Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Graphviz interface.

import sys
from subprocess import Popen
import subprocess
import shlex

win32 = sys.platform == 'win32'

[docs]def cmd2args(cmd): """Prepare a command line for execution by Popen. """ if isinstance(cmd, basestring): return cmd if win32 else shlex.split(cmd) return cmd
[docs]def pipe(cmd, txt): """Pipe `txt` into the command `cmd` and return the output. """ return Popen( cmd2args(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, # shell=win32 ).communicate(txt)[0]
[docs]def dot(src, **kw): """Execute the dot command to create an svg output. """ cmd = "dot -T%s" % kw.pop('T', 'svg') for k, v in kw.items(): if v is True: cmd += " -%s" % k else: cmd += " -%s%s" % (k, v) if isinstance(src, unicode): dotsrc = src.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(src, str): dotsrc = src else: dotsrc = unicode(src).encode('utf-8') return pipe(cmd, dotsrc)
# class Digraph(list): # def __init__(self, content=None, name='G'): # = name # if content is not None: # if isinstance(content, list): # self.extend(content) # elif isinstance(content, basestring): # self.append(content) # # @property # def content(self): # return ';\n '.join(self) # # def __eq__(self, other): # aval = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', unicode(self)).strip() # bval = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', unicode(other)).strip() # return aval == bval # # def __unicode__(self): # return textwrap.dedent(u""" # digraph {} {{ # {self.content} # }} # """.format(self=self)) # # def __str__(self): # return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') # # __repr__ = __str__