Source code for pychemia.runner.runner

import os
import subprocess
from multiprocessing import Process
import time

[docs]class Runner: def __init__(self, code, code_bin, environment, use_mpi=True, nmpiproc=2, nconcurrent=1, runtime=3600): if code.lower() not in ['abinit', 'vasp', 'octopus', 'dftb', 'fireball']: raise ValueError('Code not supported: ', code) else: self.code = code.lower() if environment.lower() not in ['local', 'remote']: raise ValueError('Environment must be local or remote: ') else: self.environment = environment.lower() self.use_mpi = use_mpi self.nmpiproc = nmpiproc self.nconcurrent = nconcurrent self.code_bin = code_bin self.runtime = runtime
[docs] def initialize(self, dirpath): """ Utility that copy a given script and execute the given command inside the directory :param dirpath: (str) Directory to execute runner """ if not os.path.isdir(dirpath): os.mkdir(dirpath) if self.code == 'abinit': pass # pychemia.code.abinit.AbiFiles(basedir=dirpath) elif self.code == 'vasp': pass
[docs] def run(self, dirpath='.', analyser=None): if self.code == 'abinit': outfile = 'abinit.stdout' errfile = 'abinit.stderr' infile = '' elif self.code == 'vasp': outfile = 'vasp.stdout' errfile = 'vasp.stderr' infile = None if self.environment == 'local': def worker(path): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) outf = open(outfile, 'a') errf = open(errfile, 'a') for i in [outf, errf]: i.write('' + (40 * '=') + ' New Run ' + (40 * '=') + '\n') if infile is not None: rf = open(infile, 'r') else: rf = None initime = time.time() if self.use_mpi: childp = subprocess.Popen(['mpirun', '-np', str(self.nmpiproc), '--map-by', 'socket:PE=2', self.code_bin], stdin=rf, stdout=outf, stderr=errf) else: childp = subprocess.Popen([self.code_bin], stdin=rf, stdout=outf, stderr=errf) childp.poll() while childp.returncode is None: childp.poll() rf = open('vasp.stdout', 'r') for iline in rf.readlines()[-20:]: if iline.strip().startswith("WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV"): print("[WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DAV] Stopping now...") self._stop_run(childp) if time.time() - initime > self.runtime: self._stop_run(childp) break else: if analyser is not None: ret = analyser() print(os.path.basename(path), ret) time.sleep(60) print('The return code was', childp.returncode) os.chdir(cwd) errf.close() outf.close() p = Process(target=worker, args=(dirpath,)) p.start() p.join() return p
@staticmethod def _stop_run(childp, softtime=600, extratime=60): print('Creating Stoping files') wf = open('CHKPT', 'w') wf.close() wf = open('STOPCAR', 'w') wf.write('LSTOP = .TRUE.\n') wf.close() time.sleep(softtime) childp.poll() if childp.returncode is None: print('Sending SIGTERM to process') childp.terminate() time.sleep(extratime) childp.poll() if childp.returncode is None: print('Sending SIGKILL to process') childp.kill() if os.path.isfile('CHKPT'): os.remove('CHKPT') if os.path.isfile('STOPCAR'): os.remove('STOPCAR')
[docs] def run_multidirs(self, workdirs, worker, checker): pt = [] for i in range(self.nconcurrent): pt.append(None) index = 0 while True: for i in range(self.nconcurrent): if pt[i] is None or not pt[i].is_alive(): ret = checker(workdirs[index]) if ret: print('Launching for process ' + str(i) + ' on dir ' + os.path.basename( workdirs[index]) + ' index ' + str(index)) pt[i] = Process(target=worker, args=(workdirs[index],)) pt[i].start() index = (index + 1) % len(workdirs) time.sleep(30) complete = True for idir in workdirs: if not os.path.isfile(idir + os.sep + 'COMPLETE'): complete = False if complete: print('Finishing...') break
[docs] def run_multidirs_nonstop(self, workdirs, worker, checker): def superworker(s_workdirs, s_worker, s_checker): self.run_multidirs(s_workdirs, s_worker, s_checker) proc = Process(target=superworker, args=(workdirs, worker, checker)) proc.start()