Auxiliary Recipes

Bias Image

Mode:Bias Image
Recipe class:BiasRecipe
Input class:BiasRecipeInput
Result class:BiasRecipeResult

The actions to calibrate the zero (pedestal) level of the detector plus associated control electronic by taken images with null integration time.


Name Type Default Meaning
'master_bpm' Product NA Master BPM frame


The frames in the observed block are stacked together using the median of them as the final result. The variance of the result frame is computed using two different methods. The first method computes the variance across the pixels in the different frames stacked. The second method computes the variance en each channel in the result frame.


Name Type
'biasframe' MasterBias
'stats' ChannelLevelStatistics

Dark Current Image

Mode:Dark Current Image
Recipe class:DarkRecipe
Input class:DarkRecipeInput
Result class:DarkRecipeResult

The actions to measure the variation of the intrinsic signal of the system by taken images under zero illumination condition and long integration time.


Name Type Default Meaning
'master_bpm' Product NA Master BPM frame
'master_bias' Product NA Master Bias frame


The frames in the observed block are subtracted from the master bias and then they are stacked together, using the median of them as the final result. The variance of the result frame is computed using two different methods. The first method computes the variance across the pixels in the different frames stacked. The second method computes the variance en each channel in the result frame.


Name Type
'darkframe' MasterDark
'stats' ChannelLevelStatistics

Intensity Flat-Field

Mode:Intensity Flat-Field
Recipe class:IntensityFlatRecipe
Input class:IntensityFlatRecipeInput
Result class:IntensityFlatRecipeResult

The required actions to set the TS and EMIR at the configuration from which sky and/or artificial illumination flat field data acquisition can proceed and take data.


Name Type Default Meaning
'master_bpm' Product NA Master BPM frame
'master_bias' Product NA Master Bias frame
'master_dark' Product NA Master Dark frame
'nonlinearity' Product [1.0, 0.0] Master non-linearity calibration


The frames in the observed block are subtracted from the master bias and the master dark. The frames are corrected from non-linearity.

The frames with lamps-on and with lamps-off are stacked using the median, and then the combined lamps-off frame is subtracted from the lamps-on frame. The result is the subtracted frame, scaled to have a mean value of 1.


Name Type
'flatframe' MasterIntensityFlat

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