
While image sequences and atlases provide storage for related images, they alone are not enough to describe a complete animation.

The Animation class manages a list of AnimationFrame objects, each of which references an image and a duration, in seconds. The storage of the images is up to the application developer: they can each be discrete, or packed into a texture atlas, or any other technique.

An animation can be loaded directly from a GIF 89a image file with load_animation (supported on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows) or constructed manually from a list of images or an image sequence using the class methods (in which case the timing information will also need to be provided). The add_to_texture_bin method provides a convenient way to pack the image frames into a texture bin for efficient access.

Individual frames can be accessed by the application for use with any kind of rendering, or the entire animation can be used directly with a Sprite (see next section).

The following example loads a GIF animation and packs the images in that animation into a texture bin. A sprite is used to display the animation in the window:

animation = pyglet.image.load_animation('animation.gif')
bin = pyglet.image.TextureBin()
sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(animation)

window = pyglet.window.Window()

def on_draw():

When animations are loaded with pyglet.resource (see Application resources) the frames are automatically packed into a texture bin.

This example program is located in examples/programming_guide/, along with a sample GIF animation file.