

Mimics Javascript’s encodeURIComponent() function for consistency with the GA Javascript client.

pyga.utils.stringify(s, stype=None, fn=None)

Converts elements of a complex data structure to strings

The data structure can be a multi-tiered one - with tuples and lists etc This method will loop through each and convert everything to string. For example - it can be - [[{‘a1’: {‘a2’: {‘a3’: (‘a4’, timedelta(0, 563)), ‘a5’: {‘a6’: datetime()}}}}]] which will be converted to - [[{‘a1’: {‘a2’: {‘a3’: (‘a4’, ‘0:09:23’), ‘a5’: {‘a6’: ‘2009-05-27 16:19:52.401500’ }}}}]]

@param stype: If only one type of data element needs to be converted to
string without affecting others, stype can be used. In the earlier example, if it is called with stringify(s, stype=datetime.timedelta) the result would be [[{‘a1’: {‘a2’: {‘a3’: (‘a4’, ‘0:09:23’), ‘a5’: {‘a6’: datetime() }}}}]]

Also, even though the name is stringify, any function can be run on it, based on parameter fn. If fn is None, it will be stringified.

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