class maze.Room[source]

A room is a part of the maze.

A room has a set of walls. Walls in the set are considered to have doors.

In addition to the methods defined, the following constructs are allowed:

  • if room: => if bool(room.doors):
  • if wall in room: => if wall.has_door(wall):
  • if room[Wall.LEFT]: => if room.has_door(wall):
  • room[Wall.LEFT] = bool => room.set_door(Wall.LEFT, bool)
  • room += Wall.LEFT => room.add_door(Wall.LEFT)
  • room -= Wall.LEFT => room_remove_door(Wall.LEFT)

Adds a door.

Parameters:wall_index (int) – The wall to which to add a door.
Raises IndexError:
 if wall_index is not a valid wall

Returns whether a wall has a door.

Parameters:wall_index (int) – The wall to check.
Returns:whether the wall has a door
Return type:bool
Raises IndexError:
 if wall is not a valid wall

Removes a door.

Parameters:wall_index (int) – The wall from which to remove a door.
Raises IndexError:
 if wall_index is not a valid wall
set_door(wall_index, has_door)[source]

Adds or removes a door depending on has_door.

  • wall_index (int) – The wall to modify.
  • has_door (bool) – Whether to add or remove the door.
Raises IndexError:

if wall_index is not a valid wall

class maze.BaseMaze(width, height)[source]

A maze is a grid of rooms.

In addition to the methods defined, the following constructs are allowed:

  • maze[room_pos] => maze.rooms[room_pos[1]][room_pos[0]]
  • if room_pos in maze: => if room_pos[0] >= 0 and room_pos[1] >= 0 and room_pos[0] < maze.width and room_pos[1] < maze.height
  • maze[room_pos1:room_pos2] = True => maze.add_door(room_pos1, room_pos2)
  • maze[room_pos1:room_pos2] = True => maze.remove_door(room_pos1, room_pos2)
  • maze[room_pos1:room_pos2] => maze.walk_path(room_pos1, room_pos2)
  • for room_pos in maze: => for room_pos in (rp for rp in maze.room_positions if maze[rp]):
  • width (int) – The width of the maze.
  • height (int) – The height of the maze.
class Room

A room is a part of the maze.

A room has a set of walls. Walls in the set are considered to have doors.

In addition to the methods defined, the following constructs are allowed:

  • if room: => if bool(room.doors):
  • if wall in room: => if wall.has_door(wall):
  • if room[Wall.LEFT]: => if room.has_door(wall):
  • room[Wall.LEFT] = bool => room.set_door(Wall.LEFT, bool)
  • room += Wall.LEFT => room.add_door(Wall.LEFT)
  • room -= Wall.LEFT => room_remove_door(Wall.LEFT)

Adds a door.

Parameters:wall_index (int) – The wall to which to add a door.
Raises IndexError:
 if wall_index is not a valid wall

Returns whether a wall has a door.

Parameters:wall_index (int) – The wall to check.
Returns:whether the wall has a door
Return type:bool
Raises IndexError:
 if wall is not a valid wall

Removes a door.

Parameters:wall_index (int) – The wall from which to remove a door.
Raises IndexError:
 if wall_index is not a valid wall
set_door(wall_index, has_door)

Adds or removes a door depending on has_door.

  • wall_index (int) – The wall to modify.
  • has_door (bool) – Whether to add or remove the door.
Raises IndexError:

if wall_index is not a valid wall


alias of BaseWall

BaseMaze.add_door(from_pos, to_pos)[source]

Adds a door between two rooms.

  • from_pos ((int, int)) – The coordinate of the first room.
  • to_pos ((int, int)) – The coordinate of the second room.
  • IndexError – if a room lies outside of the maze
  • ValueError – if the rooms are not adjacent
BaseMaze.adjacent(room1_pos, room2_pos)[source]

Returns whether two rooms are adjacent.

The rooms are adjacent if the room at room1_pos has a wall that leads to the room at room2_pos.

  • room1_pos ((int, int)) – The coordinate of the first room.
  • room2_pos ((int, int)) – The coordinate of the second room.

whether there is a wall between the two rooms

Return type:


BaseMaze.connected(room1_pos, room2_pos)[source]

Returns whether two rooms are connected by a single wall containing a door.

  • room1_pos ((int, int)) – The coordinate of the first room.
  • room2_pos ((int, int)) – The coordinate of the second room.

whether the two rooms are adjacent and have doors

Return type:



Generates all walls with doors.

Parameters:room_pos ((int, int)) – The coordinates of the room.
Raises IndexError:
 if a room lies outside of the maze

Returns whether a wall is on the edge of the maze.

Parameters:wall (BaseWall) – The wall.
Returns:whether the wall is on the edge of the maze
Return type:bool

A generator that yields all walls on the edge of the maze; the order is undefined


Returns the physical coordinates of the centre of a room.

If lines are drawn on a circle with radius 1.0 centred on this point between the angles corresponding to the spans of the walls, the lines of adjacent rooms will cover each other.

Parameters:room_pos ((int, int)) – The position of the room.
Returns:the coordinates of the room
Return type:(float, float)
Raises IndexError:
 if a room lies outside of the maze
BaseMaze.remove_door(from_pos, to_pos)[source]

Removes a door between two rooms.

  • from_pos ((int, int)) – The coordinate of the first room.
  • to_pos ((int, int)) – The coordinate of the second room.
  • IndexError – if a room lies outside of the maze
  • ValueError – if the rooms are not adjacent

A generator that yields the positions of all rooms

BaseMaze.set_door(room_pos, wall, has_door)[source]

Adds or removes a door.

  • room_pos ((int, int)) – The coordinates of the room.
  • wall (BaseWall) – The wall to modify.
  • has_door (bool) – True to add the door and False to remove it.
Raises IndexError:

if room_pos lies outside of the maze

BaseMaze.walk(wall, require_door=False)[source]

Returns the coordinates of the room through the specified wall.

  • wall (BaseWall) – The wall to walk through.
  • require_door (bool) – Whether to require a door in the specified direction.

the destination coordinates

Return type:

(int, int)

  • ValueError – if require_door is True and there is no door on the wall
  • IndexError – if the destination room lies outside of the maze
BaseMaze.walk_from(room_pos, wall, require_door=False)[source]

Returns the coordinates of the room through the specified wall.

The starting room, room_pos, may be outside of the maze if it is immediately on the edge and the movement is inside the maze.

  • room_pos ((int, int)) – The room from which to walk.
  • wall (BaseWall or int) – The wall to walk through.
  • require_door (bool) – Whether to require a door in the specified direction.

the destination coordinates

Return type:

(int, int)

  • ValueError – if require_door is True and there is no door on the wall
  • IndexError – if the destination room lies outside of the maze
BaseMaze.walk_path(from_pos, to_pos, visitor=<function <lambda> at 0xb66dff44>)[source]

Generates all rooms on the shortest path between two rooms.

  • from_pos – The room in which to start. This room is included.
  • to_pos ((int, int)) – The last room to visit.
  • visitor (func((int, int))) – A callback to call for every room encountered. This callback may raise StopIteration to cancel the walking.
Raises ValueError:

if there is no path between the rooms


Generates all walls of a room.

Parameters:room_pos ((int, int)) – The coordinates of the room.
Raises IndexError:
 if a room lies outside of the maze
class maze.quad.Maze(width, height)[source]

A maze with square rooms.

This is the traditional maze. Maze coordinates correspond to physical coordinates after a simple scale operation.

class maze.tri.TriMaze(width, height)[source]

A maze with triangular rooms.

The rooms alternate between having a wall facing downwards and a corner facing downwards. The room at x, y will have a corner facing downwards if x + y is odd.

Walls in a triangular maze do not have an opposite wall.

class maze.hex.HexMaze(width, height)[source]

A maze with hexagonal rooms.

The rooms are laid out in rows, where every odd row is moved a half room in the positive horizontal direction; the appearance of the maze is that of a honey comb.

Indices and tables

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